Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2357 Sister Xixi is live broadcasting

Chapter 2357 Sister Xixi is live broadcasting
Chapter 2357: Sister Xixi is live broadcasting
Yue Sheng, who was not far away, dared to turn his head and looked in the direction of Yue Lingxi. Yue Lingxi had already left.

"Huh..." He let out a heavy breath, no man had ever given him such a terrible sense of oppression.

Lu Zijun was the first one, as well as his father, he had seen it in financial reports, but the photos only carried a sense of deterrence.

He has always dreamed of becoming that kind of person, but unfortunately, he has too few opportunities and his mind is too stupid.

Yue's mother was angry and surprised: "I really didn't expect that Yue Lingxi could apply for a job in Lu's Group and become a designer of Lu's Group."

Father Yue also had a disbelieving expression on his face, "If I had known she was so capable, I would have treated her better and let her marry a rich family, and we would be able to follow suit."

Yue's mother glared at him: "Why don't you treat her so well? She should be content to repay her kindness after raising her. She is really a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know how to be grateful, and instead ignores us."

Yue Sheng squinted his eyes, the beautiful Yue Lingxi couldn't just give up like this.

Seeing Yue Lingxi looks very beautiful since he was a child, he was very strange. He looks just like his parents, but Yue Lingxi is as beautiful as a fairy.

When he knew that she was not his own sister, he had a bad idea. Unfortunately, Yue Lingxi was very cautious, and he never succeeded.

But if he and Yue Lingxi were in love, would Lu Zijun be able to control him?
Moreover, he has so many things to do every day, so he has no time to take care of Yue Lingxi's affairs.

One day, Yue Lingxi was going to let out a cry of ecstasy in his arms.

Thinking about it this way, Yue Sheng felt much better.

"Okay, Dad, Mom, Yue Lingxi is working in the Lu Group now, if she develops well, we can do business with the Lu family through her relationship, and our family will become richer and richer by then. You are all watching from the sidelines for a while, don't disturb her life."

Father Yue's son was right.

"Ah Sheng, we listen to you. Take good care of Yuelingxi. If she has a good relationship with the president of the Lu Group, she will be a big tree for us to enjoy the shade." Father Yue was wishful in his heart. abacus.

He was obsessed with interests, and he had an idea in an instant.

"Father, mother, big brother, what's so good about Yue Lingxi, isn't she a designer?" Yue Lingyun couldn't see that her family was kind to Yue Lingxi, this love belonged to her.

"Shut up!" Father Yue looked at her in a bad mood, "From today on, you should lose weight for me, otherwise you will never want to marry a good man in your life."

"Father, I don't want it. It's too hard to lose weight. Our family is so rich. Are you afraid that I won't be able to get married?"

Yue Lingyun lived in poverty since she was a child, her studies were a mess, and she didn't want to make progress. In the small world she lived in, there was only one idea, as long as she had money, she could do anything.

As long as you have money, you can bully whoever you want.

No matter how Yue Wei taught her, she couldn't change her concept.

Yue's mother also said proudly from the side: "Our daughter can marry no matter how fat she is, so Feng Tao still wants to marry our family? If you have time, you can go there with Lingyun and let the two of them increase their weight. emotion."

Yue Sheng sneered: "Mom, don't take her to shame yourself, Feng Tao can like Yue Lingyun. My surname is not Yue, but Feng Tao is a real snobby and good-looking man."

"What did you brat say? She's your sister, your own sister." Mother Yue didn't feel ashamed of her daughter, but felt that her daughter had been suffering outside for more than [-] years, and she always cared for her.

"Huh!" Yue Sheng snorted coldly, turned and left, he was more interested in Yue Lingxi.

After Yue Lingxi had dinner with his mother and younger brother, Yue Lingfeng sent him back to the hotel to rest.

When she got back to the hotel, she was alone, feeling lonely again, the loneliness that had been with her for years.

She didn't like the atmosphere of the Yue family since she was a child, and she was always at odds with that family.

After sitting for a while, Yue Lingxi took out the tea she just bought and went to boil water to make tea.

She is a little greedy, she likes green tea with a light taste, it tastes mellow and tastes great!
She was sitting by the window, the lights were just on, and the lights outside were brightly lit. Her delicate eyebrows and eyes, as well as the slightly red scar were reflected on the glass, which was covered by her hair, and her mother and younger brother did not notice.

Before she knew it, she suddenly thought of that handsome and indifferent handsome face, indifferent, seemingly ruthless and affectionate.

What she encountered in the company today, she also encountered abroad, but at that time, she was the one who was wronged, and no one ever helped her.

It was a bit bitter, but in a foreign land, she could only swallow it silently, because she was not reconciled, because she was not wrong, and more importantly, her self-confidence gave her the courage to persevere all the way.

But now it's all right, she has a mother, a younger brother, and a family.

At seven o'clock, Yuelingxi started the live broadcast again.

Today is the live broadcast of mathematics. These are the only two homework she has been able to do since she was in school. They are about the knowledge points of junior and senior high schools.

Seven to eight is junior high school math, and eight to nine is high school math.

After half a year of live broadcast, her fans in the live broadcast room have reached 20.

Comparing mathematics with English, there are more fans of mathematics. She prepared everything and began to explain the questions from the previous issue.

In the restaurant, Lu Ziyao finished eating, watching his two younger brothers still eating.

The eldest brother is using a laptop to handle official business.

Lu Ziyao was even more bored, he took out his phone to watch the live broadcast.

Most of the live broadcasts are for bringing goods, and he is not very interested.

He didn't have much interest in watching a few young ladies who sang live, he paddled boringly.

"Huh!" Lu Ziyao saw a familiar figure, and later he had hallucinations. He took a serious look, "It's Sister Xixi, she is doing a live broadcast."

Following Lu Ziyao's words, Lu Zijun's fingers on the keyboard also stopped.

"Xianxian, Momo, look, this is Sister Xixi, she is doing a live broadcast of mathematics, please take a look, Sister Xixi is so beautiful!" Lu Ziyao was very excited.

Lu Zimo and Lu Zixian also quickly looked around, "Hey! It's really sister Xixi, so beautiful!" Lu Zixian also praised.

"Sister Xixi's voice is really nice." Lu Zimo blinked her clear eyes and looked at it with a smile.

"Huh!" Lu Ziyao was very excited, "Sister Xixi just said that I don't know how to do it!"

Lu Zimo looked at his brother, teasing, "Why don't you even know this?"

Lu Ziyao: "It is said that 90.00% of high school students don't know it. The first year of high school is very difficult. You two are an exception, but my liberal arts is better than both of you."

Lu Zimo: "The last monthly exam was two points higher than me. Is this what you call good?"

Lu Ziyao: "Don't underestimate these two points, just these two points will throw you out of the dozens."

The more Lu Zijun heard it, his face became darker: "Let me see!"

(End of this chapter)

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