Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2337 The Happiness of Having a Family

Chapter 2337 The Happiness of Having a Family
Chapter 2337: The happiness of having a family
"Okay, sister, let's go, I took a few private matters today, and I made a lot of money today, I'll treat you!" Yuefeng was very happy, although the two of them had never met, but once they met, they had a good time. A feeling that has been known for a lifetime.

"Okay!" Yue Lingxi smiled, and the family of three went out to eat.

Yuelingxi doesn't know what to eat around here?

But Yue Lingfeng knew.

"Sister, do you have anything to eat?" Yue Lingfeng looked at the beautiful sister, walking in this noisy night market, she was still the one that everyone was looking at.

The men and women who passed by her couldn't help but stare at her.

Yue Lingfeng walked outside, blocking the sight of those people.

Occasionally, if a man with malicious intentions looks at this side, he will give him a warning look.

Yue Lingxi also noticed these small details.

With a warm heart, she smiled and said, "Xiaofeng, Mom, I'm not picky about food, I will eat what you want."

Yue Lingfeng: "Sister, there is an a la carte restaurant in front, their pickled fish is delicious, how about we go eat pickled fish?"

The food in that private restaurant is delicious and the price is very reasonable.

Yue Lingxi: "Good! I like pickled fish too."

Yue Lingfeng was very happy: "Sister, let's go eat pickled fish."

Yue Lingxi nodded with a smile, and suddenly remembered a sentence.

On the most helpless road of life, family affection is the most lasting motivation.

The family of three soon came to a private restaurant in the back street. Compared with the bustle in front, it was much quieter here.

The decoration is very ordinary, but it is clean and tidy.

The dishes here are all made to order in the freezer.

Yue Lingfeng has eaten at their house several times, and he never forgets their pickled fish.

As soon as it came up, I ordered a pickled fish, and left the rest to Yue Lingxi and my mother.

Yue Wei has always been diligent and thrifty in housekeeping. For her, if she can save money, she basically doesn't eat in restaurants.

Unless her son forced her to go out to eat.

But today my daughter came back, and she happily ordered a large table of dishes.

While sitting down and waiting for the food to be served, Yue Lingxi also simply told her mother and younger brother about her past years.

It was only then that Yue Wei realized that the Yue family had already known that their daughter was not their own.

"Lingxi, I'm sorry! It's my mother who is sorry for you. You have suffered all these years. Seeing how your adoptive parents are, you have had a hard time in their house. When you were born, only your mother was in the hospital. You are twins again.

When mom woke up, I saw you two, brother and sister. Even I couldn't figure out how you were hugged wrong? "

When Yue Lingfeng heard this, he originally wanted to ask where his father was?

But in the past twenty years, mother has never mentioned father's matter in front of them.

Yue Lingxi is also very clear that if they follow their mother's surname, it means they don't have a father.

They are all self-reliant now and doing just fine without their dad.

Since mother doesn't want to bring up the past, they won't ask too much.

"Mom, it's okay. At that time, I had already decided to study abroad. Although their family did not give me financial support, I still had a scholarship. I have worked and studied abroad in these years, and I have saved a little money. I will wait until next weekend. Rest, let's look around the old community, if there is a suitable old community with three bedrooms and one living room, let's buy one and live in it."

In the old community, she can pay 80.00% of the down payment, and the monthly payment will be much lower. In the evening, she has time to do live lectures, and the money from the live broadcast can be used to repay the monthly payment.

She did this live broadcast when she was abroad. She spoke very carefully and honestly. The children's learning ability has improved, and they have gradually accumulated some popularity.

Yue Lingfeng and Yue Wei glanced at each other and said, "Sister, I have saved a little money over the years, why don't I buy a new house."

Although buying a second-hand house is not stressful, the living environment in a first-hand house is better.

Yue Lingxi looked at her younger brother, a little embarrassed, "Xiaofeng, I know it would be better to buy a new house, and the supporting facilities would be more complete, but now the new residential area will cost more than 100 million yuan more than the second-hand house, so we can at least pay for it." It will take a year to live in, and it may be even later if the delivery is delayed."

"And you have reached the age to find a girlfriend. My sister thinks this way. If we buy a second-hand house, we can choose a place with a slightly better environment. We can buy it and paste the wallpaper, and then we can live in it after cleaning. You live in this place now. It's too far away from where I work, and I don't want to be separated from you."

"Xiaofeng, you keep your money. When you marry your wife, you are going to buy a new house."

Yue Lingfeng is unwilling to do this, he is the pillar of the family, he must make money to buy a house, so that his mother and sister can live a good life.

"Sister, how can I let you go out alone?"

Yue Lingxi smiled, Xiaofeng's eyebrows and eyes looked very similar to her, and he was very handsome when he smiled.

"Xiaofeng, it's not easy to marry a wife and have children now, and the dowry money is always 10,000+, but don't worry, my sister will work hard. My sister's current company pays well, and the year-end bonus is also very high. Give us a few more years, we The family must live a better life.”

Yue Wei smiled, looking at a pair of sensible sons and daughters, no matter how hard it was, she felt it was worth it.

After the family of three had dinner, they walked back all the way.

Back in the downtown area, Yue Lingfeng bought three more cups of roasted milk.

"Sister, you can stay tonight." Yue Lingfeng was reluctant to let his sister go.

Yue Lingxi shook her head slightly: "It's okay, I didn't bring clothes and toiletries, I'll go to the hotel to make do with the night, and next week we'll start looking for a house, after we find a house, we'll move to a place closer to the city live."

Yue Lingfeng watched his sister insist, but didn't say anything.

He also works in the city, and it takes two hours to commute to and from get off work every day.

I thought about moving before, but my mother was frugal, so I never moved.

Now that his sister is back, he is also reluctant to let her suffer.

"Sister, I will rest tomorrow. I haven't taken a vacation this year. I will start looking for a house tomorrow. Mom, you also quit your job in the hot pot restaurant? The job there is dirty and tiring."

Yue Wei smiled and said, "Both of you siblings have decided to live in the city, so you can only quit. I'll just find another job after I get to the city."

After the family discussed it, Yue Lingxi went back to the rental house and sat for a while before leaving.

Yue Lingfeng sent her out to take the bus.

Yue Lingfeng was a little worried, such a beautiful sister couldn't go back alone.

"Sister, how about I send you to your friend's house?" He was still worried.

Yue Lingxi knew that she was worried: "No need, Xiaofeng, we have added WeChat just now, and I will send you the addresses of the selected districts in a while, you can go to the real estate nearby to ask tomorrow if there are any The right house?"

(End of this chapter)

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