Chapter 2309 drunk and confused

Chapter 2309: drunk and confused

Lu Ziran sneered, his whole body's aura was fully opened, and a cold breath spread all over his body.

The atmosphere in the room became more and more oppressive.

"Really? If you touch my woman, you don't want that hand." Every word Lu Ziran smacks of death, but the man is used to being arrogant and doesn't know it.

Mr. Yang smiled, and looked at Yan Zishu who was already drunk: "Miss Yan, you are so boring, everyone is here to do business, and make money with harmony!"

Lu Ziran looked at him sharply: "I don't care about your little money."

As Lu Ziran said, he pumped his right hand and punched the arrogant man.

"Crackling", the man was suddenly beaten, and he threw himself on the table unexpectedly, and the dishes and chopsticks on the table fell all over the floor.

"Ah..." Ye Wei was startled, got up and ran to Yan Zishu's side.

"Stinky boy, don't toast and refuse to eat, you will be punished!" Mr. Yang stood up, narrowing his eyes and looking at Lu Ziran dangerously.

Lu Ziran smiled coldly, pointed at the man on the table with a grim face in pain, and said coldly: "Mr. Yang, I'm afraid you think too highly of yourself, and under the pretense of cooperation, you are focusing on some new small companies in the industry. I just want to find a suitable woman for this man, and then get some benefits from this man, people like you, who have a good plan, and I will let you know tonight, the gutter is about to capsize."

When Mr. Yang heard this, his face was full of anger, and there was a kind of anger of being seen through and ashamed.

He squinted his eyes to speculate on Lu Ziran's identity, how could he know so clearly?

"Who are you?" he asked.

Lu Ziran laughed mockingly: "You don't deserve to know, as long as you know a little bit, if you designed my girlfriend, you will go bankrupt."

Yan Zishu, who was listening on the side, widened his eyes in disbelief. This is... what's going on?

Did she also encounter a cooperation routine?

"Young man, don't be too confident." Mr. Yang sneered, his eyes full of threats.

Lu Ziran didn't reply to his words, looking at the man who had been punched by him, he staggered to his feet, cursing, which happened to be words that Lu Ziran didn't like very much.

Lu Ziran walked over and kicked the man over. Although his hand was injured, it was easy to teach this kind of dog a lesson.

"Hmm..." The man snorted in pain.

Another man wanted to come forward to help, but Du Xin walked in suddenly.

Looking at the man, he smiled: "Don't move, my fist is very hard."

The man shrank his neck and really didn't dare to move.

Lu Ziran's right hand was always inconvenient, but he still lifted the chair beside him and smashed it hard on the man's arm.

"Ah..." The horrific cry spread throughout the entire floor.

Everyone was so frightened by this cry that their hearts were trembling.

"Stinky boy, if you dare to do anything again, I'll call the police." Mr. Yang threatened.

Lu Ziran kicked the man, still puzzled, he smiled and said, "No need, my assistant has already called the police, and the bodyguards are outside, none of you can leave."

As soon as Lu Ziran finished speaking, four bodyguards walked in.

Mr. Yang: "..."

Yan Zishu: "...Lu Ziran, what do you mean?"

She staggered to Lu Ziran's side.

Lu Ziran held her hand, smiled softly and said, "Swallow, it's okay, I'll take you home first, and Du Xin will take care of things here."

"Oh!" Yan Zishu pouted, followed Lu Ziran out with unsteady steps.

She still remembered Ye Wei in her heart, walked a few steps, and looked back at Ye Wei worriedly: "Wei Wei, we are going home."

Du Xin smiled and said: "Miss Yan, I will send Miss Ye Wei back after I have settled the matters here, so you don't have to worry."

Ye Wei also nodded with a smile: "Boss Yan, you go back first, I'm fine."

Yan Zishu looked at Du Xin with a grateful face: "Du Xin, thank you for your hard work, we must send Ye Wei home safely."

"Okay!" Du Xin nodded, "Miss Yan, don't worry!"

After leaving the hotel, the night wind blew gently, and Yan Zishu felt that he was even more drunk, top-heavy, and felt light under his feet every time he took a step.

Lu Ziran looked at her distressedly, with her family's conditions, she didn't have to come out and fight like this, but this girl is very self-reliant, never relying on her family's relationship, she has been doing what she wants to do.

"Swallow, are you okay?" He hugged her and went to the side of the road to take a taxi.

The street trees on both sides of the sidewalk are rustling by the night wind, bringing a touch of coolness to the sweltering summer.

Yan Zishu stopped suddenly, narrowed his eyes, and pointed to the sycamore tree in front of him.

"Lu Ziran, hurry up and let that tree not move. It's moving around, making it hard for me to walk. It's blocking my way."

Lu Ziran: "..." He is not a god, so he cannot communicate with the tree.

"Lu Ziran, what are you doing standing there? It's moving so hard that it almost hit me." Yan Zishu pursed her red lips, her little red face was full of dissatisfaction, the tree in front was always dangling in front of her eyes Coming and going.

Lu Ziran smiled silently and said, "Yanzi, you are really drunk."

"Hmph! I'm not drunk. Lu Ziran, if you bully me again in the future, I won't talk to you anymore." After speaking, she suddenly smiled sweetly.

"Lu Ziran, let me tell you a little secret, don't tell Lu Ziran."

Lu Ziran: "..." Tell him his secret, and tell him not to tell him, Yanzi, I can't do it.

Lu Ziran was a little dumbfounded.

"Lu Ziran, let me tell you, I really like your kisses, the roses you gave me, and the feeling of you hugging me, hehe...hehehe..." Yan Zishu giggled alone.

Under the warm yellow street lamp, the girl raised her head, her smile was beautiful, but also silly!

Lu Ziran looked at her, feeling distressed besides pain.

"Lu Ziran, don't tell that dog Lu Ziran, he is simply a bad guy. He bullied me seven years ago, he bullied me terribly, and he didn't admit it after he bullied me. Giving birth is very painful, painful. Makes me want to die."

"I missed him so much at that time, but he went abroad and never knew that I gave birth to him, and I gave birth to a pair of twins. My son is very similar to him. Every time I see my son, I think of him. He, thinking about what he was doing, wondering if he would think of me for a moment..."

Later, Yan Zishu cried without knowing what to say, and started talking nonsense.

He was happy for a while, sad for a while, which made Lu Ziran feel anxious, distressed and blamed himself.

After finally stopping a car, Yan Zishu couldn't get in the car, and walked on the road stumbling.

Lu Ziran held her tightly, fearing that she would suddenly fall down. In the end, he couldn't hold her back, so he found a nice hotel nearby, opened a presidential suite, and invited two waitresses to help her take a bath. At one o'clock in the morning, Yan Zishu, who had been making trouble all night, fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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