Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2328 Getting ready to propose

Chapter 2328 Getting ready to propose
Chapter 2328: Ready to Propose
Tonight, he went to eat with Yanzi, he was looking forward to and happy.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the ancient city.

In the brightly lit ancient city, there are a lot of people, and many beautiful girls are wearing Hanfu, and there are little brothers wearing Hanfu?

It was so lively that people lingered.

"Wow!" Yan Zishu, who was in it, also felt the lively atmosphere, and felt as if he had passed away.

It is rare to see such a scene in Ningshi.

No wonder so many people like Jiang City.

In the ancient city, there are traditional folk performances such as playing dragon lanterns, lions, stilts, and Taiping drums.

Lu Ziran held Yan Zishu's hand and went to watch these shows. There were too many people. Lu Ziran's height stood out among these people, and many fans recognized him.

He kept taking pictures with his mobile phone.

I just can't believe that I will meet international superstars in a place like the ancient city.

And they can only watch from a distance and not profane!
"It's really Lu Ziran, and his lover."

"Yes, his lover is beautiful!"

Yan Zishu is wearing a black knee-length dress tonight, with one shoulder, and the exquisite butterfly collarbone is particularly beautiful, with an elegant temperament.

Yan Zishu's appearance is stunning and very seductive, at first glance, the two match very well!

"What a beautiful woman!"

"Those who said on the Internet that his lover is not beautiful, really blinded him."

"Yes, it blinded me tonight."

The few little sisters surrounding them were discussing in low voices.

There was a little girl who really wanted to have a word with her idol, so she boldly ran over.

"Mr. Lu Ziran, hello! Is this your girlfriend?"

Although there are rumors about them on the Internet, she still believes what she saw with her own eyes.

Lu Ziran admitted with a generous smile.

"Hello there!"

He looked sideways at Yan Zishu tenderly: "Her name is Yanzi, and she is my lover. I plan to propose to her after a while, and I hope to get everyone's blessings."

"Wow!" The girl smiled happily, "Congratulations on growing old together!"

Lu Ziran: "Thank you!"

Yan Zishu also smiled and said, "Thank you!"

At this time, a reporter ran out from nowhere, holding a microphone to Lu Ziran.

"Mr. Lu Ziran, I'm Li Yan, a reporter from AG, can you explain the things about children that have been circulating on the Internet all this time?"

This is what everyone wants to know, and she never expected to meet Lu Ziran and the woman he likes here tonight.

Lu Ziran looked at Yan Zishu beside him, Yan Zishu smiled, "Let me explain."

Lu Ziran was stunned for a moment, she originally wanted to ask Yanzi for permission to explain the child's matter, but she didn't expect that she would explain it herself.

The reporter immediately raised the microphone in front of Yan Zishu.

Yan Zishu smiled charmingly at the camera: "Hello everyone, my name is Yan Zishu, I met Zi Ran when I was seven years old, from when I was seven to me, I would send him a message every day to say hello in the morning and evening.

On his birthday, we ran into each other and got drunk and stayed in the same hotel. I won’t explain what happened next, but you can guess what will happen.

Later, I became pregnant, and the child was a pair of twins, but at that time we were still in college, so we didn't announce the pregnancy... Here, I want to say sorry to everyone! "She bowed deeply towards the end.

Yan Zishu explained the matter concisely and concisely.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, if she explains it, those people will not scold Lu Ziran.

The person she likes, she can't see being insulted or insulted by others, not at all.

Lu Ziran looked at her, shocked, and at the same time grateful to her for simplifying the matter so lightly.

He originally wanted to tell the whole story in front of everyone. He was the one who was sorry for Yanzi, and he was the one who hurt Yanzi seven years ago.

"Papapa..." There was warm applause from all around, and more voices were blessings for them.

After Yan Zishu answered a few questions from the reporter, he led Lu Ziran away.

Arriving at a quiet place, Lu Ziran suddenly stopped.


"Lu Ziran." Yan Zishu looked at him and interrupted him, she knew what he wanted to say?
She smiled softly, her eyebrows curved brightly: "Lu Ziran, no matter what the truth is, what the outside world wants is an explanation, why tell those things again and become the focus of other people's comments after dinner?"

"No matter what misunderstandings we have had, no matter what pain we have had, but happiness outweighs pain, life is full of vicissitudes, I have nothing I can't forget. Just like now, with you, I only have happiness and no pain!"

Lu Ziran's heart was suddenly hit by something, and his whole body was filled with love. This love seemed to overflow from his body and linger around the two of them. Lu Ziran was full of love besides being moved. In his chest, It was full of her, and she couldn't help it anymore, and lowered her head to seal her soft red lips.

Under the brightly lit tree, two figures hugging and kissing are romantic and happy.


On the third day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lu Ziran took Yan Zishu and two children back to Ningshi.

Two days later was the day the children registered.

Yan Zishu and Lu Ziran sent their children to school together, now everyone knows that Yan Shuyi and Yan Shutian's father is a big star, everyone is envious, but the two children are very happy.

In the following days, Lu Ziran worked on his hand rehabilitation during the day.

Date Yan Zishu at night, no matter how late they go out, they have to go home, because there are two treasures waiting for them at home.

Also because of Han Yuxuan's words, before the wedding, Lu Ziran chose a life of asceticism, wanting to save the best night for the night of their wedding.

Time passed quickly, half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Ziran's hand miraculously recovered.

This was beyond Dr. Huo's expectations. Sure enough, being in a good mood can cure everything that is impossible.

And Lu Ziqi and Han Yuxuan also like twins.

By the beginning of spring in March, Lu Ziran's hands had fully recovered. Except that he couldn't use gravity, it didn't have much impact on his life, and he could do everything while driving and cooking.

Lu Ziran is very busy these days, busy preparing the venue for the proposal.

Last winter, he ordered a diamond ring just to prepare for this moment.

Yan Zishu felt that Lu Ziran was nagging these days, always leaving early and returning late, and even delayed his daughter's piano lesson, so he called him to ask him, but he just smiled and said he had something to do.

But no matter how busy he is, he will prepare Yan Zishu's morning and evening meals, which are nutritious and healthy. This is what Lu Ziran used to study on the app on his mobile phone in his free time, and he served Yan Zishu obediently.

On this day, the two made an appointment to go out to live a two-person world.

As soon as Yan Zishu left the company, Du Xin came to pick her up.

The place to eat was in a high-end restaurant that Lu Ziran opened three months ago.

(End of this chapter)

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