Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2347 It seems to be aimed at the Lu Group

Chapter 2347 It seems to be aimed at the Lu Group

Chapter 2347: It seems to be targeting the Lu Group

She usually gives lectures for an hour, and the knowledge points are connected with the past, and she will reply one by one if she doesn't understand.

Therefore, the children who did not come to the live broadcast room can also see that her patience has also attracted a wave of fans.

Yuelingxi had a lively voice and accurate pronunciation. After a while, the comment area became lively again.

Elf: [Wow, the beautiful sister is back again, and I can learn English again. ]
Ah Hard Work: [I am a child in Dashanli. We only started teaching English in the third grade in Dashanli. Thank you for my sister’s class, which made me know English again. Last semester’s final exam, I got 95 points, No.1 in the class. ]
Little brother: [Me too, I saw my sister’s live broadcast room by chance, and I have been following the steps of my sister to learn, my sister’s voice is smart and pleasant, I like it very much. ]
[As soon as Miss Sister is online, I will come to study immediately. ]
Yue Lingxi was concentrating on lecturing, but didn't pay attention to these things.

Occasionally, I meet one or two tippers, all because the child's academic performance has improved, and the parents are happy, so she will get some extra rewards.

An hour passed quickly.

She smiled sweetly at the camera: "Boys and girls, have you learned it? If there is anything you don't understand, you can leave a message for me."

"Good night. Bye."

Immediately, she turned off the live broadcast.

[Wow!Don't go, sister, I haven't heard enough. ]
[My sister does this every time, but I still like it very much. I haven't understood the object yet, so I will leave a message for my sister. ]
After Yue Lingxi went offline, she was busy with other things. She only responded to the children's messages when she had time.

Tomorrow night is the live broadcast of mathematics. If she doesn't work overtime, she will stick to it.

It's night, in the Zhenyi clubhouse.

Just as Lu Zijun sat down, his two friends and Song Yao were already in the private room.

Lu Zijun was dressed in a black high-tailored suit. As soon as he entered, the room felt oppressive.

"Yo! Our Xiaoqi is here." Ling Yuchen teased, looking at the domineering and cold Lu Zijun, and smiled happily.

Ling Yuchen is also a friend of Lu Zijun's who met abroad. He studied the same major as him. He is very good at computer technology. At the same time, he is also his master's apprentice.

Lu Zijun nodded slightly.

Huo Jingyao looked at him: "You look pretty good, it seems you've been doing well recently."

Lu Zijun sat beside Chi Mu expressionlessly.

Chi Mu, CEO of Overseas Internet Control.

Now that he came to country Z to develop, the first partner he chose to cooperate with was Lu Zijun's Lu Group.

All industries under the name of Lu Group are the most avant-garde and keep pace with the times.

Tonight, a few people invited here to chat.

Several of them are talents from the Elite Academy, handsome and handsome, and they are all scenery when they walk.

Lu Zijun's expression was very bad: "Why do you want to talk about business during the big weekend?"

He hates working overtime on weekends.

I have been busy all these years, and I want to have a good rest on weekends.

Ling Yuchen joked with a smile: "Xiaoqi, your Lu family has a lot of money, so you don't care about this kind of cooperation, but Xiaoqi, who would dislike having more money?"

Chi Mu was dressed in a white suit, handsome and suave.

Ling Yuchen also has the same style, birds of a feather flock together, and only a few people become friends.

Among the four, Lu Zijun and Huo Jingyao were more mature and stable, and they were also more handsome.

Lu Zijun leaned slightly on the sofa, under the light, his handsome and clear face was slightly tired.

"What do you think, don't hold the baby all the time, hold the baby all the time, or you won't be able to learn to walk, or you will never have the ability to walk."

"Now that the best high-tech is in the hands of a few of us, is it still necessary to work overtime on weekends?"

Lu Zijun was a little irritable in his heart, and he didn't know what could calm his restless heart.

Seeing that he was quite tired, Chi Mu asked, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Lu Zijun nodded, "Yeah!"

Song Yao brought Lu Zijun a refreshing cup of coffee.

Lu Zijun sat up straight, picked up the coffee and tasted it lightly, the slight bitterness made his mind sober a lot.

He loves this light bitterness very much, and then exudes a strong and mellow taste.

"Tell me, what do you want to do? You just want to play for a few weekends, and talking about business is just a gimmick."

When Chi Mu heard this, he smiled, and his eyes were shining brightly: "Xiao Qi, you still understand us, we found out that there is a gangster hidden in Jiang City."

Lu Zijun frowned, and suddenly remembered that the company's system was suddenly hacked on Friday morning.

Chi Mu went on to say: "I found out that this person came for your Lu Group, but I haven't found his address for the time being, and the other party is also a master, no, a master of masters."

When Ling Yuchen heard this, he looked at Lu Zijun with squinted peach eyes: "In terms of hacking technology, who can beat our little seven? We started to get in touch with this when we were young seven or five years old, and now 20 years have passed , He has reached the point of proficiency. Every research project is amazing."

Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes slightly. If anyone he offended, it would be people from country M.

After he graduated, a very secret organization approached him and asked him to stay.

But he refused, he had to go back to the Lu family, this is what he promised his parents, he is the eldest son of Lu, and he also has a sense of responsibility in his heart to let his family live a happy life.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty!
There is a saying that what is not available would rather be destroyed.

He looked at Chi Mu: "Chi Mu, go back and check the X.L Group."

Chi Mu frowned slightly, a little surprised: "Xiaoqi, do you suspect it is the X.L Group?"

Ling Yuchen was also shocked: "This group seems to have looked for you when you returned to China?"

Lu Zijun nodded slightly: "Not only did they look for me, they wanted a new mobile phone on the market at the time, but I didn't give it to them. Such a good product, it's easier to make money by holding it in your hands. I gave this project to my brother-in-law , Han Yuxuan, he is doing very well now."

"Cut." Ling Yuchen was a little unhappy, "Xiaoqi, you, Chong Meihang, how come we don't know about such a good thing?"

Lu Zijun glanced coldly at Chi Mu and Ling Yuchen, and taunted in a cold voice: "I talked to you two at the time, weren't you two very busy? Not interested in listening to me, brother, I will be the first I thought of you two, but you two don't seem to trust me as a friend that much."

The two blushed instantly.

Especially Yue Lingfeng touched his nose unnaturally.

"Xiao Qi, you had to speak clearly at the time? It cost me hundreds of millions of money for nothing." Yue Lingfeng was heartbroken.

Lu Zijun's projects are always worth hundreds of millions, how could he have the courage to refuse.

Chi Mu was taken aback, and regretted it: "Oh, I remembered, when you called me and said that your sister and your brother-in-law were going to visit you, I happened to be in Li Deya to accompany my girlfriend, and in the end, I didn't make any money, and my girlfriend ran away, so I'm fucking empty." Chi Mu was so angry that he picked up the wine on the table, and suddenly raised his head and took a sip.

(End of this chapter)

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