Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2329 Get married, the love of a lifetime

Chapter 2329 Get married, the love of your life

Chapter 2329: Marry, the love of my life

Du Xin only sent her to the door and left.

Yan Zishu was a little strange, the business of the restaurant is usually very good, why is it deserted tonight?
But Du Xin told her that Lu Ziran was on the top floor, and Yan Zishu couldn't help but think of the candlelight dinner.

Lu Ziran likes having candlelight dinners on the top floor the most.

Taking the elevator to the top floor, she was stunned by the romantic scene in front of her instantly, and she was quite nervous.

What did she suddenly realize?Surprised, he covered his mouth with his hands and looked at everything in front of him.

Both sides of the road into the top floor are filled with roses and heart-shaped balloons.

There are also some balloons that are floating.

There are rose petals sprinkled on the ground, and the faint scent of roses floats in the air. The letter lights hanging on both sides add to the romantic scene.

Yan Zishu walked in excitedly. The proposal lamp was used as the background wall, which was very creative and romantic. There were candles on both sides, and there were roses that Yan Zishu liked everywhere.

Under the background wall, Lu Ziran, who was wearing a black suit, was slender, elegant and dazzling, looking at Yan Zishu with a gentle smile.

The bag in Yan Zishu's hand fell to the ground, and she trotted towards Lu Ziran's arms.

"Lu Ziran." She called out with a smile.

Lu Ziran hugged her waist, turned around, and then put her on the ground. He stared deeply at her with his jet-black eyes, knelt on one knee, looked up at her, his well-defined facial features were covered with Full of tenderness.

"Swallow, I have always felt that God favored me, let me meet you, falling in love with you is the most correct choice I have made in my life, and protecting you is my responsibility in this life. Swallow, every day in the future, I will Will be by your side, Yanzi, will you marry me?"

Yan Zi nodded abruptly, and choked up, "Lu Ziran, I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up. Lu Ziran, I am willing!"

I am willing to say three words, Yan Zishu said very loudly.

In this world, how many people are really destined to marry their male god?
In her life, there has always been only him!

Lu Ziran's eyes were red with excitement, and she put the diamond ring on Yan Zishu with tears of excitement.

He got up, lowered his head and kissed her ring, and then hugged her and kissed her faintly.

Swallow, thank you for walking into my heart. From today on, there is only you in my life.

"Bang..." Brilliant fireworks bloomed all around, and they were short-lived, but they were written in colorful words, Yan Zishu, I love you!


June 28 is a good day, and the wedding ceremony for the two is scheduled for today.

The weather is fine, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The wedding of the two was held in Ningshi, and it was very low-key. All the relatives and friends of Jiangshi came to Ningshi.

Yan Zishu's house and Lu Ziran's house were grandly and festively arranged.

The two houses were next to each other, and red carpets and flowers were spread on the ground.

Early in the morning, according to the Ningshi tradition, under the witness of his relatives, Lu Ziran married Yan Zishu, who was wearing a phoenix coronet, back to worship the world.

At noon, Yan Zishu changed into a white diamond wedding dress, and everyone went to the hotel together in the wedding car.

Yan Zishu's bridesmaid is Ye Wei, Du Xin's girlfriend. During the time when Yan Zishu is being picked up and sent to and from get off work, Du Xin often sees Ye Wei.

Lu Ziran has a lot of brothers and cousins, and together with Lu Haocheng's good brother's children, they can make up three football teams.

Chu Feiyang was rather noisy, and greeted the wedding scene with Lu Zijun who had rushed back to attend the wedding.

Chu Feiyang even prepared several links to embarrass Lu Ziran.

"Xiaojun, look at this question. Of course, you can't answer it. If you can't answer it, I won't let him go back to the new house."

Lu Zijun was wearing a pure black suit, with a tall and straight figure, a strong aura, and a bit of publicity in his calmness.

If the two brothers are both down, except for Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin, almost no one will recognize the two brothers.

Today, there have been several times when Yanzi's relatives in Shu's family have misidentified him.

He glanced at Chu Feiyang, and said in a cold voice, "Are you from the groom's side or the bride's side? Why do you make things difficult for your own people?"

Chu Feiyang smiled darkly: "I am happy, who asked him to rob Yan Zishu from me?"

Lu Zijun was speechless for a moment.

It turned out that there was still this stubble in it.

Backstage, Lu Haocheng and Yan Qing stood together, Lu Haocheng saw Yan Qing's nervousness, Lu Haocheng patted him on the shoulder understandingly, his tone was quite gloating, "Old Yan, I understand your mood, I was also In this way, there is too much resentment in my heart.”

Yan Qing: "You are gloating, my daughter was raped by your pig."

Lu Haocheng: "...At least my son is handsome."

Yan Qing: "..." Shameless!

When the auspicious time came, Yan Qing held his daughter's hand and stood at the other end of the red carpet. Yan Shuyi and Yan Shutian were also dressed formally as little flower girls.

Lu Ziran stood on the crystal platform, and the audience below was full of guests. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and today, he finally married his beloved woman back home.

When the host invited the bride to enter the venue, the moment Lu Ziran saw Yan Zishu, he never took his eyes off her. The diamonds were dazzling, but Yan Zishu's beauty overshadowed the dazzling diamonds and became the most beautiful bride.

Yan Zishu also looked at the quiet Lu Ziran, her eyes were full of surprise and deep love, she was finally going to marry her male god, and her heart couldn't stop beating.

Photographers documented their every move.

The wedding company arranged the scene in an extremely romantic way, Lu Ziran likes to let nature take its course, and there is no rehearsal in the wedding.

Yan Qing took his daughter's hand and walked in front of Lu Ziran.

Yan Shutian and Yan Shuyi glanced at each other, picked up the flowers in the flower basket, and sprinkled them vigorously towards their parents.

Romantic flower petals fluttered one after another, Yan Qing didn't say anything, handed Yan Zishu's hand to Lu Ziran's with red eyes, turned around and left with the two little flower girls, leaving the stage to a couple.

This is silent trust, he believes that he will not be wrong.

After the wedding was completed in the simplest and most comfortable way, Yan Zishu was suddenly hugged by a princess, Lu Ziran.

Chu Feiyang seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and shouted amidst warm applause: "Lu Ziran, what are you doing?"

Lu Ziran looked at Chu Feiyang with an evil smile: "Chu Feiyang, you are pulling a group of brothers to have a bridal chamber, but you are going to be disappointed, we are going on a honeymoon trip, tonight's bridal chamber wedding night, in another villa, fight with me , you are still far behind."

The bride and groom just left behind their relatives and friends and left regardless.

Chu Feiyang: "..." Dumbfounded, the plan to trick Lu Ziran that was sorted out after staying up late last night was just abolished.

He was even ready for the door-blocking session, but Lu Ziran ran away.

Not only Chu Feiyang was disappointed, but also Xiao Jixiang and a large group of them.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all laughed, and Lu Sisi grabbed Chu Feiyang by the ears and returned to his seat to eat.

Still festive, still romantic!
It was night, in the warm new room, on the big soft bed, after several battles, Yan Zishu was already drowsy.

Lu Ziran's sexy lips covered her ears, and her magnetic voice was extremely clear in the darkness: "Swallow, you are what I have been looking for and love all my life."

Yan Zishu burst into tears and did not speak, although she was exhausted, at this moment, only by responding to him could she express her love for him.

She took the initiative to kiss his lips, and Lu Ziran kissed her tears dry with a smile.

The night is still very long, and love has just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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