Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2316 Swallow, let's talk

Chapter 2316 Swallow, let's talk

Chapter 2316: Swallow, let's talk

"Hehe..." Mrs. Tang smiled: "Miss Yan, I'm sorry, the children's fights are not in the way. You have a lot of adults, so don't worry about it. The things about the shop and the market..."

"I'm sorry, but I still have to take it back. Our Yan family has plenty of people to run it." Yan Zishu will never give in on this matter.

It's okay to bully her, but she will never let go of bullying her daughter.

Tiantian is still a child, she is five or 60 years old and she said such words to Tiantian, let alone think about it, she will be very angry when she hears it.

"You..." Mrs. Tang became anxious now, her face suddenly turned pale and ugly. Today's matter is really digging her own grave.

The son will blame her. Thinking of this, Mrs. Tang's blood pressure instantly rises.

The whole person also slumped on the ground.

Everyone: "..." Is this trying to cheat?
"Ouch! Why is my life so hard, and I will be overwhelmed by such things when I am old." Mrs. Tang cried so much that she occasionally glanced at Yan Zishu secretly.

Yan Zishu ignored her every move, "Mrs. Tang, you don't have to do this. If you had compassion, you wouldn't say such things to a child. Your words may leave the child with pain for a lifetime. "

After she finished speaking, she pulled Yan Shutian and looked at Lu Ziran: "Tiantian, Ziran, let's go."

"Yeah!" Lu Ziran held his daughter's little hand, looked down at her and said, "Tian Tian, ​​I don't need to come here in the future. Dad will teach you personally. Dad plays the piano very well." He is confident that he will befriend his daughter.

"Okay, Dad, I watched Dad's piano competition when he was a child. Dad won the first place, which is the song [my mother]. I watched it. Dad was very handsome when he was a child. My brother and dad look very similar."

Yan Shutian was very happy, her father taught her personally, and she took the time to learn more.

"Hehe..." Lu Ziran smiled, feeling so happy to be a fan of her own daughter.

Everyone watched the family of three leave happily.

Tang Xiaye seemed to recognize Lu Ziran's identity, she suddenly opened her eyes wide, and silently pursed the corners of her lips.

Lu Ziran, an international superstar, when did he become Yan Shutian's father?

She couldn't believe it!

"Oh, what should I do?" Mrs. Tang passed out from crying completely.

Then everyone dispersed, ignoring Mrs. Tang.

On the way back, Du Xin shared a car with the butler, and Yan Zishu's family of three shared a car.

Yan Zishu glanced at Lu Ziran who was chatting with his daughter from the rearview mirror, and raised the corners of his lips involuntarily.

The father and daughter laughed from ear to ear, and the atmosphere was warm and happy!

Yan Zishu's heart couldn't help overflowing with happiness, spreading to all limbs and bones.

"Tian Tian, ​​my father didn't have a father when he was young. He only had a father later on. His father was also bullied and scolded like Tian Tian today. So, Tian Tian, ​​don't take things to heart today. OK?"

Lu Ziran knew that feeling, uncomfortable, angry, painful, but there was nothing he could do.

At that time, they also endured it by themselves, and they didn't dare to tell their mother that her mother was already suffering, and they didn't want to make her sad because of these things.

Yan Shutian leaned on his arm, blinked her eyes, and felt a little sad in her heart, she whispered: "Dad, now people say that about me, I'm not sad anymore, if I didn't find my father, people said that about me , I can only stare at him angrily, because it is a fact that I don't have a father, and I have nothing to refute."

"But today is different. I have a father, so I can refute it back with confidence."

What the daughter said deeply hurt Lu Ziran's heart.

Yan Zishu's hand holding the steering wheel also gradually tightened!

She was most afraid that such a thing would happen to her daughter.

Sure enough, it happened.

The way back was not far away, Yan Shutian leaned on Lu Ziran, and soon fell asleep.

Lu Ziran let her gently in his arms, looking at his daughter's beautiful and delicate face, his dark eyes were full of tenderness.

Then he looked at Yan Zishu in the front and said, "Yanzi, let's talk after we get back."

Yan Zishu: "Yes!"

After arriving home, Yan Zishu stopped the car, opened the door, and went to hug his sleeping daughter.

Lu Ziran looked at her and smiled, his voice was soft and hoarse: "Swallow, I'll come."

He gently exerted force left and right, and carried his daughter out.

Yan Zishu didn't say anything, and went to open the door.

"Let's sleep on the first floor. There is a small room for her to sleep on the first floor." Yan Zishu led Lu Ziran in.

"it is good!"

After entering the room, Yan Zishu held his hand, and Yan Shutian lay quietly on the small bed and fell asleep.

Lu Ziran pulled the thin blanket over her belly.

He bowed his head and kissed his daughter's forehead tenderly.

Yan Zishu watched from the side, feeling an indescribable joy in his heart. He really loved his daughter very much.

After the two went out, Lu Ziran gently closed the door.

Lu Ziran blamed himself solemnly, looked at Yan Zishu, "Swallow, let's talk."

Yan Zishu also knew what he was going to talk about, so he went upstairs.

The two went to the balcony and sat on the chairs, where they could see the beautiful scenery in the yard. Yan Zishu usually likes drinking tea here and looking at the scenery.

In fact, she likes the Jiangnan ink painting style, which is full of ancient charm.

I prefer the cornices and corners of the carved beams and painted buildings under the octagonal pavilion, surrounded by plantains or peonies.

Drinking tea in such a place will make you feel very good.

"Want some tea?" Yan Zishu looked at him.

Lu Ziran nodded slightly, "Drink some, it's too hot."

Yan Zishu pressed the automatic water pump, poured it into the teapot, and boiled the water first.

Lu Ziran saw that the tea sets were complete, and knew that Yan Zishu liked drinking tea as much as Qiqi.

"Swallow, you like tea so much, why don't you open a tea house yourself? I like the Jiangnan style, antique, misty, quiet and elegant, which can instantly relieve fatigue." He said with a smile.

Yan Zishu looked up at him, wondering if it was a coincidence that he actually liked the same style as her.

She chuckled and shook her head: "I don't have time to manage, I can't pass every day."

Teahouses are mostly liked by literati and refined scholars, but there are not many like her. Nowadays, girls prefer coffee and milk tea.

The water boiled, and Yan Zishu began to make tea. She had no professional training, but she just liked it. She learned how to make tea from the Internet, and when she had time, she drank tea here and watched the moon.

You can see the moon here in summer. Sometimes the starry sky is bright and the night is sultry. She likes this atmosphere very much.

When the tea was ready, she poured a cup for Lu Ziran before saying, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Ziran picked up the tea and took a sip. The tea soup was clear and had a faint fragrance lingering.

"The tea is delicious!" Lu Ziran put down the teacup with a smile.

Looking at Yan Zishu's expectant expression, he bit his lower lip lightly, and the bright red and moist lips became more and more charming.

"Swallow, it may take a long time for my hand to recover." After speaking, he looked at her quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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