Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2339 Will never let anyone bully

Chapter 2339 Will never let anyone bully

Chapter 2339: Never let anyone bully you

Manager Zhao didn't know what to say. He really regretted being greedy for money for a while, which led to the current situation.

"Manager Zhao, didn't I understand what I said just now?" Lu Zijun repeated lightly.

Manager Zhao couldn't help but shudder, and knew that the young master in front of him was as ruthless as his father.

I also know how terrible their methods are.

Manager Zhao said tremblingly: "Young Master Lu, I'm sorry, I was wrong, and I was also forced. Fan Dong, Mr. Fan, I don't know if Young Master Lu has heard of it. His daughter Fan Lixuan fell in love with Young Master Lu at first sight. My old mother Aren't you in the hospital? He used this as a threat to force me to add something to Young Master Lu's meals, Young Master Lu, if you don't drink alcohol, if you put it in the dishes, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced."

"Later, the president went to the presidential suite of the opposite hotel, but Miss Fan's family couldn't get in, so I don't know what happened next."

Lu Zijun nodded knowingly, "Well! I see, a new manager will come over to take over the work with you tomorrow. He likes to do things for others so much that he ended up doing nothing for himself. Before doing things in the future, think about whether you have Use your brains."

After Lu Zijun finished speaking ruthlessly, he got up and left.

Manager Zhao saw that Lu Zijun was completely blind, so he dared to stand up straight.

He shattered in the direction of Lu Zijun's departure.

"Bah! What, is it a big deal to have some stinky money? Just leave, who is afraid of whom? Am I going to be unable to survive if I leave here?" Manager Zhao had a vicious look on his face.

After entering the elevator, Song Yao said, "President, Manager Zhao seems to be threatened."

Lu Zijun asked him expressionlessly: "Do you sympathize with him?"

Song Yao: "It's not that I sympathize with him, but I feel that he is forced to do nothing."

Lu Zijun squinted at him: "With your brains, you will be the next person to be used. Zhao Chengming dared to do such a thing, which means that the other party gave him a lot of money. Even if he is found out, he still has a way out."

"Ah..." Song Yao was very surprised, he really didn't have a brain, he should have thought of such a thing a long time ago.

"No, President, then you last night..."

"It's okay!" Lu Zijun interrupted him coldly.

"Oh!" Song Yao secretly glanced at the expressionless Lu Zijun.

But why did you go to the wrong room last night, President?
Song Yao wanted to know, but dared not ask!
That's not right, if the president has taken traditional Chinese medicine, how did he solve it last night?

So curious!

When the president came out, his upper body seemed to have no clothes on.

His complexion was also very bad, and Song Yao fell into a state of delusional thinking.

Could it be solved with Five Finger Girl.

It seems that you can't?


When going back, Lu Zijun didn't ask Song Yao to take him back, he drove back by himself.

As soon as I got home, I heard loud music.

Lu Zijun: "..."

Mom and Dad are not at home, and the three boys are about to turn upside down.

He opened the door and went in, and saw the three younger brothers dancing wildly in the living room.

"..." Sure enough!
His father took off the burden on his shoulders, and really started the trip as soon as he said it.

Even grandparents went too.

Just the direction is different.

Seeing the eldest brother come back, the three brothers stopped immediately.

"Brother, you're back." Lu Ziyao poured Lu Zijun a cup of hot water.

Lu Zijun took the water and glanced at his younger brother indifferently.

"Have you finished your three homework?"

Lu Ziyao: "Is it done in school?"

Lu Zijun: "Go to sleep and develop good living habits, it is very necessary for you."

"Hey..." Lu Zimo turned over neatly and sat next to Lu Zijun, "Brother, Mom and Dad are not at home, so you can let us play for a while, we made an appointment with Xiao Jixiang and Yun Cheng on the weekend to play, brother, You can also go with us? You play very well!"

Lu Zijun shook his head: "No."

Lu Zimo looked disappointed: "Brother, you have been back for several months, and you don't play with us very much, brother, you are really bad!"

Lu Zijun: "..." He pinched his brows slightly, feeling that the decision to take over the burden from his father too early was too reckless.

In fact, he didn't play enough!

"Okay, I'll go play with you the day after tomorrow."

Mom and Dad are not at home, and the responsibility of taking care of the three younger brothers also falls on him.

When going to work the next day, Yue Lingxi went to the office early. She cherished this office very much. The office was cleaned by her. Going to work in the morning was a day full of energy.

In the WeChat group on the mobile phone, there are daily work of the design department.

After she cleaned the office, Xia Qin announced in the group that there would be a meeting after ten o'clock.

In fact, she thinks she is very lucky. There are very few companies like them that have just graduated from the rookie company that allow them to be designers directly. They usually start as designer assistants, and it takes at least three to five years of accumulation and training. To become a real designer.

She is well aware that the market is very challenging and inclusive. When she was abroad, she worked very hard. She has painting skills since she was a child. She goes to Fashion Week every week to improve her aesthetic ability and keep accumulating Experience, without previous accumulation, she can't become a designer so quickly.

When the time came, she went to the meeting room.

After Xia Qin gave some precautions, the meeting ended in 10 minutes.

Yue Lingxi went back to the office, wanted to change the color, and was going to submit it to Lu Zijun.

I had a deep sleep last night, came out early this morning, walked to the company, and got a lot of inspiration.

"Designer Yue!" Lin Shan suddenly called out to Yue Lingxi.

Yue Lingxi turned around and looked at her: "Assistant Lin, what's the matter?"

Assistant Lin handed the blueprints to Yue Lingxi with a proud face, and said in a haughty voice, "Send these blueprints to the pattern maker to see, is there anything you want to modify?"

Yue Lingxi frowned and refused her: "Assistant Lin, I'm sorry, this is not my job. I still have work to do, so I can't help you with this."

"Hehe..." Lin Shan sneered, "Your drawing was rejected, what else do you have to do now? Let me tell you, you have to do this. At three o'clock, the president will confirm this matter." .”

As Lin Shan said, she stuffed the album in her hand into Yue Lingxi's arms, turned around, raised her head proudly and walked away.

Yue Lingxi squinted her eyes, and sent the blueprint Lin Shan gave her back to Lin Shan's desk.

There are some things that cannot be exceptions. She is not a post-it girl. She is a newcomer, but she will never be bullied.

She turned around and went back to her office to continue modifying the drawings.

When Lin Shan arrived at the tea room, Xia Qin was also there.

Xia Qin looked at Lin Shan and asked, "Shanshan, why are you still here? Those blueprints must be confirmed with the president today."

Lin Shan smiled, "Sister, I let Yue Lingxi do it."

Xia Qin was a little worried, she did not dare to be sloppy at work.

"Are you sure she can do well? After all, she is new here. If you mess up things, you also know that the consequences will be disastrous."

(End of this chapter)

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