Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2346 The Three Brothers Bullied by the Big Brother

Chapter 2346 The Three Brothers Bullied by the Big Brother

Chapter 2346: The Three Brothers Bullied by Big Brother

"Brother, we're just discussing, how can there be any love brains?" Lu Ziyao patted his heart that was still beating wildly, and when he braked just now, he felt his heart fly out.

Lu Zijun looked sternly, "Hmph! If you can't score [-]% in this semester's exam, I will go to the company to practice, and the pocket money will be deducted."

Lu Ziyao smiled when he heard it, and he was not threatened at all: "Brother, you don't need to give us pocket money, mom and dad will give it, grandparents will give it, two uncles and grandparents will give it, second brother and third sister will also give it to us." I will, and my brother-in-law will too."

The three babies of their Lu family lived happily.

Lu Zijun looked at his younger brother from the rearview mirror, and raised the corners of his lips evilly: "I will call them one by one, so that they don't have to give you. From now on, I will be responsible for your pocket money."



The three brothers spoke in unison and looked at Lu Zijun in disbelief.

Lu Ziyao: "Brother, what did I offend you for, do you think I can change it?"

Lu Zimo: "Fourth, it's all you, why are you chasing sister Xixi?"

Lu Zixian: "Can't you see that big brother is interested in sister Xixi..."


There were three more terrified voices.

Lu Zixian's words seemed to poke Lu Zijun's heart, he stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and the three brothers leaned forward in an instant.

Along the way, Lu Zijun drove extremely fast.

At the door of the house, the three brothers were completely dizzy.


Lu Ziyao threw up immediately after getting out of the car.

The whole person lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Lu Ziyao cried in pain.

Looking at the calm and relaxed elder brother, he said bitterly: "I want to call and tell my mother, elder brother, you bullied me... vomit..." Before he finished speaking, Lu Ziyao vomited again.

Lu Zijun: "Childish!"

He called the servant to help the three brothers in before he drove to the company to handle official business.

On the other side, Yue Lingxi and Tang Yiyi went shopping in the mall, and they were very happy.

After leaving the shopping mall, the two went to the supermarket again.

"Xixi, what are we going to do in the supermarket?"

Yue Lingxi looked at the entrance of the supermarket not far away, and said, "Yiyi, let's go and look at things like tableware and chopsticks. There are also electrical appliances below. Let me see if the budget price is enough? After buying a house, I don't have much left. Now, you can only save some money.”

When Tang Yiyi heard this, her heart ached. Others didn't know how Yue Lingxi got here these years, but she knew it all.

The Yue family is wealthy, but also stingy and patriarchal!

Xixi's life at Yue's house is not good!

But also because of the Yue family's actions, Yue Lingxi has worked hard these years!
"Xixi, if you don't have enough money, you can take 2 yuan from my place first. I have saved [-] yuan after going to work in the past few years." It takes a little bit of confidence to have a little money.

Since she went to work, she can save as much as she can!

Yue Lingxi smiled gratefully, "Yiyi, no, it's not easy for you to save money, I'll just pay my salary next month. And Xiaofeng, he will pay for the furniture, so the problem of living will be solved, and the rest is Work hard and get a bigger house."

Yue Lingxi drew a beautiful blueprint in his mind.

Looking at the blue sky, she realized that there is nothing difficult to overcome in life. She has experienced too much since she was a child, and she can live well without anyone.

As long as she is willing to work hard, opportunities will open doors for her.

"Hey..." Tang Yiyi couldn't help smiling, and said with admiration: "Xixi, you have always been very ambitious and capable of action. A woman must be self-reliant. No matter how much she works, as long as she is down-to-earth If you really do it, you can praise a small treasury. Don’t look at the savings of 3000 and [-] a month. It’s a lot in a year, and it’s hundreds of thousands in ten years. Like me, it’s only a few One hundred thousand, but you are different, you are a potential stock, maybe one day you will be prosperous."

Yue Lingxi was very happy when she heard this, and looked at her sideways: "Yiyi, with your good words, maybe I will really develop in two years?"

In the Lu Group, as long as there is enough talent, money can definitely be earned.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to post, and then hug your thigh, hehe..." Tang Yiyi leaned his head on her shoulder, smiling happily.

The two wandered around until after eight o'clock in the evening, and then went to the food court to eat skewers. After dinner, the two went home separately.

Back at the hotel, Yue Lingxi sat on the bed, too tired to move.

After doing it for a while, she got up and went to the table to pour a cup of boiled water. She likes tea, especially after eating something with a strong taste, she likes to drink tea to relieve her tiredness.

But there was no tea here, so she could only make do with plain water. After quenching her thirst, she changed into comfortable home clothes and lay lazily on the bed. Thinking of her dramatic life, she was filled with melancholy.

Although I know that ups and downs in life are inevitable, but when things happen to me, I still feel very sad.

If she hadn't been hugged wrong, and she grew up beside her mother, she wouldn't have lost her affection.

The Yue family valued sons over daughters, and she had no status in the Yue family. Thinking of Yue Sheng, the elder brother who was brought up like an ancestor, she felt that the two elders of the Yue family would definitely suffer in the future.

Yue Lingxi closed her eyes, now she has nothing to do with that family.

For her, it is a kind of relief. There is still a long way to go, she is still young, and she will get better and better in the future.

Everything will pass, won't it?

"Yue Lingxi, come on!" Yue Lingxi smiled slightly, her bright red lips were bright and moving.

Thinking that he hadn't broadcast live for half a month, Yue Lingxi cheered up. After going to the bathroom to remove makeup, he just put on some lipstick and changed into casual clothes, white T-shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of white shoes. Pure and beautiful.

She found a good background wall, hung the small whiteboard on it, fixed the mobile phone with a bracket, and started to live lecture.

She has been broadcasting English classes for a year. Although there are not many fans, the people who come in are all serious about their studies.

The income is also enough to maintain her basic life.

Since she was in junior high school, she has been very self-disciplined, cultivating Yimen's own interests, and her interest is English.

To overcome her own shortcomings, her shortcoming is that she is too homely, she likes to stay at home to study, and doesn't like to go out.

In this regard, she has gradually improved herself.

Persist in reading and smiling every day, probably because of this sentence, people who smile every day will not be bad luck.

She talks about knowledge points from junior high school to high school, many of which are very useful knowledge points.

What she faced were all children, and she also paid attention to her clothes.

In the live broadcast room, many children have already left messages for her, and many of them asked her why she didn't broadcast live during this time.

After Yue Lingxi replied the message, she began to give a lecture.

(End of this chapter)

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