Chapter 2325
Chapter 2325: Heartbeat can't be heartbeat
Lan Xin looked at Yan Zishu, walked over to her and hugged her gently, "Xiao Shu, thank you!" Thank you for being tolerant, but for being childish, few ordinary women can stand him.

Xiaoshu can forgive Ranran, she is really grateful to her.

"Aunt Xin." Yan Zishu gently hugged Lan Xin back.

"Okay, mom and dad, don't be so sensational, my son doesn't see you greeting me." Lu Ziran felt a little apprehensive.

Lu Haocheng glanced at him coldly: "You're not a child, and you still want to compete for favor, you're useless!"

"Dad, you don't love me anymore." Lu Ziran felt wronged.

"Hey..." Yan Shutian couldn't help smiling, "Grandpa, my dad was only three years old just now, and he's not as old as me. Grandpa should hug him."

Lu Haocheng looked at the little girl in his arms and smiled: "Grandpa won't hug him. Grandpa likes to hug Tiantian the most. Let's go. Grandpa will take Tiantian home."

"Hmph! Dad forgot about his son when he had a grandson." Lu Ziran followed behind them slowly.

The same goes for the mother, who forgot about her son when she had a daughter-in-law.

"Dad, it's okay. I'll give you a hug when I get home." Yan Shutian looked at his father so pitifully.

Lu Ziran smiled instantly: "Our baby is the best, and I will hug the baby too."

Yan Shutian: "Father, it's a must!" The ending is raised, the sweet voice is very cute.

"Ha ha……"

Several people were amused by him.

Talking and laughing all the way back home.

As soon as he entered the door, the Lu family was very lively, in order to welcome his precious granddaughter.

Lu Haocheng called all his good brothers over, and at a glance, children, big and small, were playing together.

"Father, mother, you are here." Yan Shutian happily ran towards Yan Zishu and Lu Ziran.

Lu Ziran knelt down and picked him up. The little guy didn't look fat, but he grew up a lot when he was hugged. I haven't seen him for more than a month. He has grown a lot.

His personality looks much more cheerful and handsome than before.

"Yiyi, do you miss Dad?" Lu Ziran looked at his outstanding son with great pride.

"Think!" Yan Shutian spit out a word crisply.

"Hehe..." Lu Ziran couldn't stop laughing.

Think about it, among his peers, he is the only one who gets married and has children. Although he is not married yet, he will soon be.

Since his child is already in elementary school, how can he not be arrogant?

"Baby." Le Jinyan rushed out from the crowd, hugging Yan Shutian.

"Do you know who I am?" Her voice was pleasant, her eyebrows and eyes were charming, Le Jinyan was still so beautiful.

Yan Shutian looked at the beautiful and charming face in front of him, and instantly smiled from ear to ear.

"Grandma, I know you, grandma told me, grandma said you are the most beautiful among her girlfriends, grandma Ning, grandma Anke, how many other grandma?" Yan Shutian counted with his fingers , the small appearance is extremely cute.

Ning Feifei and Anke, who were standing behind, laughed from ear to ear.

Ou Jingyao looked at Mu Ziheng and said, "Why is there no grandpa?"

Mu Ziheng: "No, I'm still young, I'm not a grandfather yet, my little Ruyi is still young this year."

Ou Jingyao frowned and looked at him: "I'm quite young, but why are you so proud to be a grandfather?"

Su Jingming touched his chin with his hand, and said thoughtfully: "I also think being a grandpa is quite tall."

Mu Ziheng: "..." Is he the only one who thinks he's getting old quickly?

Why did he become a grandfather? Their little Jixiang might marry a wife in a few years, and he would also have a grandson.

Lan Xin took Yan Zi to meet everyone.

Yan Zishu was very moved. So many people welcomed her. Aunt Xin has always done things like this, which always makes people feel satisfied and happy.

There are many children, and the Lu family prepares a buffet. Everyone gets their favorite food, sits together, chats and eats happily.

Lu Ziqi and Han Yuxuan caught up with the prenatal checkup today, and they came back a bit late.

Lu Ziqi's belly is round, and she has to be supported carefully when walking.

When Yan Zishu saw Lu Ziqi, he almost thought she was pregnant with triplets, and her face became much rounder.

"Qiqi, how much did you eat?" Yan Zishu couldn't help but secretly laughed. It must be Han Yuxuan who fed up Qiqi.

Lu Ziqi glanced at Han Yuxuan unhappily: "Han Yuxuan, I told you to control your diet. I went to the hospital today and was told by the doctor again. I gained three kilograms this month."

Han Yuxuan smiled softly, "Qiqi, it's okay, we will lose weight after giving birth, don't you get hungry easily now? How uncomfortable it is to be hungry."

Lu Ziqi stopped talking and raised three people with one mouth. She was really hungry.

"Xiao Shu, don't talk about it, the more I talk about it, the more uncomfortable I feel."

"I'm always hungry, eat a little bit and fill my stomach, and can't sleep well at night."

Anyone who's been pregnant with twins or triplets knows what it's like.

"Qiqi, it's okay, just a few more months will pass, and the moment you see the baby, you will feel that everything is worth it." Her pregnancy was also very hard, but when she saw the two When I was a child, all the pain disappeared instantly at that moment. Now the child is well nourished and looks beautiful after birth.

The little face was red, and the hair was swarthy. When she saw her child, she was only happy.

"Yeah! Xiao Shu, I see, let's go eat."

Lan Xin brought Qiqi her pregnancy meal, which she made specially for her daughter, which can fill her stomach without gaining weight.

Lan Xin looked at Han Yuxuan: "Yuxuan, I know you feel sorry for Qiqi's fast hunger, but you should pay attention when adding meals, not too much, otherwise Qiqi will be very painful when she gives birth."

Han Yuxuan also paid attention to this problem, but when Qiqi said that he was hungry, he felt distressed and wished to put all the delicious food in front of her.

He smiled and nodded: "Mom, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Immediately, everyone ate dinner happily.

Because it was the first time I saw Yan Shutian, all the grandmothers gave red envelopes to the two little guys, Mid-Autumn Festival red envelopes.

Everyone made trouble together until eleven o'clock at night before going home separately.

In the dead of night, Yan Zishu put the two children to sleep, and then gently closed the door and came out.

As soon as he went out, he was pulled into his arms violently, smelling the familiar scent, Yan Zishu's face turned red instantly.

"Lu Ziran, it's so late, why haven't you gone to bed yet?" Although the two of them had confirmed their relationship for almost a month, they hadn't made any further progress other than holding hands and kissing each other.

With her head still in the hollow of her shoulder, Lu Ziran said softly, "Swallow, I miss you."

But he is not handy, and he is afraid of making a fool of himself at the critical moment. He looks at the woman he loves every day, but he can't act when his heart is moved, and he feels extremely uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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