Chapter 2320 Warm Morning

Chapter 2320: A Warm Morning

Lu Ziran turned around, suddenly saw the person behind him, almost bumped into the other person's face, Lu Ziran took a quick step back in fright.

"Yan... Uncle Yan, you haven't slept yet at this late hour?" Lu Ziran was a little guilty, seeing his future father-in-law at this time, how could he have a bad feeling.

Yan Qing's expression was very serious, and he narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at Lu Ziran. He sneered and said, "What? Aren't you going to do something about things on the Internet? My daughter is being searched by human flesh now. If something happens to her when she goes out tomorrow, you Just get out of her world."

"Okay, okay, Uncle Yan, I'll deal with it in a while, don't worry, no one will insult Yanzi casually." Lu Ziran assured her face.

But in exchange for Yan Qing's even more angry expression.

"Our little Shu has been insulted now, you still have the mind to stroll around here." Yan Qing really wanted to beat this brat, his precious daughter would not be allowed to be hurt in the slightest.

Lu Ziran: "..."

It turns out that the future father-in-law also saw things on the Internet.

It was really embarrassing for him in the middle of the night.

Lu Ziran: "Father-in-law, I'll ask someone to deal with it now."

Lu Ziran ran away.

Yan Qing: "..."

He yelled bitterly behind Lu Ziran: "Who is your father-in-law?"

Lu Ziran smiled, didn't say anything, and rushed home in one go.

I met Dr. Huo at the door, he was taken aback, "Dr. Huo, you are still awake!"

Huo Jingyao: "I changed the place and couldn't fall asleep. I'll get up and exercise."

Lu Ziran: "Doctor Huo, do whatever you want, I still have things to do."

Huo Jingyao: "...Okay."

Lu Ziran looked at him and nodded elegantly, thinking that Huo Jingyao is also an honest person.

Later... I realized that people who look honest are actually the most dishonest, so don't be fooled by others' appearance.

Back upstairs, without caring too much, he immediately called his brother's cell phone.

The call was connected quickly.

"Brother, help!"

Lu Zijun, who was working, frowned slightly when he heard this, looked at the satellite positioning in the computer, his eyes flickered, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What's wrong? You are so far away from me, how can I save you?"

"Brother, the matter between me and Yanzi was posted on the Internet, and it was on the top of the trending search. This matter may bring a lot of harm to Yanzi. Brother, please help me delete all the above things." Lu Ziran was very distressed. The swallow brought troubles, and he was even more unhappy.

After so many years, although he doesn't care about these things on the Internet, he can't help but care about swallows and children.

Lu Zijun switched the computer page, clicked on it, and the hot searches were all by Lu Ziran's name.

Lu Zijun frowned, how could things develop like this?

"However, doing this will not solve the problem from the root. How far have you progressed now?"

"Brother, good news, the two of us just confirmed our relationship today, and Yanzi is willing to be my girlfriend."

Lu Zijun: "It's good news, but it's also bad news. Miss Yan will be picked up by your fans one day. Tonight, someone deliberately took photos of what happened during the day and posted them on the Internet. Tomorrow morning, someone will pick it up."

Lu Ziran's face was a little gloomy, thinking about what happened today, he was even more unhappy.

Although he knew human nature was like this, he was still very angry.

"Brother, can you find out who sent it?"

"Of course, the address is in Ningshi, the Tang family in the East District, but no matter who posted it, if this person doesn't post it, someone will post it in the future."

Lu Ziran also understood, but it would not be a good time to announce his relationship with Yanzi today.

"Brother, I haven't proposed to Yanzi yet, so I can't make it public now."

"Brother, I haven't figured out what to do so that I don't hurt He Yanzi and the child. Brother, seven years ago, I let go of the mistakes, and even I can't forgive myself. Now I don't want to make the same mistakes again, Tian Tian was insulted yesterday as a savage without a father, we all experienced it when we were young, brother, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Lu Zijun was heartbroken. If he was present, no matter men, women or children, he would probably punch him: "Of course, brother understands, brother will help you, don't worry."

Lu Ziran felt warm in his heart, "Brother, it's great to have you! Du Xin's little skill is not enough in front of my brother!"

Du Xin, who was also shot while lying down: "..."

"Well! Go to bed early, I still have things to deal with."

"Okay, brother, you also go to bed early."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ziran felt much relieved.

Thinking of the Tang family, he squinted his eyes, people should be responsible for their words and deeds.

He picked up the phone again, quickly edited a message and sent it to his brother, and asked him to post it on the Internet according to the message he edited.

After Lu Zijun read it, he didn't reply to the news, but continued to deal with the things on the Internet.

At the same time, Yan Qing also knew the truth of the matter, and his assistant also found the Tang family, and Yan Qing immediately asked his assistant to take back all the markets and shops of the Tang family.

This is equivalent to directly strangling the Tang family's throat.

After giving all the orders, Yan Qing fell asleep with peace of mind.

The next morning, when Yan Zishu woke up, he immediately grabbed his phone and clicked on the news to take a look. The Internet was calm, and the overwhelming news about Lu Ziran disappeared without a trace.

She breathed a sigh of relief, she was so tired last night, she thought she would not be able to sleep because of these things, but she was much, she slept well.

But seeing the harmony on the Internet, she was relieved.

She slowly got up to wash up. There is nothing to do in the company today, so she can go to the company slowly.

She and Lu Ziran had a child, no one knew her back, but the people in the company saw her.

Yan Zishu thought about it, if she was pulled out before, she would definitely be very nervous.But today, she is not nervous anymore, because Lu Ziran also loves her.

This is courage!
Yan Zishu went downstairs to see his daughter, and as soon as he reached the stairs, he heard the laughter of the father and daughter.

Seeing Yanzi relax, Lu Ziran smiled: "Swallow, come down quickly for breakfast, I bought the beef noodles you like early in the morning."

Yan Zishu was taken aback for a moment, then thought of his injuries, he was very angry and moved.

"You are injured and don't take a good rest. What are you doing so early?"

Lu Ziran smiled, "Swallow, I'm fine, I can't sleep, so I got up and bought you breakfast."

Yan Zishu's expression could no longer sink, and he walked over happily.

"Mom, come and eat quickly, the temperature is just right." Yan Shutian was very happy, and hoped that every day in the future, their family could have breakfast together like this happily.

"Yeah! It's here, eat quickly too." Yan Zishu sat across from Lu Ziran, looking at a bowl of eight-treasure porridge in front of him, she couldn't help but be speechless, it's hard to imagine that Lu Ziran, a big man of 1.8 meters seven, actually likes sweet and glutinous Glutinous eight-treasure porridge.

Still, it was a lovely morning.

(End of this chapter)

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