Chapter 2351 Are You Blind?
Chapter 2351: Are you blind?
Xia Qin in the office saw everything in her eyes, her eyes flickered, and her lips were tightly pursed.

"This Lin Shan is finally someone who can control her. She is usually dragged down to two to five to eighty thousand, and she is often bossed around. Now that Song Yao bumps into her once, can she rest for a few days?"

"That's not necessarily the case. She came here for the president. It would be terrible if she overheard us talking about the president. We will always wear shoes behind our backs."

"Walk around, don't watch the excitement, don't wait to lure the president here, I have worked hard for several years to join the Lu Group, and I carry a mortgage of 5000 yuan every month, and I just count on my salary to pay off the mortgage."

Everyone dared to discuss and returned to their positions to do things.

"Dong dong..."

"Come in." Yue Lingxi was sorting out market research materials.

These are all brought back by her from abroad, which can bring her a lot of inspiration.

Song Yao walked in and looked at Yuelingxi, beautiful and generous, with a beautiful smile.

"Designer Yue, this is a fabric sample, take a look."

Yue Lingxi was so flattered that Song Yao would personally bring it to her.

"Thank you, Assistant Song, just put it on the office table for me." Yue Lingxi was really happy, and she was also sorting out the fabric manufacturers that cooperated with the Lu Group in the past two days.

She is also very familiar with fabrics, and knows which styles of clothes are made of which fabrics will have a better effect.

"You're welcome!" Song Yao put the sample on the desk.

They usually look at the real thing, and the samples in the computer are basically reflective.

Song Yao didn't intend to leave, he just came to find a reason to ask Yue Lingxi about moving.

"By the way, Designer Yue, when I went to work this morning, I saw you at the agency. Has Designer Yue bought a house?"

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, why did Assistant Song see it?
She smiled and nodded: "Yes, I plan to settle down in Jiang City. Renting a house is not a long-term thing, so I started to buy a small three-bedroom house, and I went to transfer the title this morning."

"Wow!" Song Yao looked envious, "Designer Yue is very capable."

Yue Lingxi felt a little embarrassed when he said that.

"Assistant Song is much better than me." In fact, she didn't know Assistant Song's situation.

The polite words come casually.

But being an assistant to the president, his strength should not be underestimated.

Song Yao smiled and asked, "Designer Yue, when will you move in?"

Yue Lingxi has never thought about this problem, she thinks that every day is a good day, there are no taboos, good luck!

"I didn't even go to see the date. I planned to buy all the furniture and move in in a day or two. I just returned to China and I'm still living in a hotel. I don't have any place to live, so I can only buy a second-hand house first. went in."

"That's pretty good, it's convenient for me. But if Designer Yue needs help, don't forget to tell me." Song Yao has a bottom line in his heart, and he can explain it when he goes back.

"Okay, thank you Assistant Song."

"Then I'll go up first." Song Yao smiled, turned and left.

Going back to the top floor and seeing Lu Ziyao in the office, Song Yao didn't say anything about Yuelingxi.

"President, there is a meeting of the PR department and a meeting of the sales department at three o'clock."

Lu Zijun: "Good!"

Hearing this, Lu Ziyao became refreshed. After the eldest brother left, he could go to sleep.

Suddenly, Lu Zijun stood up, looked at his younger brother, "Yaoyao, come here."

Lu Ziyao: "Brother, tell me, can I listen?"

Lu Zijun pointed to the computer: "This is a question I set for you, come and brush it up."

Lu Ziyao: "..." I heard the sound of heartbreak!

"Brother, this is where you work, not where I study, so why don't you let me rest for a day?"

Lu Zijun was expressionless: "You have been resting for two days, haven't you rested enough? I need to check before I come back, come and do it for me."

Lu Ziyao let out a sigh in his heart, and walked over slowly, "Brother, I don't know how to be super rigid."

Lu Zijun: "It's all the basic knowledge you learned, and your math is very bad."

Lu Ziyao hesitated a lot in his heart, he was indeed not as good as his two younger brothers in mathematics.

"Brother, can I go buy a cup of milk tea?" Lu Ziyao thought about running away, he hated mathematics.

Lu Zijun: "The tea room has everything you want. Go to the tea room. There are people in charge of tea, coffee, and milk tea over there. What flavor do you want? Let them make it for you."

Lu Ziyao: "..." Should the benefits be so good?
How could Lu Zijun fail to see his brother's careful thinking?
He said: "Give me an honest answer, and I'll be back after the meeting."

"Oh!" Lu Ziyao sat on the office chair, looking at the math test paper with a dazed expression on his face.

Who am I, where am I, will I do it?

what!Not too difficult!

able to do!

Lu Ziyao is so excited!

After Lu Zijun left, Lu Ziyao quickly passed two test papers.

When the third picture was half done, he took out his mobile phone and called Yue Lingxi.

"Hi! Sister Xixi."

Yue Lingxi: "Fourth Young Master, do you have something to do?"

The last time they ate together, Yue Lingxi also marked their phone numbers, the fourth child Lu Ziyao, the fifth child Lu Zimo, and the sixth child Lu Zixian.

"Sister Xixi, you can just call me Ziyao. Sister Xixi, are you on the 24th floor? I'll come down to find you, do you want to eat burnt jelly grass?"

Lu Ziyao was very happy, and felt that he and Yue Lingxi got along very well.

Yue Lingxi said with some embarrassment: "Zi Yao, I'm at work."

Lu Ziyao: "Sister Xixi, it's okay, I just bring you a cup of milk tea."

Yue Lingxi: "Alright then!"

"Hey... Sister Xixi, see you later." Lu Ziyao hung up the phone, quickly ran to the tea room, asked the lady in the tea room to make burnt fairy grass and purple rice dew, and went back to finish the rest of the test papers.

Then he took the burning jelly grass to Yuelingxi's office.

"Hey..." Lu Ziyao smiled stupidly, he wanted to see if Yue Lingxi had feelings for his elder brother.

Anyway, he really likes sister Xixi.

I think she and Tang Yiyi are both good people.

The elevator stopped at the 24th floor, Lu Ziyao ran out, and ran into Lin Shan at the corner.

Lin Shan was angry and walked very fast. She was bumped by Lu Ziyao and quickly took a few steps on her hind legs.

The milk tea in Lu Ziyao's hand also spilled on the two of them.

Seeing a kid, and looking at herself in a mess, she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.


"Ah... Where did the stinky boy come from, are you blind?"

The two spoke together.

Lu Ziyao apologized, but was covered by Lin Shan's angry voice.

Lu Ziyao frowned, looked at Lin Shan again and said apologetically, "I'm sorry! I walked too fast."

Lin Shan was getting angry, seeing that he was carrying two cups of milk tea in his hands, she was afraid that he was delivering food, and she became more courageous.

"Are you blind? You left in such a hurry, are you rushing to reincarnate?" Lin Shan was furious, and now she just wanted to find someone to vent her anger on, and it happened that Lu Ziyao hit the gun.

(End of this chapter)

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