Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2345 Let your love brain clear up

Chapter 2345 Let your love brain clear up

Chapter 2345: Let your love brain clear up

"Understood, brother, we'll go pick after lunch later, and you take the sisters for a stroll." Lu Ziyao was busy creating opportunities for his brother.

After all, he had never seen his eldest brother approach any woman on his own initiative.

The designer of this company, the eldest brother doesn't like it, and he works in another company, hehe... nine out of ten there is something going on.

Lu Zijun nodded slightly.

Yue Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, she really agreed.

She had just returned to China, but she was not completely unfamiliar with Jiang City.

But it seemed a bit awkward for him, a big president, to take them shopping.

In her memory, men don't like to go shopping with girls.

A few people came to the restaurant, today is the weekend, there are quite a lot of people, Lu Zijun asked for a private room.

The decoration of the private room is ordinary, but the environment is good, and the six people are not too crowded.

"Brother, Sister Tang, there is milk tea next door, how about the four of us go buy milk tea." Lu Ziyao suggested.

Lu Zijun looked at his younger brother, raised his eyebrows, and said in a questioning tone, "Buy six cups of milk tea, four of you? Is the milk tea too heavy?"

Yue Lingxi also looked at them with the same meaning.

Lu Ziyao smiled and said: "Brother, the three of us will choose what we like, but I don't know what the two sisters like to drink. Let's call Sister Tang. If there are others we like, we will buy some more. I will also drink some by the way." Call mom, and the milk tea will become heavier."

Lu Zijun stopped talking, this younger brother was obviously arranging a blind date for him.

Tang Yiyi also saw that the taste was coming, so she got up and went out to sell milk tea with three handsome guys.

Yue Lingxi: "..." Is this necessary?
No, she hasn't said what flavor of milk tea she wants?She wants to burn jelly.

She wants to eat turtle jelly!

These people are under the guise of buying her milk tea, so they should respect her taste.

Yue Lingxi withdrew her thoughts, and suddenly looked at Lu Zijun, who happened to be looking at herself too.

The four eyes meet, one tense and the other deep.

Yue Lingxi pursed her lips nervously and smiled, looking for something to talk about: "President, do you like to come out to play on weekends?"

According to the size of Lu's Group, he should be able to manage every day.

Lu Zijun didn't expect that she would take the initiative to talk to him. Many girls approached him, but they would be too frightened by his coldness and ruthlessness to say a word.

He also seemed to be in the mood to explain: "Come with my younger brothers. My parents are out on a trip, and it's just me and my three younger brothers at home."

Yue Lingxi nodded, "So that's the case."

Lu Zijun pursed the corners of his lips, and his dark eyes revealed faint curiosity, "Isn't Designer Yue going to accompany her boyfriend on weekends?"

Yue Lingxi froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "I...don't have a boyfriend yet."

I... have no boyfriend yet, the boulder in Lu Zijun's heart instantly moved. From the simmering anger last night to this moment, the whole person is instantly relaxed.

He was curious about this feeling, but he didn't know how to share it with others.

He has never liked any girl since he was a child, has he ever been in love?

Back in the elite academy, there were many boys and few girls.

He doesn't have many opportunities to meet girls.

Lu Zijun picked up the tea and refilled some for Yue Lingxi.

But still nothing to talk about.

On the contrary, Yue Lingxi felt that although Lu Zijun was very cold, he also had a cute side. He cared about other people's feelings, and he didn't talk much, but he gave people the best respect.

"President, I heard that you graduated from an elite university?" She has always been curious about this.

Lu Zijun: "Yes!"

Yue Lingxi looked at him adoringly, "President, when I was a child, I heard my classmates talk about you, and I heard that you are very powerful!"

Lu Zijun blushed a little from her praise, his face was expressionless, but the roots of his ears turned red quickly.

His voice was a little lazy: "General!"

Looking at his reserved look, Yue Lingxi knew that he seldom gets along with women, and smiled: "It is said that people who don't like to talk are the most powerful. Sure enough, I saw it from the president."

Lu Zijun was taken aback by this praise. He never thought that she could praise so much, but he was quite happy in his heart.

He actually wanted to know, who was the man who came to pick her up yesterday?

She said she has no boyfriend, is that true?

Lu Zijun was taken aback, why did he want to be together?
Lu Zijun looked at her and asked, "What did you see?"

Yue Lingxi smiled charmingly: "Your ability! When I was abroad, I also saw the president lead the Lu Group to develop rapidly, so I wholeheartedly wanted to enter the Lu Group. It is very important to follow a good president. It’s an incredible honor to be able to contribute to the company, I think so.”

"When I went to work yesterday, I was shocked. Everyone is very serious about their work. In such a working environment, people can grow up quickly."

Lu Zijun was taken aback. It turned out that she came to the Lu Group for this reason. How honored he is!
"Brother, are we back? Here, your favorite strawberry milk tea." Lu Ziyao put Lu Zijun's milk tea in front of him.

Lu Zijun's face was a bit ugly, why is it strawberry milk tea?

"Xixi, this is your favorite burning fairy grass." Tang Yiyi put Yuelingxi's in front of her.

"Wow! Yiyi knows me best." Yue Lingxi took a sip of the burning jelly grass, and after eating the Guiling jelly she wanted, she smiled even more heartily, with her crooked eyebrows and eyes, her smile was particularly bright and charming.

Even Lu Zijun was very happy.

But Yue Lingxi looked at the strawberry milk tea in his hand, she thought the president was very cute!
After they had lunch, Lu Zijun suddenly had something to do, so he had to say goodbye to Yue Lingxi.

He sent the three younger brothers home first, and then went to the company.

In the car, Lu Ziyao suddenly said, "I really want to be 25 now!"

Lu Zimo asked: "Why do you want to grow up all of a sudden? Mom said that growing up has a lot of troubles."

Lu Ziyao: "Because Sister Xixi is very beautiful, and she looks beautiful when she smiles. If I were 25 years old this year, I would definitely chase her."

The other two younger brothers: "..."

Lu Zijun: "..."

He smiled coolly, "Unfortunately, you couldn't be born ten years earlier."

Lu Ziyao: "That's why I'm so depressed. What's the saying, you were born before I was born, and I'm already old when you were born... What's next?" Lu Ziyao couldn't remember for a while.

Lu Zimo: "You hate me for being born late, but I hate you for being born early!"

Lu Ziyao nodded regretfully: "Oh, that's right, that's what I said. I wonder if sister Xixi can wait for me to grow up."

"It's stabbing..." Lu Zijun slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped at a red light intersection.

"Ah..." The three Lu Ziyao brothers were shocked.

"Brother, what are you doing...?" Lu Zimo was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

Lu Zijun glanced at Lu Ziyao from the rearview mirror: "Let your love brains clear up."

Three brothers: "..." Is this still their eldest brother?It's just horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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