Chapter 2310 Too embarrassing
Chapter 2310: It's too embarrassing
Lu Ziran sat by the bed, quietly watching her sleeping face.

After sleeping, she was still a little uneasy, frowning from time to time, and occasionally talking in her sleep, but Lu Ziran couldn't hear what she was saying.

But it was only for a while, and he fell asleep peacefully again.

Du Xin sent him a message that Ye Wei had been sent home safely.

Mr. Yang's side has been investigated.

Speaking of what happened tonight, his face was very gloomy. He came to pick up Yan Zishu, but he never called Yan Zishu.

He thought Yan Zishu brought Jiang Xiao out, so he called Jiang Xiao, only to find out that Yan Zishu brought Ye Wei out to socialize.

He asked a little more, the person who cooperated with Yan Zishu this time was Mr. Yang of Liyang.

After Jiang Xiao said his name, he called and asked Uncle Mu, who knew the market well in the industry.

It just so happened that Mu Ziheng knew this Mr. Yang, he was a routine bastard who liked unspoken rules.

I always like to find a new company to cooperate with, and use the time of entertainment to introduce women to the other party, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Lu Ziran became anxious immediately. Yan Zishu had told him the seat of the restaurant before, but he didn't tell him which private room it was in. The front desk only registered the table number and didn't have a name. He could only look for the private room one by one.

When he found Yanzi's private room, he saw that man beating Yanzi, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill that man.

If Du Xin hadn't persuaded him to let the law punish them, he would have swung a beer bottle on that dog man's head long ago.

Looking back now, he was already very angry.

At two o'clock in the morning, Yan Zishu fell asleep completely peacefully, and Lu Ziran went to rest on the sofa outside.

The sofa is wide enough for him to lie on it alone.

Looking at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, Lu Ziran smiled, it's great to live under the same roof as Yanzi!
At the same time, she felt distressed. She was pregnant by herself and gave birth by herself. How sad was she?

Lu Ziran blamed himself for thinking like this, and fell asleep unknowingly.

"Ah..." It wasn't until the next morning that a scream came and woke him up.

Lu Ziran sat up abruptly, and heard the voice coming from the inner room, Lu Ziran didn't even bother to put on her shoes, and ran in quickly.

"Swallow, what's the matter?"

Hearing Lu Ziran's voice, Yan Zishu suddenly raised his head to look at him, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was Lu Ziran.

She asked anxiously: "Lu Ziran, why am I in the hotel? And I'm still in the same room as you?"

Lu Ziran didn't know how to answer this question. Thinking of her state after drinking last night, he really couldn't bear to say it.

Yan Zishu looked down at the clothes he was wearing that were not his own, and jumped instantly, "Ah...Lu Ziran, what's wrong with my clothes? Did you change them for me?"

Yan Zishu looked at him in shock. If he changed it for her, wouldn't he have seen it all?She was so drunk last night that she broke into pieces, and she still can't remember what happened.

She only remembered that the man tried his best to toast to her, and in the end she seemed to be taken away by Lu Ziran, what happened after that, now she basically can't remember the state.

After she was drunk, she had to slowly remember what happened the night before.

Lu Ziran comforted her softly: "Swallow, don't get excited, don't be angry, I hired two waitresses to change your clothes for you, you were too drunk last night and didn't want to go home, I I can only bring you here, they bathed you, and changed your clothes for you, you don’t have to worry about me, I haven’t seen anything, I slept outside all night.”

Yan Zishu: "..." This dog man, why is he so stupid at this time?

If he talked about the clothes he changed, she wouldn't do anything to him.

Who told her to like him?
If he hadn't appeared last night, it would be a different scene now.

"Swallow, do you have a headache? I asked Du Xin to bring hangover soup. She should be here soon. If you feel uncomfortable, lie down and rest for a while. When Du Xin comes over, I will wake you up."

Yan Zishu nodded. She was too uncomfortable after a hangover. She lay down slowly, raised her eyes, and saw that the man's complexion was very bad, and his hair was a little messy.But it doesn't affect his peerless beauty.

"Lu Ziran, did you stay up all night last night?" She was a little worried that his health would not be able to bear it.

Lu Ziran smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I slept for a while." Her voice was slightly hoarse.

"Oh! Then I'm going to sleep for a while, and you're going to sleep for a while, and then tell me what happened last night."

Lu Ziran: "..." This matter is really hard to say.

He wants to laugh now when he thinks about it, "Yanzi, actually you don't have to work so hard. After inheriting the family company, you will be more relaxed than now." Lu Ziran wanted to persuade her not to work so hard.

Yan Zishu understood what he meant, thought for a while, and then said: "Lu Ziran, my father is still young, and there are still many years before he can retire. If we have dreams, we, the younger generation, cannot choose to be comfortable at an age when we should suffer hardships. You have to work hard towards your dreams so that you can inherit the family business with peace of mind in the future.”

Lu Ziran also understands this truth, so she stopped trying to persuade her, "You have a good rest!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and went out.

Yan Zishu: "..."

Why did you leave?
No, she has to lie down and think about what happened last night.

By the way, did Ye Wei get home safely last night?

She picked up her phone and sent a message to Ye Wei, asking how did she get back last night?
Ye Wei also quickly responded to her message, and also told what happened last night.

Yan Zishu looked at it, and the memory in his mind slowly came to life.

Her eyes widened inch by inch, and her face gradually turned pale.

"Lu Ziran, that tree has been moving, you go and tell it not to move, it's shaking so much that I can't walk."

"Lu Ziran, let me tell you a secret, you must never tell that dog Lu Ziran..."

"Lu Ziran, I really like your embrace, Lu Ziran, I really like the feeling of you kissing me..."

"Ah..." Yan Zishu yelled, covered himself in the quilt, and was ashamed to face others.

She was so disappointed in herself, how could she do such a thing when she was drunk.

When Lu Ziran rushed in, he saw Yan Zishu in the quilt making an "ahh..." sound.

Lu Ziran was taken aback, she didn't need to think about what happened to Yan Zishu, she must have remembered what happened last night.

"Swallow." He walked over, sat on the edge of the bed with a smile, looked at the bulging quilt, his smile widened, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

Yan Zi stretched out his head from under the quilt leisurely, and glanced at Lu Ziran who was smiling.

"Hmph! What are you laughing at?" She stared at him angrily.

It was so embarrassing, so embarrassing, she decided never to drink again.

(End of this chapter)

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