Chapter 2350 Because You Are Too Bad
Chapter 2350: Because you are too bad
Lu Ziyao was taken aback for a moment, he rarely saw his elder brother get angry.

He knew that his eldest brother loved his mother very much, and he would only smile in front of his mother.

No matter how busy I am every day, I will say hello to my mother.

But he really felt uncomfortable because of motion sickness, so he didn't want to go to school today.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I won't do it in the future." Lu Ziyao was also very sad. He played games until midnight last night, and went to school today to sleep. Anyway, Mom and Dad are not at home, so he can sleep at home. Sleeping at home is comfortable.

The main thing is that he also misses his mother, so he just wants her to comfort him.

Seeing that Lu Zijun really knew he was wrong, Shen Shen's face softened a lot.

"From now on, you must go to bed before eleven o'clock in the evening, and you must learn self-discipline. You will go on your own in the future, not with your brother or your parents. Now is the most critical time for you to study. You must study hard."

"Brother, I see." The three of them have good grades in school, maybe because of the good genes of the Lu family, the three of them are all tied for the first place.

Lu Zijun: "Did you get enough sleep?"

Lu Ziyao nodded: "Enough sleep."

Lu Zijun: "Go down and have lunch. After lunch, I will go to the company with me. If I have the opportunity, I will study."

When Lu Ziyao heard this, he wished he could faint at this moment, "No, big brother, you are enough for the Lu Corporation. My dream is to become an excellent doctor. I have no interest in doing business at all."

Lu Zijun: "You don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, I don't feel at ease when you are alone at home."

Lu Ziyao cried and said: "Brother, why worry about this? There are servants in the house, and I can still be eaten by them!"

Lu Zijun: "Get up!"

Lu Ziyao looked unhappy, he would have gone to school if he knew about it.

woo woo woo woo!

Brother is so fierce!

Mom, come back quickly!

Lu Zijun accompanied Lu Ziyao to lunch, and Lu Ziyao obediently followed him to the company.

Lu Ziyao thought in his heart, the company is so busy, and the elder brother has no time to take care of him when he goes to the company, so he can just find a quiet place to sleep.

He can also secretly go to the 24th floor to play with Sister Xixi.

Lu Ziyao made up his mind and his mood improved a lot.

Yue Lingxi went to the company on time at two o'clock.

She went to Xia Qin's office to say hello.

Xia Qin didn't say anything, and when she came out, she met Lin Shan.

"Yo! Designer Yue, you're so proud. The president personally took a fancy to it? I started eating this the next day at work. You're a pretty girl." Lin Shan's speech was not polite at all, sharp It makes people feel like being poked into the skin by the tip of a needle.

It's not that Yue Lingxi has never met such a person. When she was doing odd jobs abroad, she met people who were more difficult than Lin Shan.

This kind of person can't be tolerated. Once you meet him, you will be angry once, and the arrogance will disappear after a few times.

A few people gathered around to watch the excitement.

Yue Lingxi knows that most people in the workplace are just watching the show.

"Assistant Lin, didn't you brush your teeth before going out? Why is there a toilet in your mouth? Is the president someone like me who can be seduced if he wants to? Assistant Lin is also very beautiful and charming, why didn't he seduce the president? ah?"

"It's so disrespectful to see him well, what are you talking about sourly?"

"My design is approved by the president, and it is to seduce the president. If the president of the Lu Group is so stupid, can the Lu Group be as brilliant as it is today?"

Yue Lingxi's words were neither serious nor light, which made Lin Shan pale and breathless.

"Hmph! With your designs, I want to see if you can have the last laugh?" Lin Shan didn't believe that her designs could be the first in sales.

Yue Lingxi: "Whether you can have the last laugh or not, no one knows. The most important thing for a person to do is to be responsible and do your best. Instead of embarrassing me in this matter, why not work hard yourself and let the president see a different you, so that you Then you can easily become the wife of the president of the Lu Group."

After Yue Lingxi finished speaking, she walked back to the office with graceful steps.

Song Yao happened to see this scene, stood behind Lin Shan and said to himself: "Not bad, not bad, courageous!"

Lin Shan turned her head sharply, and when she saw Song Yao, she was startled. When did Song Yao come?
"Assistant Song, why are you here? What happened just now..."

"Oh! I have seen what happened just now." Song Yao interrupted her with a smile.

Lin Shan's face turned even paler.

Song Yao looked at Lin Shan with a smile, and said with a smile: "Assistant Lin, I think the CEO can't see you even if you work hard, why! Because you are too bad, bullying newcomers, suppressing newcomers, a bad woman president at heart is the least favorite."

"You, let's give up on the president as soon as possible. I swear on my life that the president will never see your existence in this life. Go away. Good dogs don't get in the way. What I hate the most is your kind Low, such a high-minded person."

"It seems that in your eyes, those who are capable are people who can't see the light. If you don't have the ability, you still make it like this?"

After Song Yao muttered, he walked towards Yue Lingxi's office, ignoring Lin Shan's expression.

When he first entered the society, he also encountered such a situation. He remembered that it was raining heavily that day, and the misty rain that washed away the thirty-odd-story office building was graceful.

Under the gray sky, mist and coolness are everywhere outside the glass.

As soon as he got things done, he ran into a senior who was working in the company.

He obviously did nothing wrong, but he was bullied to no avail. He could accept the lesson from his seniors, but he didn't accept personal attacks and insults.

He was very angry, helpless, and lonely. Finally, the president appeared, rescued him, and gave him a job as an assistant to the president.

Except for his bad temper, the president treats him very well, just like a brother, so he has been by Lu Zijun's side sincerely all these years.

Lu Zijun is low-key, calm, and at the same time cherishes his talents. He can really empathize with Lin Shan bullying Yue Lingxi just now.

Although they come from ordinary families, their parents usually teach them to be gentle with others and to be forgiving and forgiving, but they will not be bullied by others without principle.

Moreover, swallowing one's anger will not bring back dignity and tranquility, but it will make those who like to pinch soft persimmons even harder on themselves.

What Yue Lingxi did just now was very good.

Lin Shan was stunned by Song Yao's scolding.

Song Yao's words were still circling in his mind.

Hearing the discussions around her, she was so angry that she almost fainted.

Even a small assistant dares to say that about her, hum!You just wait for me, when I become the president's wife one day, I will kick you all out of the house, Lin Shan stomped vigorously and went back to her office.

(End of this chapter)

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