Chapter 2333 You Can't Escape 4
Chapter 2333: You Can't Escape 4
Xia Qin glanced back at her, and her tone was very polite: "You tidy up the office. There is a meeting on the 25th floor at a quarter past nine. Then we go up together and bring your designs. There is an autumn designer competition. If you If the sales volume of the works under his name reaches No.1, he can get an extra generous commission."

"it is good!"

Yue Lingxi was a little excited, so, on the first day of work, will she be able to meet the legendary business giant Lu Zijun?

However, through Xia Qin's words, she also understood a truth. Here, people rely entirely on their ability to make a living. As long as you have the ability, you can get the high commission you want. It really is a very competitive place.

Xia Qin: "See you later, I still have work."

"Okay, Director Xia is busy first, thank you Director Xia!" Yue Lingxi was so generous that Xia Qin looked at her twice before going out.

Yue Lingxi walked around the office, so happy that she wanted to cry.

Thinking that Lu's Group is recruiting assistants, she immediately thought of Tang Yiyi. She also studied design, but she has no work experience and hasn't found a corresponding job yet. At least she can be influenced by her ears when she comes here.

Yue Lingxi took out her mobile phone and called Tang Yiyi.

"Xixi, what's the matter?" Tang Yiyi's voice over there was very low.

Yue Lingxi also said in a low voice: "Yiyi, the Lu Group is recruiting assistants, do you want to come and have a look?"

Tang Yiyi was very excited: "Really? Xixi!"

"Really, you should submit your resume and have a try. There is a shortage of people now, and the salary is good."

"Ahhh...Xixi, I read it, and it's only [-] a month for ordinary assistants. The Lu Group is really too rich. I only work here for [-]. I'm submitting my resume now. God bless me When I join the Lu Group, I will definitely work hard."

"Hey... then hurry up and submit your resume, I'm going to work. Good luck!"

"Okay, Xixi, I love you so much." Tang Yiyi was so excited that she was about to cry.

After Yue Lingxi hung up the phone, there was no time to clean up the office. She checked her design, and after confirming that it was correct, she went to the next door to find Xia Qin to go to the 25th floor together.

Just after passing by, Xia Qin also came out, bringing her assistant Lin Shan along.

"Director Xia." She smiled and ran over.

Xia Qin nodded and introduced, "This is my assistant Lin Shan."

Yue Lingxi looked at Lin Shan: "Hello Assistant Lin!"

Lin Shan looked at Yue Lingxi's beauty, her eyes flickered, and she sneered. It looked like this woman was here to seduce the CEO.

"Hello!" Her tone was light, and she looked like a difficult person to get along with.

Yue Lingxi has seen countless people, and knows that Lin Shan is not easy to get along with.

But she doesn't care about it, and she, Yue Lingxi, is not a person to be provoked.

Xia Qin went on to introduce: "Today is mainly a designer meeting. There were 120 designers in our design department before. After Mr. Lu took over the Lu Group, he has upgraded in all aspects. Now there are less than 90 designers for men's wear, women's wear, and children's wear. Lu Zijun, our department is the main design department, focusing on youth fashion, with 20 designers, and each designer has an assistant to assist in the work."

Before Yue Lingxi came back, she also saw that the personnel department of the Lu Corporation had been greatly relocated.

Lu Zijun is no longer sticking to the rules, but keeps pace with the times and strives for perfection in order to reduce his workload!

Therefore, this also gives those who work hard the opportunity to soar to the nine heavens.

As long as she met a designer, Xia Qin would introduce them to Yue Lingxi, and Yue Lingxi listened carefully. Although she didn't have a photographic memory, she could remember as much as she could.

Careful and careful can always remember more than others!

Xia Qin's patience with Yue Lingxi stems from the fact that Yue Lingxi has won several awards abroad, and the company attaches great importance to her. As a design director, she can't take the lead in suppressing newcomers.

After all, everyone has potential stocks.

She knows Lu Zijun's character very well. No matter what your family background is, here, he only wants one result, working ability and corresponding benefits.

The new designer, Yue Lingxi, is very beautiful, and word spread quickly in the company.

Yue Lingxi is trying to get acquainted with the Lu Group, and is completely ignorant of this matter.

In the conference room on the 25th floor.

In the spacious and bright office, nearly 30 people are already seated, and everyone finds their own seats to sit down. The seat of Yue Lingxi is the fifth seat to the left of the president.

It was the position of the previously retired designer. After she came on the bench, she also sat in this position.

Yue Lingxi greeted everyone with a nod and a smile.

The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

Yue Lingxi turned around against the conditions and looked over. The man who walked in had a straight and domineering figure, black shirt, black pants, long legs, and a superbly handsome face. His face was expressionless, calm, cold, noble, elegant, and mixed. The breath almost exhausted the adjectives in Yue Lingxi's heart.

Does this mean the legendary new president Lu Ziran?


Are you a human?

This is simply a fairy!

High coldness, abstinence, and charm everywhere!

Yue Lingxi felt that the previous 24 years of her life were wasted. How could she think that someone like Feng Tao is a handsome man?

She immediately understood, how terrifying is the frog in the well?

In the future, she must go out more often.

When Yue Lingxi was thinking about it, he didn't notice that the moment Lu Zijun's black eyes touched him, his whole face suddenly changed, his body tensed up, and there was a strange feeling in his heart, so fast that he couldn't catch it. Wait, the woman from last night was actually the company's new designer.

Lu Zijun suddenly felt that there was a glimmer of expectation in this boring work life.

Might get interesting too.

Compared to what she saw in the video, she is indeed amazing at this moment.

He walked to the exclusive president's seat and sat down, the corners of his lips raised involuntarily.

Song Yao was standing beside him, and suddenly felt that his president's mood had improved.

After Lu Zijun said good morning, he talked about the rules of the autumn clothing design competition.

His voice was clear, clear, penetrating, and somewhat casual, making everyone's eyes focus on him.

Including Yue Lingxi, she feels that she is not here for work, but for dating.

Seeing such an excellent man, a woman will only have one thought, how can she become his lifelong partner?
He was so good-looking, with deep eyes, when looking at people, it was as shocking as drowning in the sea.

It wasn't until the electronic screen behind him rolled up and the light in the office became much brighter that Yue Lingxi and the designers came back to their senses from his pleasant voice.

Lu Ziran's jet-black handsome eyes fell on Yue Lingxi's stunning but unreal beautiful face. His vision was excellent, and he could still see the faint marks on her snow-white swan neck through five people. All of a sudden it got better.

He looked at her eyes with a bit of brilliance without realizing it: "Designer Yue, can you show everyone your design style?"

(End of this chapter)

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