Chapter 2348 Check Out Designer Yue

Chapter 2348: Check Designer Yue

"Pfft...!" Huo Jingyao couldn't help laughing.

He looked at Chi Mu and teased: "Why haven't I heard about your girlfriend?"

Chi Mu had a sad expression on his face: "You stay in the research room all day long. If I don't go to the research institute to find people for a week, I guess I will see your body in ten days. For a person like you who desperately stays at home, I'm afraid that you will die in this lifetime." I can't even get a wife."

Huo Jingyao: "Hey... don't worry about it, I already have someone I like, and I'm waiting for her to grow up."

Chi Mu was taken aback for a moment: "Do you dare to love your old cow eating tender grass?"

Huo Jingyao's face was very dark: "How can this be regarded as an old cow eating young grass? I am only ten years older."

With the last sentence, Huo Jingyao felt a little guilty, and looked at Lu Zijun cautiously.

Lu Zijun frowned, also very surprised: "Huo Jingyao, are you serious?"

"En!" Huo Jingyao nodded, a touch of tenderness appeared on his handsome face, which turned into substance, as gentle as a cloud.

Ling Yuchen and Chi Mu looked at Lu Zijun in unison.

Ling Yuchen: "Xiaoqi, who are you talking about?"

Lu Zijun said in a deep voice, "I'm an uncle's daughter."

"Ah..." Ling Yuchen was envious.

"Hey, Xiao Qi, do you have many daughters in your uncle's family?" Chi Mu asked.

Lu Zijun nodded: "There are quite a few, but they are all underage!"

Ling Yuchen + Chi Mu: "..."

It was too shocking!

Chi Mu was not reconciled, "What about the little girl Jing Yao likes?"

Lu Zijun: "Eighteen by the end of next year."

"Ahem..." Chi Mu took a sneak peek at Huo Jingyao, sorry, he is really a typical old cow eating tender grass.

Parents may not agree.

Therefore, he was no longer envious in an instant!

Whether he can win the beauty in the end depends on Huo Jingyao?He is a man who talks less. Girls nowadays don't like men who talk less.

What's more, what about the boring Huo Jingyao?

When Chi Mu thought about it this way, he immediately felt relieved.

Ling Yuchen turned his head to look at Huo Jingyao beside him, and asked with a smile: "Huo Jingyao, why don't I know what you like! The little girl must be very beautiful. If you don't catch your eyes, you won't be so easy. Say something like that."

Starlight flickered in Huo Jingyao's silent eyes: "Yuchen, have you ever seen the sun born in the early morning of March? Isn't it very beautiful?"

Ling Yuchen thought about it, but he never paid attention to it.

Huo Jingyao didn't care if he knew or not, he only knew that every time he saw the little girl talking on the video call with Lu Zijun, he felt like this, his whole body was bathed in the warm sunshine, it was warm and very comfortable.

However, the next moment, Lu Zijun poured a basin of cold water down.

"Huo Jingyao, don't daydream. Uncle Ou's most precious thing is his two daughters, especially Nuonuo. Uncle Ou disregarded the company's system and brought the child to work with milk powder on his back. Now that Nuonuo has grown up, she is slim and beautiful. Shen Yuluoyan has the beauty of a closed moon and shameful flowers, Uncle Ou takes her very seriously."

Huo Jingyao: "Oh, really? When I came here just now, I talked to her on the phone. She went to practice the piano. I'll pick her up after class later."

Lu Zijun: "..." Shocked!
Are you afraid of breaking your leg if you dare to do this?

It was planned to go to Nuonuo's house for dinner tonight, but there was no way to go because of something.

Huo Jingyao and Lu Zijun lived in the same dormitory, and she knew almost all of Lu Zijun's relatives and friends.

Naturally, he also has Ou Yunnuo's phone number.

He wants to watch that little girl grow up.

Everyone: "..." Excuse me!

Chi Mu looked at Huo Jingyao in disbelief, he actually liked little girls.

"Do you have a picture?" he asked.

Huo Jingyao raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I won't show it to you."

Chi Mu: "I don't want to watch it yet, we like different genres."

Ling Yuchen: "Why don't you change the venue, I was hurt by this news tonight, how could Jing Yao find a woman he likes before us?"

Huo Jingyao was unhappy when he heard this, and looked at Ling Yuchen: "I seem to be worse than you. If you change your girlfriend like clothes, why can't I keep my one and only?"

Seeing the stiff atmosphere, Chi Mu said with a smile: "All right, all brothers, just kidding around, why don't you change places?"

Chi Mu also wanted to sing two songs to relax.

Huo Jingyao: "I'm not as stingy as you are. The girl I guard is like a hibiscus, and you will all envy me for the rest of your life."

A few people laughed, and they wouldn't really blush because of this kind of thing, and they usually made jokes that were heavier than this.

Lu Zijun shook his head: "I'm very tired, go home and rest, you guys go, remember to check what I told you."

Chi Mu saw that he was really tired, so he didn't force him, "Okay, you go home and rest, I will pay attention to X.L's affairs, don't worry, take a good rest, I will check the specific situation I'll talk to you again."

Lu Zijun nodded, telling them to have fun, and took Song Yao out of the clubhouse.

After getting into the car, Song Yao asked, "President, do you want to go home directly?"

Lu Zijun nodded slightly, "Go back."

Song Yao drove on the road, while Lu Zijun sat in the backseat and closed his eyes to rest.

As soon as you close your eyes, you will see Yue Lingxi's smiling face.

He suddenly opened his black eyes and looked at the endlessly flowing street outside the window. In the past two days, he was almost driven crazy. He was not so keen on the relationship between men and women. A heart-stopping girl.

"Song Yao, go check Designer Yue tomorrow."

Song Yao was taken aback, curious, why did the CEO want to check on Yue Lingxi?

"Okay, President!"

This made Lu Zijun feel better.

The weekend passed quickly. On Sunday night, Yue Lingxi called Xia Qin and asked for the afternoon off.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, she went out on time to meet her younger brother at the intermediary company, and then went through the transfer procedures together.

Because it was the full payment, the transfer procedures went smoothly. After two hours, everything was handed over. The moment she got the key, Yue Lingxi was so excited that she wanted to cry.

"Sister! Will this be our home from now on?" Yue Lingfeng's eyes also turned red.

Since he was in junior high school, he has dreamed of having his own home, no matter how big or small, as long as it belongs to their home, he is very happy.

Yue Lingxi also had red eyes, looked at Yue Lingfeng, and smiled happily: "Xiaofeng, this will be our home from now on, I will pick up my mother later, today you and my mother will clean up, tomorrow we will start slowly Moving things, our family of three will live here in the future, and we will live happily."

"Sister! Thank you!" Yue Lingfeng was very moved. He is really happy to have an older sister, but he is the pillar of the family. In the future, he must make good money so that his mother and older sister can live a better life.

(End of this chapter)

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