Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2349 Don't Let Others Know

Chapter 2349 Don't Let Others Know
Chapter 2349: Don't let others know
Yue Lingxi thumped his arm lightly, and reprimanded lightly: "Fool, we are all a family, why do you say thank you?"

"Sister, I'm happy, very happy!" Yue Lingfeng couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Sister, since Yue Lingyun is not my real sister, I have been looking forward to your return. You don't know, I look forward to your return every day. Although the Yue family didn't tell us your contact information, I think you are better than me. Yue Lingyun is good."

"You won't yell at your mother like Yue Lingyun. Mom is a very gentle and kind person, and my sister will be like her mother, gentle and kind."

"It's great that my sister is back now!" Yue Lingfeng's voice was choked up, and he looked at his sister with tears in his eyes.

He hated Yue Lingyun. He hated it since he was a child. No matter how much his mother taught her, he couldn't teach her well. He was selfish and greedy for power.

Every day when he and Yue Lingyun met, they knew they were arguing.

Yue Lingxi hugged him gently, and said with a smile: "Xiaofeng, we will be together as a family in the future, and it will get better and better. Don't think about the past."

"Okay, sister, it will get better and better." Yue Lingfeng looked at the newly bought house, and his mood became better and better.

"Sister, you don't have to go to work until two o'clock, right?" Yue Lingfeng smiled through tears.

Yue Lingxi nodded: "Yes! I'll start from here at 01:30."

Yue Lingfeng: "Sister, let's go eat something first, and then go to buy the electrical appliances. The furniture is next door to the electrical appliances. There are still more than two hours left, so there should be time. After buying the things, I will clean the toilet Well, you can move here in a few days."

"There are only beds and electrical appliances. It will be fine after opening the windows for two or three days. The wardrobes are all built into the walls. The house has been idle for almost a year, so there is no problem."

Yue Lingxi also considered this before deciding to buy it.

Yue Lingxi: "Let's go, let's go eat first."

The two siblings went to eat happily.

Lu Group!

in the president's office.

Lu Zijun sat quietly on the sofa, and just came out of the meeting room, his expression was very bad.

He tugged on his tie irritably, his eyes were cold.

Something happened in other departments and it has not been resolved yet, Lu Zijun is very upset.

Song Yao carefully brought a cup of coffee in, and handed the information about Yue Lingxi that he found to Lu Zijun.

"President, this is the profile of Designer Yue."

Lu Zijun nodded slightly, took the file and read it.

The adopted daughter of the Yue family, the school girl and class flower of Jiang City No. [-] Middle School, has excellent academic performance.

Studying in country M, I get a scholarship every year. A few days ago, I returned to my biological mother. There is also a younger brother named Yue Lingfeng and mother Yuewei.

Boyfriend Feng Tao has broken up!
So, she drank in the hotel that night because she broke up with her boyfriend and was kicked out by Yue's family.

Lu Zijun asked Song Yao, "Check this Feng Tao."

Song Yao has checked them together.

It seems that the CEO is unhappy because of Yue Lingxi?

If he hadn't misunderstood, their president was in a relationship.

"President, I have already checked. This man named Feng Tao is a friend of Yue's family. His parents engaged them when they were two hours old. However, Designer Yue has been abroad, and the two of them haven't met a few times. Designer Yue didn't like this Feng Tao either, and after finding out that Designer Yue was not the biological daughter of the Yue family, Feng Tao changed his mind."

"Designer Yue took half a day off today to go through the transfer procedures. I heard that he sold a small three-bedroom apartment in Beichen Community."

Lu Zijun put down the documents and said, "Inquire about the date of moving, and send some gifts there."

"Ah..." Song Yao was taken aback.

Was her suspicion confirmed?
Lu Zijun frowned and looked at him: "Did I not speak clearly enough?"

Song Yao was taken aback for a moment, then immediately realized: "Okay, President."

However, when did the Lu Group have such benefits, why didn't he know.

Designer Wang of the design department moved to his home yesterday, but the president didn't say anything!

When he moved, the president actually gave him a red envelope.

She has never seen such benefits for other people.

Sure enough!

The president likes Yuelingxi.

But since when did you like it?The president and Yue Lingxi had no intersection before!

Lu Zijun: "Go, don't let other people know."

Lu Zijun thought for a while and added another sentence.

"Oh! Got it, CEO, I'll go and inquire now." Song Yao walked out with a smile.

Lu Zijun looked out the window, for some reason, his mood suddenly improved again.

He got up and walked to the desk, his slender back looked much gentler.

The phone rang suddenly, Lu Zijun picked it up and looked at it, his eyes softened: "Mom."

"Xiaojun, Yaoyao said that you drove too fast yesterday and got motion sickness. You didn't go to school today. Did you see your brother in the morning?"

When Lu Zijun heard this, he felt a little headache, and Lu Ziyao really called his mother to sue her.

"Mom, I had breakfast with them this morning, are they okay?" As for not going to school, he really didn't expect that he came to the company very early today.

"It's fine as long as it's okay, Yaoyao is coquettish, you should go back early after get off work tonight, your brother cried when he called me in the morning."

Lu Zijun: "..." That's it...

Really spoiled for choice.

"Mom, I'll go back and have a look now."

Lan Xin: "That's fine, mom really doesn't worry about him being alone at home."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zijun picked up the car keys and took the elevator directly to the garage.

Lu Zijun didn't call Lu Ziyao when he went home. When he got home, there was no one in the house. The servant was cleaning in the garden. He went directly to Lu Ziyao's room on the third floor, opened the door, and saw Lu Ziyao lying on the bed Sleep soundly.

Lu Zijun glanced at the game controller next to the bed, and now it was the truth.

This kid is not motion sickness, but stayed up all night playing games.

Now is the rebellious period of the three younger brothers. He and Ranran, Qiqi, have never experienced such a rebellious period.

"Yeah!" Lu Ziyao rolled over comfortably and kicked the quilt aside.

It seems that he is still dreaming, and the corners of his mouth are raised.

Lu Zijun pursed the corners of his lips, picked up the water glass beside him, and slowly poured water to his younger brother's mouth.

Lu Ziyao took a few puffs at first, but the more he inhaled.

"Ahem..." He woke up from choking.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my elder brother, "Oh my god! Brother, why are you here?"

Lu Ziyao was completely awake now.

Lu Zijun looked down at his younger brother, "Motion sickness? Suffering? Can't go to school? Are you calling and crying to your mother?"

Lu Ziyao: "..." Uh, how does the eldest brother know this?
Lu Zijun was very angry: "Do you know? Mom rarely has time to travel. All these years, she has devoted herself to this family. In order to be a family, she has to come back from business trips to take care of you. Now Mom finally has time Now that she can travel, can't you let her play with peace of mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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