Chapter 2334 You Can't Escape 5
Chapter 2334: You Can't Escape 5
Yue Lingxi stood up, quickly adjusted her mentality, and nodded generously towards Lu Zijun.

"Okay, President!" She walked to the big screen, bent slightly, and was about to launch the video.

She bent slightly, the neckline was facing Lu Zijun, on the looming snow-white skin, from his angle, the lavender mark fell in his eyes as deep as the sea, and her mood improved involuntarily.

Lu Zijun didn't realize his perverted possessiveness!
The design drawing of Yuelingxi appeared on the big screen, and the design of the autumn style suddenly caught people's eyes.

First up was a trench coat in a sunburst shade of orange, oozing luxurious elegance.

The second one is light brown, the color is romantic and elegant, with a little retro style, simple and attractive.

The last picture is a design of oatmeal and milky white. The color is not conspicuous, but it is very soft, and the tone is very eye-catching.

Yue Lingxi explained her design concept, her design comes from all the colors of nature.

Lu Zijun also understands this truth, only if he loves life enough can he design good works.

Lu Zijun looked at the graceful Yue Lingxi, those eyes were very beautiful, and there was a touch of tension that should not be noticed in the publicity.

Yes, she is nervous!

Thinking that she didn't recognize him, he felt a little upset. Was it because he wasn't skilled enough that she had forgotten him in just a few hours?

Lu Zijun's face was a little dark, and his tone was also a little bit darker: "The design concept is good."

Yue Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief. All of her drawings were hand-drawn, using water-soluble colored pencils. The touch-up layer is particularly difficult to master, and it will test a person's patience. As long as there is a little impetuosity in her heart, the effect will be greatly reduced.

This is a work she prepared before returning to China.

Xia Qin was also amazed at Yue Lingxi's talent, she was indeed outstanding, she had a thorough grasp of the control of colors and fabrics.

She looked at Lu Zijun: "President, do you want to decide on the style first?"

Lu Zijun: "Wait a little longer! The meeting ends first!"

After Lu Zijun finished speaking, he went out, and Song Yao immediately followed.

Looking at Lu Zijun's back, Yue Lingxi was a little puzzled, Ming was very satisfied, why wait?
Sure enough, this man was as ruthless as in the legend!
Difficult to live with!
Yue Lingxi put away her things, and the way the designers looked at her changed a little.

Lin Shan said in a moderate voice: "Overestimate your own strength! Do you think that if you win an award abroad, you will become a dark horse after returning to China?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Qin frowned slightly, but did not refute Lin Shan's words.

But Lu Zijun's personality is perverse, no one can see what he is thinking?
Yue Lingxi looked at Lin Shan, frowned slightly, then glanced at Xia Qin who didn't say anything, and finally understood.

Lin Shan is Xia Qin's assistant. Without Xia Qin's consent, how could Lin Shan dare to speak like this?

Some people are like this, using others to achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone, and reaping the benefits themselves, but she is very confident in her works.

She didn't say anything, she didn't bother to argue with someone like Lin Shan, if she did, she would lose first.

If Lu Zijun really doesn't like her work, she will also reflect on herself and never give up.

After leaving the conference room, Yue Lingxi was the last one to go out.

When he was about to step into the elevator, Song Yao came out.

"Designer Joy!"

Yue Lingxi turned her head and looked at him.

Song Yao introduced himself: "My name is Song Yao, and I'm the president's assistant. The president asked you to go to the office to talk about the work."

"Okay, Assistant Song!" Yue Lingxi turned around and walked towards the president's office.

She was actually very excited, to see what Lu Zijun wanted to do?
Lin Shan and Xia Qin, who had just entered the elevator, also looked very bad.

"Sister Xia, we can't easily go in and out of the CEO's office. It's such an honor for Yue Lingxi to come to work on the first day. This woman can really seduce people!" Lin Shan was very angry. Lu Zijun came here, but he has been in the company for several months, and he has not been able to say a word to Lu Zijun.

Xia Qin's mind is clear. She saw Yue Lingxi's work just now, and she also realized the sense of crisis.

But she won't say anything, with Lin Shan by her side, just use it a little bit.

Lin Shan is impulsive and tends to think things in the opposite direction. With a little mention, things can achieve the results she wants.

"Shanshan, don't talk about it. The talent of Yue Lingxi is obvious to all. Didn't you see it just now? Her designs are very beautiful."

Yes, Yue Lingxi is indeed very talented, she has never thought about her design concepts.

Lin Shan snorted, "Sister Xia, I don't understand her style. The color is too picky. People who are a little darker can't afford those colors. Instead, it's your design, especially Xiaoxiangfeng's." I like the design the most, it is western style and fashionable, it can be matched casually, it looks much better than her design, sister Xia, your design will definitely become the main style of this year."

Xia Qin smiled, very modestly: "Shanshan, I don't have such confidence, don't forget, although the chairman's wife is no longer in the company, I still have to show her the design of each quarter, not good The place needs to be revised.”

Speaking of this matter, Lin Shan became curious, "Sister Xia, have you met the president's mother? It seems that for the safety of the wife, there is no picture on the Internet. I heard that she is a very easy-going person."

Xia Qin shook her head: "I haven't seen it before."

Lin Shan thought, if she could please her future mother-in-law, would she have a better chance of marrying into the wealthy Lu family?
Lin Shan was thinking about all kinds of opportunities, and she would not give up.

When Yue Lingxi entered the CEO's office, he saw Lu Zijun sitting in front of the computer, staring at the computer screen with Mo Ran's black eyes intently.

His fingers are beautiful, long and slender like jade, his nails are ruddy with a faint luster, there is nothing about this man that is not charming.

But at the same time, there was an aura of not being close to strangers all over her body, as well as the cold, arrogant and noble abstinence all told her that this man was very difficult to get along with.

"President, are you looking for me?" Yue Lingxi's tone was light, but there was a bit of nervousness that couldn't be concealed.

Lu Zijun raised his eyes and looked at her: "Sit down first, I have something to attend to?"

"Okay!" Yue Lingxi sat on the sofa opposite his desk.

For a while, in the spacious and bright office, only the crackling of keyboards could be heard.

He manipulated the keyboard very quickly, his eyes were serious, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, as if he had encountered something difficult.

After 10 minutes, Lu Zijun breathed a sigh of relief. Early in the morning, someone actually attacked the internal system of the Lu Group, and it took him 10 minutes to solve it. The attacker was not kind.

(End of this chapter)

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