Chapter 2338 You are finished

Chapter 2338: You are finished

"Sister, don't worry, I'll go to the neighborhoods you mentioned when I wake up tomorrow morning." Yue Lingfeng is very happy, he is really happy to be able to live with his sister.

Yue Lingxi nodded and asked: "By the way, Xiaofeng, do you hate Yue Lingyun?"

When Yue Lingfeng heard the name, he frowned, and his handsome face showed displeasure: "Sister, don't mention her, she is a white-eyed wolf, lazy, can't do anything, enjoys happiness at home every day, and doesn't say anything when she doesn't go to work. , and always abused my mother, saying that my mother is incompetent, we don’t have a father, she always fantasizes that our father is a big boss, and he will definitely come back to pick us up in the future to live a good life.”

"Every time she said that, I was so angry that I was so angry. Like her, no matter what life I live, I have to waste it!"

"Mom's salary is used to pay the rent, and I save 200 yuan to buy some necessary things. The salary, which is not much at all, falls into her hands."

"I still remember what she said when her biological parents came to pick her up. She said, from today onwards, I will be Miss Qianjin, and I will never have anything to do with this family again."

"Let us not greet her when we meet her, so as not to embarrass her. We are inferior people and are not worthy to talk to her."

"That's when I realized that what kind of child is born and what kind of child is wrongly held in time, and the blood flowing in the bones is still so disgusting."

Yue Lingxi could understand Yue Lingfeng's mood. It was also the first time she saw Yue Lingyun yesterday, and she had a very bad impression of her.

"Xiaofeng, the bus is here, you go back first, the previous things are over, don't think too much."

Yue Lingfeng warned: "Sister, slow down and call me when you arrive."

Yue Lingxi said "OK" and got on the bus.

Yue Lingfeng was always reluctant to leave, and when he saw the bus going far away, he turned around and went back.

There was no traffic jam at night, and after four or ten minutes, she returned to Tang Yiyi's house.

It was Tang Yiyi's mother who opened the door for her.

"Aunt Tang, hello!"

"It's Lingxi, come in quickly, Yiyi was nagging to call you just now?"

Yue Lingxi walked in.

He said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Auntie, I made you worry."

Aunt Tang also knew about her situation.

She and Tang Yiyi are classmates in high school. Although they haven't seen them in the past few years, they will send messages to each other almost every day or two, and make video calls when they have time.

Aunt Tang smiled and said, "Lingxi, you still said such unexpected things to Auntie."

"Xixi, you're back." Tang Yiyi came out of the room with a mask still on her face.

"Well! I'll come here to pick up my luggage. I'm going to stay in a hotel for a few days first." If you want to rent a house, you have to look for a house, and it's not easy to add a deposit.

Find a hotel near the company to live in first. Since you have decided to buy a house, let's make a decision first.

Tang Yiyi looked at her, and pulled her to sit on the sofa: "Xixi, why are you staying in a hotel? It's more convenient to rent a house."

Yue Lingxi told Tang Yiyi about meeting her mother and younger brother tonight, and also said about buying a house.

Tang Yiyi has always known that Yue Lingxi has always been frugal, and it is not surprising that she can save money to buy a house.

Moreover, she can make a lot of money by giving live lectures. Her English and mathematics are very good!
Upon hearing this, Aunt Tang also said, "Lingxi, buying a house is a big deal. You must be careful when looking at the house. Don't be tricked by the real estate company. Real estate is hard to do now, and there are deep tricks behind it."

Yue Lingxi also knows about this. Although she grew up in the Yue family, although the Yue family is not a wealthy family, compared with ordinary families, they still have tens of millions of assets.

Although she grew up in such a family, she has developed good study habits since she was a child. She has never been used to her adoptive parents who are vulgar and snobbish.

She chose to live on campus when she was in junior high school.

High school also lived on campus, so I didn't have much affection for my adoptive parents.

Especially when something happened to her that was not her own, she immediately understood that in this world, only by herself can she never fall down.

Without an extremely clever mind, she can only fly like a fool. Her hard work and courage to face the future have supported her until now.

She has experienced too much, and some of the routines in this, she has also conquered before, and she can still handle it after thinking about it.

"Aunt Tang, don't worry, I will be careful."

"I can rest assured that."

The three chatted for a while, Tang Yiyi stayed in Yuelingxi, but Yuelingxi didn't agree, it was very convenient for the three of them to live together, but if there was one more woman, the family would be more restrained.

She took her luggage, took a taxi to a hotel near the company, and opened a room to live in.

She packed up her things and had already communicated with the front desk that she would stay for a longer period of time.

After putting away her personal belongings, she went to the bathroom to take a shower. After a busy night, she was very tired. She fell on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and the blurred scene of last night appeared in her mind again.

She sat up abruptly, by the way, should she check, who was the one who took her first time?
But after a while, Yue Lingxi lay back listlessly again, she laughed at herself, what can she do if she knows?


Wan Lai is silent, the stars and the moon shine!
In a high-end restaurant, at this moment, Lu Zijun was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his handsome face was reflected in the windows, serious and serious.

His dark eyes are like a cold and windy winter night, making people daunting!
A middle-aged man standing in front is the manager of this restaurant.

He lowered his head and stood tremblingly. This Young Master Lu had been sitting here for 5 minutes, and he sat for 5 minutes without saying a word.

Song Yao stood behind Lu Zijun, and he didn't know what Lu Zijun was going to do?
This restaurant is invested by Lu Ershao. It tastes good and is not far from the company. The president likes this restaurant very much, and sometimes he chooses to receive partners here.

Tonight, the president didn't eat, so he ran here to sit and enjoy the night view, which is a bit strange.

In fact, Lu Zijun's mind was always on what happened last night, and he didn't expect that what happened last night would affect him more than he imagined.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his gaze from the window and looked at the manager.

The manager was terrified, and knew in his heart why Lu Zijun had come here.

"Manager Zhao, you should be very clear about what happened last night, right? Who tampered with my meal?" The voice was calm and harsh.

Song Yao: "...?" What do you mean, he doesn't understand?
He looked at Manager Zhao fiercely.

Manager Zhao was already sweating profusely.

Song Yao: "..." Manager Zhao, you are finished!

(End of this chapter)

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