Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2319 I don't care about these

Chapter 2319 I don't care about these
Chapter 2319: I don't care about these
Lu Ziran: "Tch, your brother and we are doing very well today, what big things can happen?" She and Yanzi officially confirmed their relationship today, officially became boyfriend and girlfriend, and all bad things will turn into good things.

"Brother, I really won't lie to you, hurry up and read the Internet." Lu Ziqi said worriedly.

Lu Ziran didn't need to look at it, he knew what happened.

"I see, I'll watch it later." Lu Ziran hung up the phone.

And Yan Zishu beside him had already picked up his phone and looked at it.

I saw that Lu Ziran was being scolded for being hypocritical on the Internet. He obviously has a wife and children, and he still has fans everywhere.

[Hi!I've been a fan of him for so many years, yet he betrayed us, it's simply too hateful. ]
[Yes, this circle is really chaotic. Some people do one thing to the face and another behind the scenes. He can do everything. He is my male god for many years. ]
[I've been a fan of him for so many years, his face is all over the pillow, and I treat him like a husband, and in the end he actually has a wife and a child. ]
[You are so stupid, can the thief's face say that I am a thief?sad ing]

[Alas...I said, why are you so sour?What does it have to do with you if the male god has children and someone he likes?It's nothing more than thinking about living your own life, covering things about children and having a wife, are you scolding so badly when you use it?Everyone is entitled to their own privacy and it is horrible to think like you. ]
The scolding in various languages ​​is extremely ugly.

But there are also loyal fans who are speaking for Lu Ziran.

Yan Zishu looked at Lu Ziran worriedly, "Lu Ziran, don't look online."

She's been worrying about this for a while, and now it's finally happening.

He is an artist and a public figure. Once exposed, his opponents will punish him to death, and all kinds of negative news will follow. She has also been in this circle and understands the water in it. how deep.

Lu Ziran smiled, took out his mobile phone in front of him, clicked on it, and the push messages were all about him.

Just click on one of them, and you will see all kinds of insults.

Lu Ziran smiled, and put the phone in his trouser pocket indifferently.

Looking at Yan Zishu who looked worried, he said: "Swallow, even if I can't set foot in the entertainment industry in the future, I will announce our relationship and give the child a legitimate identity. We are together and have children. It is not something to be ashamed of." Don't think too much about things."

He was afraid that she would be so worried that she would not be able to sleep when she went back tonight.

And he himself doesn't care about such things.

Although he is a public figure, he also has his own private life.

"Lu Ziran, are you really okay? I really don't want to drag you down, let alone something like this happen to you. Don't forget, I am also your fan. If I have been a fan for more than ten years and suddenly appear like this I would also feel very uncomfortable." Yan Zishu looked at him deeply.

But the man was smiling, his eyes were bright and his smile was gentle, and he couldn't see a trace of sadness.

"I always knew that Yanzi was my big fan, hehe..." Lu Ziran smiled and took her by the hand to send her back.

The night was alluring, and Lu Ziran's mood improved.

"Swallow, you don't have to worry about me. I really don't care about these comments, and I don't care what people outside think of me. It would be so tiring to care about what others think of me."

Whether it was good or bad in these years, he never cared about other people's opinions.

What he cares about is that while he is pursuing his dream, he will go through this journey happily.

Yan Zishu also thinks about this principle. Pursue one's dream and achieve the life one wants, in order to be happy and to live out one's self.

If you really want to care about what other people think, you will live in pain every day.

She stopped and looked at Lu Ziran, but her eyes were still full of sadness: "Lu Ziran, yes, as long as you don't care, you won't be hurt."

"Well! Yanzi, you finally understand me. Although I have been pursuing my dreams these years, I have actually lived a very happy life during this journey. No matter how others scold me or slander me, I just need to do my best. What we should do, the truth is always on our side.”

It's shameless to say such things in front of her, but this is indeed his status quo these years.

"I see, don't worry, I will sleep peacefully when I get home, you don't have to worry about me."

Yan Zishu's mood was much better than before.

Lu Ziran thought about it, but actually wanted to tell her about it during the day, and what happened tonight just gave him a reason.

"Swallow, let's announce our relationship and the children's affairs. The children have a father, and they will never be called bastards again."

Speaking of this, a look of pain flashed across Lu Ziran's eyes, it was a scar that he was unwilling to uncover since he was a child.

He stared deeply at Yan Zishu, his black pupils were as thick as the night: "Swallow, do you know what it feels like? It's like being in hell, being hooked around the heart with iron hooks. It hurts very much, but it's also very painful. Helpless, because it is a fact that there is no father."

"When I was young, I experienced such pain myself."

"When I knew that you had given birth to two children for me, I was going to come to see you that night, but I happened to hear that Song Jianing was planning to plot against me, so I stayed overnight, and I didn't arrive until the next morning. Come and find you."

It was the first time Yan Zishu heard him say, what happened to Song Jianing in the end?She didn't ask.

But it looks like it's okay, why didn't she come to Ningshi to destroy her.

Lu Ziran seemed to see what she was thinking, and he smiled tenderly: "Swallow, it's like this, that night, Song Jianing wanted to repeat the old tricks like seven years ago—"

Lu Ziran told Yan Zishu what happened that night.

After Yan Zishu heard this, he was dumbfounded. He had to say that the members of the Lu family were more vicious than each other.

He actually used his own way to treat his own body.

But people like Song Jianing are not worthy of sympathy.

She felt very relieved when she heard it.

But looking back, if what happened seven years ago hadn't happened, she and Lu Ziran wouldn't be where they are today.

"Swallow, my request is a little too much, but I won't announce it now, until the day you agree to marry me." Lu Ziran looked at her softly, with a slight smile on her flawless handsome face, Gentle and sparkling, better than this bright night.

"Okay! You can deal with it." Yan Zishu had no objection. Since they chose to be together, many things have to be considered in the long-term direction.

"Thank you, Swallow!"

Lu Ziran sent Yan Zishu home, his daughter had already fallen asleep, and he went home after saying good night to Yan Zishu.

After exiting the gate of Yan Zishu's house, he turned his head and saw that the light in the living room on the second floor was still on. He was thinking, when will it be long before he can have her company?
(End of this chapter)

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