Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2317 I finally waited until you loved me

Chapter 2317 I finally waited until you loved me

Chapter 2317: I finally waited until you loved me

Yan Zishu's heart skipped a beat, it hurts!
Although I don't know what he meant by asking this question, but it feels like testing her more or less.

"What did Dr. Huo say?" She was a little angry, "Did you push me away on purpose just now?"

Lu Ziran did not deny this, he meant to distract her.

I was afraid that the result would be too disappointing, and I didn't want her to be disappointed with him.

He didn't want her to be in pain!
"Dr. Huo said that he can recover within two years at the earliest. If it is slower, it may take about five years." In fact, he also told her this matter after careful consideration.

Now that she is his girlfriend, she has the right to know about this matter, and then it is up to her to decide.

In the past few years, he has been able to film with one hand, but if he wants to rest and spend time with his child and her, it depends on whether she is willing or not?

"So, you told me this matter, you want me to choose what to do, right?" A faint anger rose on her beautiful and refined face.

Lu Ziran stared at her deeply: "Swallow, you are my girlfriend now, you have the right to know about this."

Upon hearing this, Yan Zishu became angry. She had the right to know about this matter, because she had the right to know if his hand could be cured. If his hand could not be cured, she might not be able to know anything.

"Lu Ziran, in your heart, am I the kind of person who won't be able to overcome difficulties with you because of this?"

She was very angry, staring at him with beautiful eyes angrily.

In his heart, is she vulgar?
Are you afraid that she will leave him after knowing that he is disabled?
She changed the status quo and worked hard to find the life she wanted.

But she has him in her life.

Today they officially confirmed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, and he didn't trust her.

"Swallow, don't be angry. I didn't mean that. You have loved me for so many years. I'm afraid that I will be permanently disabled and I won't be able to give you the life you want. Of course, this is just an example, and I will not be permanently disabled."

He didn't know why he said that. In fact, after Dr. Huo finished talking to him, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

He just wanted to find some comfort. In the past, he threw himself directly into his mother's arms. With his mother around, he felt that all the pain would pass.

Now that he doesn't have his mother by his side, he has Yan Zi by his side, so he just wants to find a sense of security.

His thinking is very naive, but he still wants to talk to Yanzi.

Lu Ziran lowered his black eyes a little uneasy, feeling ashamed of his childishness, and dared not look at Yan Zishu.

Yan Zishu also saw his uneasiness, and was really angry and wanted to laugh.

She walked over, squatted in front of Lu Ziran, looked up at him, this was the first time she approached him soberly and actively.

The familiar atmosphere enveloped her, making him extremely at ease.

Lu Ziran was stared at fiercely by her, and there was a suspicious blush on his handsome face.

"Look at me." Yan Zishu's voice was a bit domineering.

Lu Ziran looked down at her, his pupils were very dark, clearly reflecting Yan Zishu's beautiful facial features.

"Fool, why are you so stupid? You want to test me. It's too stupid to use this method. If I despise you, can you still sit here now? You, you are a mother boy, I think Aunt Xin will give you a hug." Hug you, you won't feel how long these five years are!"

Lu Ziran nodded abruptly, then shook his head quickly: "Swallow, I'm not Ma Baonan."

"Isn't it?" Yan Zishu looked at him speechlessly, "You know the relationship between me and Qiqi, right? We've talked since childhood, and I still know about you."

Lu Ziran, how embarrassing, Qiqi, a little traitor, hurt her for nothing, how could she betray her brother so thoroughly?

"Swallow, thank you!" Lu Ziran bent down and hugged her.

Swallow doesn't dislike him, he feels at ease.

"Swallow, let's announce our news to the public. I don't want Tiantian and Yiyi to be bullied like today. They have a father and a mother. Our family is very happy!"

That's what he's focusing on today.

His child, no one is allowed to bully like this.

Yan Zishu raised his eyes and looked at him, a little worried, "Lu Ziran, do you know how it will affect you if you make this matter public?"

His fans will seriously lose fans because he is married and holding two children. He has come to this point, and only he himself knows the bitterness of it.

The results of years of joint efforts at home and abroad may be in vain.

At that time, when she escaped from Jiangshi, she was worried about this problem.

Now that he said he was going to make it public, she was worried.

Lu Ziran looked at her worried little face, her big eyes were twinkling, and liked that her eyes were full of his shadow.

"Swallow, nothing is as important as you and the children. If you take off your fans, you will take off your fans. No matter what others say about me, I don't care. But I won't allow the three of you, mother and child, to be wronged."

His heart was almost broken today when he saw his daughter firmly declaring that she had a father.

It's not the first time Tian Tian has been bullied like this.

Because of empathy, he didn't want to see such a thing happen again.

"Swallow, nothing is as important as you and the children. If you take off your fans, you will take off your fans. No matter what others say about me, I don't care. But I won't allow the three of you, mother and child, to be wronged."

These words deeply shocked Yan Zishu's heart.

These words are undoubtedly the most heart-warming and reassuring to her. This is the taste of love.

Her eyes were red, and she threw herself into Lu Ziran's arms, her voice choked up: "Lu Ziran, after more than ten years, I finally waited for you to love me. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Yan Zishu cried thoroughly and fell into his arms.

Lu Ziran quietly hugged her and let her vent.

The love of more than ten years is so heavy, what virtue and ability is there for him, Lu Ziran, to have such a blessing!

After a long time, Yan Zishu's crying gradually stopped.

Lu Ziran stretched out his hand to help her wipe away tears, looked at her red eyes, and smiled: "Swallow, all the unhappiness ends today, and I will be happy every day in the future." Because she has her and she pampers her.

"En! Don't bully me in the future." Yan Zishu looked at him angrily.

Lu Ziran smiled softly: "I will bully you in the future!"

Yan Zishu: "From now on, I can only think of me."

Lu Ziran: "Swallow, let me tell you a secret, I think about you all the time, in my dreams!"

Yan Zishu was so moved by him, "Lu Ziran, your mouth is so annoying!"

Lu Ziran jokingly said: "But I see you are very sweet!"

"Hmph!" Yan Zishu hummed arrogantly!

Lu Ziran hugged her with a smile, "Swallow, when you are unhappy from now on, I will hug you!"

"Swallow, no matter how violent the storm is outside, I will always hold your gentle embrace in my arms."

Yan Zishu wiped away his tears excitedly.

Excited and happy in my heart, ah ah ah. !

This man's words are too crisp today.

(End of this chapter)

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