Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2304 Go on a date with your girlfriend

Chapter 2304 Go on a date with your girlfriend

Chapter 2304: Go on a date with your girlfriend

Hearing these words, Su Qinyan stood up almost crazily, and stared at Yan Zishu with a distorted expression: "Yan Zishu, why, why do you get his love, and send me here to fulfill you. "

"Yan Zishu, you better not give me a chance to go out, otherwise, I will definitely kill you..."

Yan Zishu looked at the crazy and unrepentant Su Qinyan, at this moment, she didn't say anything, turned and left the detention center.

Back in the car, she picked up her phone and searched for the latest love movies. When she saw [Love You Forever] played by a female star she liked, she sent a message to Lu Ziran.

[Lu Ziran, let's watch a movie together tonight, [Love you all my life], you book a movie ticket. ]
At this time, Lu Ziran was guarding her sleeping daughter.

Yan Shutian fell ill, took medicine and went to bed, not long after sleeping, he was sweating profusely, and he kept wiping his daughter's sweat.

Just after changing a basin of water, he saw the news of Yan Zishu. He was excited and happy.

Yanzi took the initiative to ask him to watch a movie.

Lu Ziran instantly felt himself floating up.

But looking at his sick daughter on the bed, he hesitated.

He didn't tell Yanzi about his daughter's illness, because he didn't want her to be distracted and worried when she was at work.

He can take care of his daughter well.


While Lu Ziran was hesitating, Yan Shutian sat up suddenly, looking at Lu Ziran with sleepy eyes.

Lu Ziran, who was reading the news, suddenly put down his phone, looked at his daughter, and asked softly, "Tian Tian, ​​are you still feeling bad?"

Yan Shutian shook her head slightly, the sweat all over her body made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Dad, I'm fine now. After taking some medicine and sleeping, I'm very energetic now."

Lu Ziran asked nervously: "Tiantian, is it true? Is your head comfortable? Do you have strength?"

Tian Tian smiled sweetly, "Dad, I'm very energetic and hungry now, I want something delicious." As she said that, she slowly raised her hands and stretched her waist.

When Lu Ziran heard that her daughter wanted to eat delicious food, she finally felt relieved.

"Tiantian, Dad will take you down to eat delicious food this time. What do you want to eat? There is chicken porridge, eight-treasure porridge, and many other delicious foods."

Tiantian got out of bed to put on his shoes, and when he heard what his father said, he raised his head and said, "Dad, don't you like eight-treasure porridge? I actually like it quite a bit. I just eat the eight-treasure porridge that my father likes, and my father also drinks it with me." Let's have a bowl."

"Okay, baby, then let's go down and eat eight-treasure porridge." Lu Ziran took her to the bathroom, the little girl washed herself, and tied her messy sleeping hair into a ponytail.

While the father and daughter were sitting in the restaurant drinking porridge, Lu Ziran bought movie tickets online.

He sent a message to Yan Zishu again, telling her where to eat dinner.

Because of what happened yesterday, he asked Du Xin to arrange everything in advance, and then said to his daughter: "Tian Tian, ​​Dad is going on a date with Mom tonight, can you stay at home with grandma tonight?"

Yan Shutian smiled and nodded: "Okay, that's fine, Dad, you need to go on dates with Mom often, so that you can get married early and our family of four can live together earlier."

In order not to worry his father, Yan Shutian drank all the porridge left in the small bowl.

"Dad, look quickly. I'm in great health. I drank the whole bowl of porridge. Don't worry about going on a date with Mom."

She has been waiting a long time for this day.


Mom let dad chase, this is a great thing.

"Dad, do you want me to give you some ideas?"

Lu Ziran looked at her daughter with a smile and asked, "Honey, do you know how to fall in love?"

Yan Shutian nodded like a crush: "Father, there will be boys in our class who will confess to me."

"Who?" Lu Ziran suddenly became agitated, who dares to snatch his daughter from him, is he dying?
No, this is not the key point, the key point is how old is this child, how does he know about confession and falling in love.

How could this thought be more open than when he was a child?

"Tian Tian, ​​you heard from your father that the boy who confessed to you is a bad boy, don't play with him in the future, you understand?" Lu Ziran was in a hurry. After his daughter started school, he would send her to and from school sooner or later.

Never let those little boys take advantage of them.

"Hey." Yan Shutian held his chin in both hands, and smiled cutely, "Dad, Jiangcheng is a very good boy. He doesn't match me in studies. He often brings me chocolates."

When Lu Ziran heard this, his heart became tense.

Wasn't Qiqi cheated by Han Yuxuan's loving breakfast?
"Tian Tian, ​​you can't eat too much chocolate. If you eat too much, you will get fat. If you don't eat too much in the future, it will be bad for your teeth."

Yan Shutian: "." Why does she have the feeling that her father doesn't want her to make friends?
She narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Dad, remember to bring a bouquet of roses to Mom when you go. Among all the flowers, Mom likes roses and lilies the most."

"I'm going back, I'm going back to rest for a while, then do my homework, and practice the piano again."

Yan Shutian jumped off the chair, her brother was not at home, so she had to study hard.

I can't let my brother surpass myself too much.

"Then dad will take you back first." Even if it was a few steps away, he was not at ease.

"Okay! Hehe..." Yan Zishu was very happy.

After sending her daughter home, Lu Ziran went back to the room on the third floor to choose the clothes to wear tonight.

Going on a date with your girlfriend, you don't need to dress too formally, casual clothes look best naturally.

He is confident in his looks.

A casual white shirt and black straight-leg pants are the most classic combination that suits him better.

Lu Ziran looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled confidently, looked left and right, in short he was very satisfied with himself.

"Swallow, wait for me!" He said to himself in the mirror, so arrogant.

The love affair officially began, and he was already thinking about how to give Yanzi a romantic proposal.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Du Xin drove Lu Ziran to the company to pick up Yan Zishu from get off work.

Yan Zishu had already come downstairs to wait.

Wei Shangxun was also waiting on the side of the road with her, and the two were talking and laughing while chatting on the side of the road.

Lu Ziran saw it from a distance, and his complexion immediately turned bad.

He had forgotten that Wei Shangxun was still working in Yan Zishu's company.

Speaking of which, Wei Shangxun's family background is not bad, he has been staying in Yan Zishu's company because he likes Yan Zishu.

When the car approached the two of them, Lu Ziran restrained all his emotions.

After the car stopped, he opened the car door and got out. Seeing the two standing together, he felt extremely glaring.

"Swallow." He called softly.

Yan Zishu looked at Wei Shangxun and said, "Shangxun, I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Wei Shangxun's hurt eyes fell on Lu Ziran's handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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