Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2324 I conquered my father-in-law with a song

Chapter 2324 I conquered my father-in-law with a song

Chapter 2324: I conquered my father-in-law with a song

Yan Qing had an expression of "I'm serious".

Lu Ziran: "Dad, which song do you want to hear?"

Yan Qing had already thought about it, "Didn't you have a very popular song before? I watched your live broadcast, and you sang it super-burningly. Those foreigners were stunned by you. Come, sing it to your dad and me live." One."

One shouted smoothly, and the other agreed unceremoniously.

There is a big star in the family, do you still need to go out and compete with others?

Of course, the family enjoys it first.

Lu Ziran didn't expect his father-in-law to be childlike.

"That "Burning My Winter Nights"."

Yan Qing's face was sullen, but his heart was actually very nauseous. They were born into wealthy families, and they were a little embarrassed.

In the eyes of others, it is indifferent and boring.

If Yanhua hadn't taken the initiative to get to know him better back then, he might not have been able to marry a wife.

But they are fanatical in their hearts, they just can't hold back their face and dance like those young people, or roar a few times in KTV, or get drunk to relieve their worries.

No, never had a day like that.

His daily work is very simple, from the company to home, and then various entertainment or business trips.

"Okay, Dad, I'll sing for you. But without accompaniment and special effects, it's not so burning. I have a microphone in my phone to accompany it, and it feels good to sing."

Yan Qing nodded calmly: "Yes!"

In fact, he was so excited that he couldn't suppress it.

The international superstar sang for him alone, and it was broadcast live.

Could he be unhappy?

I'm so happy!
After Lu Ziran adjusted the microphone with his mobile phone, he stood up.

With a height of 1.8 meters, he took a few steps back, and the stage was born for him.

The light shone on his sharp-edged handsome face, making his handsome features even more dazzling.

With just one movement, Yan Qing was amused by his handsome appearance, and he also liked such an energetic and capable young man like Lu Ziran.

Especially Lu Ziran's singing and acting talents are excellent.

"Quietly, this winter night, I miss you quietly... oh my...the burning winter night, because of your gentle smile..."

When the climax part was sung, Yan Qing was so excited that he kept applauding like a child.

Lu Ziran stood on the stage since he was a child, and whenever he opened his mouth, he would concentrate on it. Even if there was only one audience, he sang to the end.

"Ha ha……"

Yan Qing smiled from the bottom of his heart, and gave a thumbs up: "Lu Ziran, you are really talented, you are naturally suitable for this stage."

"After marrying Yanzi, continue to shine, this is your dream after all."

The smile on Lu Ziran's handsome face subsided a little, replaced by excitement.

Unexpectedly, a song conquered the future father-in-law.

He is simply a genius!

Ma Ma, he finally really fell in love, Lu Ziran can't wait to call his family immediately to announce the good news.

"Dad, let's see when the time comes, but now in my heart, swallows and children are more important."

Yan Qing was also very satisfied when he heard this.

A beauty!

A handsome!

Perfect match!

The more Yan Qing thinks about it, the happier he becomes. When he thinks that Lu Haocheng's dog-in-law has been neglected by him for many years, he feels very comfortable.

"Well! I appreciate you even more if you have this sense of responsibility. Let's rest for a while." Yan Qing lay down with a smile.

In a good mood, if his legs can move, he must follow Lu Ziran to a song.

Lu Ziran seemed to have seen Yan Qing's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Dad, when your legs recover, I will take you to the KTV and sing you many famous songs that I have."

Lu Ziran knew that outstanding entrepreneurs like them, with calm temperaments, were rarely as crazy and casual as young guys, and his father had such virtues.

Fortunately, he had a few uncles who grew up with him, otherwise his temper would be even worse.

When Yan Qing heard it, his heart was moved instantly.

"What you said, you are not allowed to go back on your word at that time." Yan Qing really felt a lot happier, not to mention, this future son-in-law fits his wishes everywhere.

Yan Qing stayed in the hospital for a week before being discharged. With a family doctor, it is better to go home and feel more comfortable.

And Lu Ziran's family hospital has also been remodeled.

Lu Ziran also cooperated with Dr. Huo, taking medicine and injections every day, and had two minor operations.

Maybe it was because he was in a good mood, half a month later, Lu Ziran felt that his injured arm was less numb, and he already felt pain when pinching hard.

Seeing how well he recovered, Dr. Huo was even more confident.

Dr. Huo also noticed that people are in good spirits when they celebrate happy events. Lu Ziran has caught up with a girl he likes these few days, and he keeps giggling every day.

He even wondered if his friend's younger brother was a bit stupid?

He even called Lu Zijun himself to ask about it.

In the end, Lu Zijun retorted: "My brother is innocent, are you stupid?"

Later, he really found out that this silly brother is really innocent, and when he saw his girlfriend coming to feed him, he just kept giggling.

Seeing that my daughter is a bit more serious.

If his fans saw his appearance like this, the truth would be revealed in an instant, and it would even be overturned on the spot.

At the end of August, Yan Shuyi was about to start school, Lu Ziran's hand recovered very well, and Yan Qing's leg was able to walk, but he couldn't walk for too long.

Lu Ziran took Yan Zishu and Yan Shutian back to Jiangshi to pick Yan Shuyi back to school.

Lu Ziran has never responded to the things on the Internet.

Only occasionally on sunny mornings, he would post the interaction between him and his daughter on Weibo, only revealing a white and tender little hand, or the slender back of the little girl, and the thick black hair .

Tens of millions of fans saw these interactions, and slowly turned from insults to blessings.

Really answered that sentence, time is sometimes a good medicine.

The day after they went back happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lu Ziran also discussed with Yan Qing that he wanted to take Yanzi to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in Jiang City.

To celebrate the New Year in Ningshi, Yan Qing agreed without saying a word.

When the family of three arrived at the airport, Lu Ziran did not appear in the sight of everyone for more than two months.

His itinerary was kept secret, and he kept a low profile. When he left the airport, no one recognized him. The family of three quickly arrived at the parking lot.

Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin came to pick them up.

"Grandpa, grandma." Yan Shutian saw Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin from a distance.

"Tiantian, hello!" This was the first time Lu Haocheng saw his granddaughter. Looking at the little girl carved in pink and jade, he thought of Qiqi when he was a child, her eyes and eyebrows were instantly soft.

"Grandpa, you are still as handsome as when you were young, and you haven't aged." Yan Shutian has seen photos of Lu Haocheng when he was young.

Grandpa is so good, dad is so handsome.

This flattery can be said to have captured Lu Haocheng's heart.

In an instant, he hugged the little girl happily, and couldn't help kissing her twice: "Our Tiantian is the cutest!"

(End of this chapter)

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