Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2303 I'm very jealous of you

Chapter 2303 I'm very jealous of you
Chapter 2303: I'm very jealous of you
Song Jianing didn't understand what she said, but she just didn't want to lose. She raised her head, not wanting to be so inferior in front of Yan Zishu: "Yan Zishu, if my family background is good and I'm in the same family as Lu Ziran, he will easily give up on me. Didn't I lose to Yan Zishu?" You, I lost to my most ordinary family background."

She had no choice but to be born. Although she was unwilling, her mother had treated her very well these years.

"Song Jianing, people can't choose their birth, but they can change their adversity and status quo. Moreover, they worked very hard, but the way was wrong. In the end, you still lost to yourself. In fact, for Lu Ziran, no matter what your family's conditions are, How about it, what he likes is not your family background, but you."

Song Jianing suddenly heard what she and Lu Ziran said, her heart trembled, as if she suddenly understood something.

Immediately, big tears rolled down.

Seeing that she suddenly understood, Yan Zishu smiled, turned and left.

Song Jianing's sudden enlightenment is her deadliest sharp edge, which is more cruel than putting her in prison, and she will live in regret for the rest of her life.

After Yan Zishu left, Song Jianing stood where she was, her mind went blank. She finally understood Lu Ziran's words. When she was in the hotel, she thought he was just joking, saying that he didn't care about her family background, as long as she was the one Good quality.

But now she suddenly understands that even if she is kind-hearted, it is impossible for Lu Ziran to fall in love with her. Lu Ziran has always had only pity for her and no love for her.

Song Jianing raised her eyes and glanced at the sky with tears in her eyes. The sun was scorching, but her heart was ashamed.

She doesn't like Yan Chengfeng, and if she marries Yan Chengfeng, although she has no worries about food and clothing, she can't escape Lu Ziran's anger and revenge.

This time the matter involved her, Lu Ziran would not let it go easily.

Song Jianing cried for a long time, until she saw Yan Chengfeng coming to pick her up, she made up her mind to walk over.

She is still afraid, afraid that life will restart, afraid that everything will start again.

Therefore, she still wants to follow Yan Chengfeng, even if she lives humblely, it is better than standing at the bottom of society.

Yan Zishu is no longer interested in seeing Song Jianing's future life, because Song Jianing is not worthy to be called an opponent no matter it is now or in the future.

Yan Zishu waited in the reception room for about 10 minutes before Su Qinyan was brought over.

She has not been formally imprisoned, and she is not wearing a prison uniform.

I haven't seen her for many days, she has lost a lot of weight, her hair is also disheveled, her face is sallow, her eye sockets are sunken, and without makeup, she looks very ordinary.

Su Qinyan and Yan Zishu met in the past, exactly like two people.

On the contrary, when Su Qinyan saw the glamorous Yan Zishu, she seemed to be more beautiful than before, and she became excited.

She excitedly yelled at Yan Zishu: "Yan Zishu, you are fine, why am I still locked up here?"

Yan Zishu looked at her very calmly, seeing that she looked like she was going crazy. There was no trace of the once proud and showy Su Qinyan. The experience of just ten days had flattened her edges and corners.

"Su Qinyan, you're too excited. Sit down and rest for a while." Her tone was very calm, and she looked directly at her calmly.

Su Qinyan, who was excited, felt that she had punched the cotton with a punch, and she was extremely powerless.

She slumped down on the chair with a mocking face, the chair made a lot of noise, she said with a sneer, "Yan Zishu, are you here to see me making jokes?" There was a lot of sadness in her voice, trying to maintain her final arrogance, It seems so pale and feeble.

Yan Zishu's tone was very calm: "You are right, I did come to see your jokes."

"We have known each other for so many years, and you are so cruel to me. I really want to come and see you, and want to know why you did this?"

"Hehe." Su Qinyan laughed crazily after hearing her words.

Yan Zishu didn't bother her either, and let her laugh as much as she wanted.

This may be the last time they meet, and there will be no chance to meet again in the future.

Su Qinyan laughed for a long time before she stopped. She didn't look at Yan Zishu until she burst into tears.

"Yan Zishu, why do you think I should do this? Human nature has always been so ugly in the face of interests. You have also read books, went to school, and received a good education. Don't you know the greed of human nature? In the face of desires and interests, family affection Does friendship sometimes become worthless? Family and affection, friendship is always thinner than paper, and friendship can't stand any test."

"If you want to blame it, blame this society for being too chilling. Getting Lu Ziran is equivalent to getting half of Asia. Getting money will make you rich and powerful for life. Who doesn't want to take this risk?"

"Besides, Lu Ziran is so handsome. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. I was very moved when I saw him for the first time, but he only has eyes for you. Seeing him serve you food, give you Peel the shrimp, do you know how jealous I am?"

"There are so many women in the world, why did he take a fancy to you, Yan Zishu?"

"What's so good about you? It's just that your family background is better than mine. Why do you get his favor?"

"I'm your friend. Of course the first feeling I have is jealousy. I'm very jealous of you. I'm jealous that he treats you so well, and you don't deserve it at all."

Every word Su Qinyan said, every expression, every movement was full of irony and insult.

Yan Zishu looked at her calmly and smiled, "Although I heard your sincere words, I'm not sad at all now."

"Now I feel that apart from birth, old age, sickness and death, everything in life can really be changed, and any surprises and accidents can wait."

Where there are disputes, there is the ugliness of human nature, which she has long understood.

Because there are good and evil in everyone's body, as long as the other party is out of balance, it will be beyond the control of the resignation.

After she gets out from here, she won't feel any more guilt.

It is not difficult for Su Qinyan to do such extreme behavior. Of course, her desire for power and money is beyond imagination, and she will indeed become crazy.

"Yan Zishu, you're fine, and Lu Ziran is fine, can you let me go? After I go out, I'll go abroad. I'll never appear in front of you again. Let me go out, because of our friendship for so many years." , okay? Yan Zishu."

Su Qinyan was so domineering even when she begged for help.

Yan Zishu finally understands, she has always talked to her like this, and over time, the habit has been integrated into her bones, and she still likes to give orders when facing this person.

Yan Zishu stood up with a beautiful smile on his face, and said: "When you wanted to destroy me, you never thought about our friendship for many years. I came here to see you because there is one thing I didn't understand. , Now that I understand, I should go, Zi Ran and I made an appointment to watch a movie."

(End of this chapter)

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