Chapter 2302 You lost to yourself

Chapter 2302: You lost to yourself

Yan Shutian opened his eyes and took a look, then smiled slightly, and said in a very happy voice, "Dad, it's Uncle's video call."

The little girl straightened her head happily.

"Yeah!" Lu Ziran answered the phone with a smile.

"elder brother!"

"Hello uncle!" Xiao Shutian greeted with a smile.

Lu Zijun smiled: "Tiantian, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?" Through the screen, Lu Zijun could see that Yan Shutian was in a very bad state of mind.

"Hmm! Uncle, I'm sick, I'm sleepy, I need to sleep for a while." Yan Shutian arched into his father's arms, found a comfortable position, and was drowsy.

Lu Ziran hugged his daughter tightly and still held the phone, but he didn't feel any difficulty, "Brother, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Hmm! Is the injury better?" Lu Zijun asked.

Lu Ziran's eyes darkened, and he said with a smile, "It's much better."

Lu Zijun frowned, looking at his gloomy eyes, he knew that his condition was not very good.

"How's the review going?" Lu Zijun asked in a deep voice.

Lu Ziran saw his brother's face and knew that he didn't believe it, but he didn't want his brother to worry.

"Brother, I'm really okay? You don't have to worry, you should have seen the things on the Internet, I can only ask you to help me deal with it." He said with a smile.

"I'll take care of it, but I don't believe you when you say you're fine!" Lu Ziran said in a serious tone, "If it's okay, with your personality, you'll tell me as soon as the call is connected."

Lu Ziran smiled, but didn't speak, brother really knew him too well.

"Of course, a friend of my brother returned to China today. His medical skills are very good. I'll let him come to Ningshi to show you. After that, I want to arrange for him to work in a hospital under the name of Lu Group."

"Okay! Brother, it's convenient for me and your friend." Lu Ziran couldn't wish more. He wanted to go back to Jiang City to show Uncle Wang, but he couldn't bear to let Yan Zishu and the children go.

Now that someone came to treat him, he is also very happy.

Although he joked and said he didn't care, he was afraid that he would be disabled, and he didn't even have the courage to chase the swallows.

At night, when he thought of this possibility, he would have desperate thoughts, which made him feel cold all over.

"Well! He will contact you in three days. You send me your medical records first, and I will send them to him now. He is very diligent. As soon as he hears from me, he will ask me for your medical records and films."

"Okay, I'll send it to you later."

"Well! Hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ziran gave Uncle Wu his mobile phone, and asked Uncle Wu to take a photo of his reexamination results and send it to Lu Zijun.

Then I took my daughter back to the room to rest.

Yan Zishu was busy all morning, after lunch, he went to see Su Qinyan in the detention center.

She said hello in advance and will see you as soon as you go.

She drove alone.

The July sun was unnervingly hot.

Yan Zishu's mood became more and more uncomfortable, maybe it was because he was going to see Su Qinyan, the woman who had good memories with her for many years, because she liked Lu Ziran and wanted Lu Ziran, so she changed herself into what she is now.

She doesn't understand, just because she likes it, she has to work hard to get it, and the process is to push herself to a dead end.

does it worth?
In her opinion, it's not worth it, you can't force what you can't get in life, can't you?

She has loved and loved Lu Ziran for so many years, but she never wanted to get Lu Ziran in this way.

All the way to the detention center, Yan Zishu was not in a good mood.

Four and ten minutes later, she arrived at her destination.

Looking at the detention center with the yellow exterior wall in front of her, she felt extremely complicated.

Just when I walked to the door, a slender woman came out of the gate, wearing a white sportswear, with her hair draped behind her back, and the woman walked out listlessly in small steps.

Yan Zishu was stunned, looking at the woman, she stopped.

Song Jianing also saw Yan Zishu.

She suddenly became nervous, Yan Zishu is here, so is Lu Ziran also there?
Their eyes met, Yan Zishu's gaze was calm, while Song Jianing's was angry and nervous.

She walked towards Yan Zishu quickly. Lu Ziran had been arranging people to negotiate with Yan Zishu. She didn't even have a chance to defend herself. Although there was no evidence in the end, she bit Su Qinyan back, and Yan Chengfeng helped her find a lawyer. Only then was he able to escape.

In Ningshi, she was still afraid that the powerful Lu Ziran would embarrass her, and she might really not be able to get out.

However, Lu Ziran didn't say anything, and didn't interfere with her affairs.

She also knew what would be the consequences of angering Lu Ziran again?
That's why she thought of using Su Qinyan.

Never thought, something happened.

The man Su Qinyan arranged insulted Yang Xue and hurt Yan Zishu in turn. Yang Xue sued Su Qinyan and provided evidence. Su Qinyan was finished.

Lu Ziran was also seriously injured. Although he didn't see it, Lu Ziran hadn't appeared after the incident, so he must have been seriously injured.

What she didn't expect was that Su Qinyan was not vicious, but had no heart at all.

Actually looking for such a terrible man to destroy Yan Zishu, it can be said that he has no nostalgia for the past.Just for once and for all!
Song Jianing sneered and looked at Yan Zishu who didn't speak and only looked at her: "It's rare, I saw you alone and didn't see Lu Ziran, it seems that he was seriously injured."

When Yan Zishu heard this, he suddenly couldn't understand the woman in front of him.

She keeps saying that she likes Lu Ziran, but she wants to find another lover!
"He didn't come!" Yan Zishu's voice was dry.

"Really? I thought he really couldn't leave you." Song Jianing smiled ironically.

Yan Zishu looked at her distorted face and said, "I didn't tell him that I was coming here. I came to see Su Qinyan. It was an accident to meet you."

Song Jianing's face turned pale for a moment, and she couldn't hold back her smile.

"Song Jianing, in Jiangshi, I knew that you framed me, but I still didn't do anything to you. When I returned to Ningshi, you still didn't give up. Don't think you'll be fine if you leave like this. You'll be fine in the future. Be human and stop sending yourself in here."

After Yan Zishu finished speaking, he walked inside.

When she was on the wrong side with Song Jianing, Song Jianing suddenly stopped her.

"Yan Zishu."

Yan Zishu stopped and looked back at her.

Song Jianing also turned around to look at her, and said with a smile: "Yan Zishu, do you think Lu Ziran will love you forever? He has been so kind to me since he was a child, and he is so ruthless to me."

"Is he going to give up on you?"

Yan Zishu smiled softly this time.

Song Jianing's heart tightened. At this moment, she finally admitted in her heart that she had lost to Yan Zishu, because her smile was very gentle, and the smile moistened by love was so bright and gentle.

"Song Jianing, you don't need to worry about it. He loves me very much, and the kind of thing you hope will not happen. He will belong to me, Yan Zishu, and Lu Ziran, who belongs to me alone."

Song Jianing clenched her fists tightly and stared at her intently, not wanting to lose to Yan Zishu so soon.

"Yan Zishu, if my family background is as good as yours, I will never lose to you."

Yan Zishu smiled happily, "No, Song Jianing, you are wrong, you lost to yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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