Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2321 something happened to my dad

Chapter 2321 something happened to my dad

Chapter 2321: Something happened to my dad

The family of three had breakfast, and Yan Qing also came over.

When Yan Shutian saw his grandfather, he ran over happily.

"Grandpa, you are back."

"Oh! My little baby." Yan Qing knelt down and hugged Yan Shutian, "Little girl, you've gained weight."

"Ah..." Yan Shutian was stunned for a moment, "Grandpa, don't scare me, I have always paid attention to my figure, and I haven't eaten too much these days."

Yan Shutian became nervous. She didn't want to gain weight, and it was hard to lose weight.

Yan Qing naturally knew what his precious granddaughter was thinking?
He smiled dotingly: "Baby, you are not fat at all, and you are still beautiful if you are a little fatter."

Yan Shutian said in frustration: "That means I have gained a little weight."

"Not fat!" Yan Qing regretted saying that his granddaughter had gained weight. Children are always round and good-looking, and their round faces are cuter.

Yan Zishu stood aside and smiled. Every time the grandfather and grandson met, they would play like this for a while.

"Dad, have you had breakfast yet?"

Only then did Yan Qing stand up, seeing Lu Ziran behind his daughter, his expression sank.

Lu Ziran: "..." The father-in-law has not calmed down yet.

How to do?
"Hello, Uncle Yan!" He shouted with a smile.

"Hmph!" Yan Qing snorted coldly, "I really don't want to see you."

Lu Ziran lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong, he was acting like something, but now he lowered his head, looking extremely aggrieved.

Yan Qing was even more angry.

"Boy, you still have a bit of conscience. Things on the Internet have been suppressed, but what are you going to do in the future? Do you continue to come to my house to be a rascal?"

"Ah... a rascal?" Lu Ziran was stunned, why did he become a rascal?

"Uncle Yan, I'm not a scoundrel, I really like Yanzi." Lu Ziran was afraid that Yan Qing would drive him away.

With Yan Qing's character, this is absolutely possible. His character, just like his father's, is uncertain, and he looks down on his future son-in-law very much. With Yan Qing around, he can feel the Shura field. .

"Hmph! Why do you like her? Look at the scolding on the Internet so badly?" Yan Qing was embarrassed and asked him to marry his daughter back.

Of course, he can never say such a thing, he is reluctant to marry his daughter.

But her daughter has been trapped in Lu Ziran's body all her life, and besides his heartache, there is no other way.

After observing for a long time, this kid can be regarded as sincere.

"Dad." Yan Zishu also knew that this matter was not anyone's fault. Their mouths grew on other people's bodies. They couldn't control what others said, as long as they lived a good life at home.

"Xiao Shu, don't talk." Yan Qing looked at his daughter distressedly, "Why did he make you suffer?"

"Uncle Yan, I'm sorry!" Lu Ziran lowered her head like a child who made a mistake.

Yan Qing glanced at him, and sighed deeply, this Lu Ziran has a good character and a good family background, but he is naive, a little childish, a bit of a mama boy, and Lu Haocheng's arrogant and stinking virtue.

After counting, Yan Qing found that Lu Ziran had a lot of problems, and he was not good enough for his precious daughter.

Looking at him now is quite cute.

He asked: "Lu Ziran, are you willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law?"

Lu Ziran raised his head to look at Yan Qing, and nodded sharply: "Uncle Yan, yes, I have already greeted my parents when I came to Ningshi, I may be a door-to-door son-in-law."

Yan Qing: "..." It's too embarrassing, why did he say such things in the first place?

It was as if his daughter was his daughter, Lu Ziran.

"Father." Yan Zishu looked at his father, why did he say that?

Yan Qing's face was a little uneasy. Wasn't he stimulated by what happened last night?
"Swallow, I'm willing, and my parents will agree. I know you don't want to leave Ningshi, and you don't want to leave Uncle Yan and the others. I also don't want you to go back and forth after you leave with me."

"So, Yanzi, I am willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law." Every word Lu Ziran said was sincere.

Yan Zishu looked at him, his heart beating non-stop.

The best love is to see the whole world in his eyes, he is willing to give up everything for you, and stay by your side without hesitation.

Lu Ziran like this almost made her fascinated and lost her mind.

Yan Qing said: "It doesn't necessarily mean that you will be the door-to-door son-in-law. If you really marry Xiao Shu, let's stay together. With your father's arrogant character, I'm afraid I won't want you to come to the door. Let's take a step back , this matter is negotiable."

Yan Zishu blinked his eyes, looked at his father, a little unbelievable, the two families didn't sit together to talk, why did his father let the words out, it's okay, Lu Ziran will be helpless in the future .

"Dad, why are you here again?"

Was she still expecting a romantic proposal?
Yan Qing's face couldn't hold back anymore, isn't he afraid that his daughter will be hurt?

"Okay, you two discuss it yourself, I'm going to the company."

Lu Ziran immediately bowed deeply to Yan Qing.

"Thank you Dad!"

Yan Qing was taken aback, his expression was very bad, he was father-in-law last night, and he became a father this morning, this kid's ability to climb poles is first-rate.

Yan Zishu glared at him: "Shut up, I'm not married to you yet, what's your name?"

Lu Ziran smiled shamelessly: "Swallow, it will be called sooner or later anyway."

"Don't bark now. Dad, pay attention to your safety on the way to work." Yan Zishu sent his father to work.

After leaving the door, Yan Qing felt a little guilty, looked at his daughter, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Shu, is Dad too anxious?"

Yan Zishu also understood his father's urgency, and he didn't want her to be hurt again.

"Dad, it's okay. I liked him in the first place. He's been very sincere these days. Lu Ziran is not bad at heart. Although he's a little childish, it doesn't affect his life." Yan Zishu said with a smile, not angry.

Yan Qing also nodded, and gently rubbed her hair, "Father also knows this, so he backed down. If there are other scumbags, Dad would have abolished him long ago."

"Go back, rest more if you have nothing to do in the company, don't make yourself too tired, I have already dealt with the Tang family's affairs, you don't have to worry. No one can bully our baby."

Yan Zishu smiled warmly, nodded, and turned back after watching his father get into the car.

And Lu Ziran was going to teach his daughter the piano, and the two had already gone to Yan Shutian's room.

Lu Ziran's family is renovating the family hospital, the family is crowded and messy, and Lu Ziran doesn't want to go back.

He simply stayed and taught his daughter the piano.

After this teaching, it was after five o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Ziran also saw the shortcomings and advantages of his daughter. His daughter was very talented, and she could play a little bit. In the afternoon, there was no big problem with her playing.

"Tian Tian, ​​that's awesome!" Lu Ziran gave her daughter ten likes, which made Yan Shutian so happy that she couldn't contain herself.

But at this moment, the door was pushed open by Yan Zishu, she looked at Lu Ziran with red eyes: "Lu Ziran, come with me, something happened to my father."

(End of this chapter)

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