Chapter 2335 You Can't Escape 6
Chapter 2335: You Can't Escape 6
After dealing with everything, Lu Zijun looked at Yue Lingxi. The girl sat quietly, her eyes were fixed on him from time to time, and he felt it too.

Just as Lu Zijun was about to speak, the phone on the desk rang.

He looked at Yue Lingxi and said, "Sorry."

He walked to the French window not far away to answer the phone.

Yue Lingxi's eyes followed his figure. The man was about 1.8 meters tall, and his aura was about two meters tall.Zhang Yang's reckless breath burst out, it almost made her want to fall in love.

Even if she just fell out of love.

No, it's not a lovelorn.

She and the man told her about this marriage because the adoptive parents looked at each other's family background.

Now this marriage is occupied by Yue Lingyun.

She has seen tall people, but not many have a good temperament. Many of them have hunchbacks, or because they are too thin, or because they are too fat, they don't feel so good.

But Lu Zijun's long legs are really pretty.

Yue Lingxi made the sound of fighting in her heart.

Two minutes later, Lu Zijun returned to his desk.

Lu Zijun looked at her too busy, "Give me the USB drive."

Yue Lingxi was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she quickly got up and walked over.

"President, here it is!" She handed it over with her flamboyant hand. Her round nails are beautiful, small and exquisite, neatly trimmed, and her nails have never been painted. They are very beautiful, and she looks like a person with ingenuity.

Lu Zijun knew that he cared so much about the woman in front of him because of what happened last night, and he was also very annoyed by his behavior.

But she just couldn't control her behavior, just because this woman didn't remember that he was her man last night.

Lu Zijun called out her design drawings.

"Come here." The low and light tone was unremarkable.

Yue Lingxi cooled down and walked slowly.

Yue Lingxi walked up to him, at such a close distance, with a familiar cold aura, for some reason, Yue Lingxi instantly remembered that man from last night, and he felt the same way.

Yue Lingxi frowned, could it be that because of Lu Zijun's good looks, she had an illusion?

Yue Lingxi regained her senses when Lu Zijun's pleasant voice came to her mind.

"Designer Yue, look at this night blue, the color is too outstanding, it is easy to look old, you should polish this color, the fabric of this color is hard to find, the quality of a piece of clothing lies in the fabric, and The designer’s ingenuity polished the design drawing, cut it into a finished garment and interlock it to become a perfect work.”

"And this sunshine color, too serious..."

Yue Lingxi listened carefully, and after listening, she felt a sense of enlightenment.

She looked at Lu Zijun with unique insights in a little shock. What he said involved accumulated experience and precipitation, as well as careful and patient production considerations.

But for Lu Zijun, work is the most important thing in his heart.

Teaching him how to fish is worse than giving him fish!

These are my mother's experiences over the years.

Yue Lingxi's works can withstand polishing.

After Lu Zijun finished speaking, he realized that Yue Lingxi was staring at her blankly. The two were very close. The orchid-like fragrance on her body was exactly the same as he remembered.

The crazy images from last night flashed across Lu Zijun's mind again, and the blood in his body also boiled.

Lu Zijun suppressed the change in his body, this was the first time he felt this way towards a woman since he was an adult.

"Designer Yue, as well as your simple line design, which has a strong visual sense, silky strands, and long meaning. The sun color and orange color just now can be used in these two styles. You follow my Let’s go back and make a summary, then make a modification to the design drawing, and then submit it.”

"Ah...oh!" When Yue Lingxi came to her senses, a layer of red cloud had already floated on her pretty face, and her heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Being so close, she could see the delicate pores on the man's face, as well as those beautiful and deep black eyes.

Yue Lingxi was instantly jealous, how could a man's skin be better than a woman's.

"Okay, I'll go back and modify it before submitting it to our director."

Lu Zijun: "No, after you modify it, send it directly to me."

Yue Lingxi was taken aback: "Boss Lu, is this against the rules?" Xia Qin must be unhappy in this way.

Lu Zijun leaned back slightly, their faces were getting closer, and their breaths were entangled with each other.

The atmosphere in the air froze instantly.

Yue Lingxi straightened up abruptly, an indescribable and wonderful feeling ran through her heart.

Lu Zijun slowly hooked his lips, as if he was very satisfied with Yue Lingxi's reaction.

He said casually: "In my place, there are no rules, rely on ability to eat, go out!"

"Okay, President!" Yue Lingxi took her things and left quickly.

When Lu Zijun heard the sound of closing the door, he stood up abruptly, pulled his tie vigorously, feeling irritable and hot.

"Damn it!" He hurried to the bathroom.

When Yue Lingxi returned to the design department, everyone looked at her strangely.

"I heard that Boss Lu left her alone in the office. Even Sister Xia didn't get this kind of treatment. How can she have such a big face as a newcomer? Doesn't she have a mine at home?"

"Who knows? But judging by her attire, she doesn't look like someone with a mine at home."

"If there is a mine at home, Sister Xia and Lin Shan's family is a small chaebol."

"Hey...Xiaoyu, when you talk about this matter, I know another thing. Sister Xia and Lin Shan came here for Mr. Lu, and now there is another Yuelingxi. Our company will have a good show in the future Look."

The voices of these people were not too loud, and they didn't shy away from Yuelingxi at all.

Yue Lingxi could hear clearly, until the moment she closed the door with a "bang", the world was completely quiet.

She has no assistant and can only clean the office by herself.

The day went well, and at 05:30, she left work on time.

After get off work, she looked at the bustling street with complicated emotions.

After standing at the bus station for a long time, she took out her biological mother's address from her bag, glanced at the address above, and turned on the navigation again. It happened that there was a bus at the platform, and it was at least an hour away from you.

The bus came and she stepped on it.

Coincidentally at this time, Lu Zijun's car had just passed by, and after a glimpse, the beautiful figure quickly disappeared in front of his eyes.

The faint feeling in my heart came out again.

An hour and a half later, Yue Lingxi came outside her mother's rental house.

This is a village in the city, very lively at night, there are food stalls everywhere, full of fireworks, there are many migrant workers, and the people who live there are very complicated.

Her mother's surname is also Yue, which is why the two children were wrongly carried by the nurse.

Yue Lingxi stood at the door, took a deep breath, and then mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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