Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2358 Why is my heart so blocked

Chapter 2358 Why is my heart so blocked
Chapter 2358: Why is my heart blocked?
But Lu Ziyao was reluctant to give it: "Brother, you don't need to study, and it's also boring to read. Hurry up and work, don't disturb my study."

Lu Zimo: "Yes, brother, hurry up and work, don't affect your work."

Lu Zixian: "Hey! Sister Xixi's level, you can go and give lectures to Xiao Ruyi! During this time, Brother Nancheng is tutoring Xiao Ruyi, and Xiao Ruyi doesn't like studying very much."

Lu Ziyao smiled: "Xianxian, Momo, I think sister Xixi is different from other girls. Look at her every move and voice, she is very clean and beautiful. People can't help but want to hide her." Get up, you say such a beautiful girl, what kind of man can be worthy of her?"

Lu Zijun looked at his younger brother: "..." just looked at him.

Is he not worthy of Yuelingxi?

He asked himself!
Is he not handsome enough?He is also excellent!

Lu Zixian smiled and said, "Brother, this is a technical job."

Lu Zimo: "That's right. Finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is also a technical job. Sister Xixi doesn't have the slightest air of worldliness, just like a fairy. When she looks at her, she just wants people to hold her high. She is afraid of being contaminated by those worldliness." gas."

Lu Ziyao couldn't help but smiled: "Our mother has such a temperament, the Queen's order, I miss my mother."

"Hey... clingy." Lu Zimo couldn't help but tapped his head lightly.

Lu Zimo: "Brother, tell me, how old is sister Xixi this year, should she be of marriageable age?"

Lu Ziyao: "You idiot, he has come out to work, of course he has reached the age of marriage, I wonder if there is anyone among our relatives who is worthy of Sister Xixi, let's introduce him."

Lu Zijun: "..." It seemed that it was completely treated as air.

Lu Zimo: "Brother, yes, Cousin Feiyang!"

When Lu Ziyao heard this, he was overjoyed, "Momo, you are right, I almost forgot, Cousin Feiyang is loving and filial."

Lu Zijun frowned, how could Chu Feiyang's rude personality hurt others?

No, why is he panicking?
Lu Zimo smiled even more happily, "Auntie has always been worried that my cousin won't be able to marry a wife. Now it's over. My aunt's family background is good, and cousin Feiyang is even better. He looks handsome. The two look very good together. Tomorrow I will marry you." Cousin Feiyang said."

Lu Ziyao looked at him: "Don't talk to Cousin Feiyang first, ask Sister Xixi's opinion first, she can tell Cousin Feiyang only if she is willing to see Cousin Feiyang, otherwise it is not good to have an oolong, there is a saying in the novel That's right, the feeling of meeting for the first time is very important..."

The three brothers chatted like no one else about Yue Lingxi and Chu Feiyang's lifelong events, completely forgetting how miserable they were by their elder brother last time.

Lu Zijun's face was very gloomy.

Lu Ziyao: "Hey! Sister Xixi's method seems to be simpler and more accurate than what the teacher taught. Mama, I chatted with you, and I actually understood it!"

Lu Ziyao glanced at the time below, "Every night, there are two hours from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], and from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], these two hours just happen to be free for me, so I can watch Miss Xixi's lectures every night! "

Lu Ziyao followed, then glanced at the gift area below, and gave a gift.

[Xiaoyao 666 sends ten super rockets. ]
[Xiaoyao 666 gives away ten Ocean Stars. ]
After delivering the gifts, Lu Ziyao began to watch Yue Lingxi's lecture seriously.

"Brother, you are so stingy!" Lu Zimo glanced at his brother.

Lu Ziyao: "With Sister Xixi's personality, she will feel uneasy if she sends too much. Don't forget, everyone in this live broadcast room is a student."

In fact, he has sent a lot.

Soon someone shouted in the comment area.

[Damn, Xiaoyao 666 is so cool]

[I said can I watch the live broadcast first before buying gifts?This affects my reading of the teacher's explanation. ]
[Yes, yes, now is the critical moment, can everyone be quiet? ]
Lu Ziyao: "Look, the people who come into this live broadcast room should be serious study people, let's be quiet."

Lu Zimo also took out his mobile phone, and searched for Yue Lingxi's live broadcast room.

Clear live room.

Lu Zixian looked up at Lu Zijun's expressionless face.

"Brother, hurry up and deal with the company. Let's watch the live broadcast first. Sister Xixi's explanation is very easy to understand. Let's learn from it."

Lu Zijun sneered "hehe" in his heart, and now he was thinking of him.

He does have business to attend to.

During the day, he handles the affairs of the Lu Group, and at night, he handles foreign affairs. Some of them are handled by Uncle Jincheng, but he is still very busy. He will be on a business trip tomorrow and will not be back until a week later.

He felt bitter when he thought about it.

Two hours later, after the live broadcast was over, the three brothers Lu Ziyao were still reluctant to part.

All three brothers sent gifts out.

"Students, if there is anything you don't understand, you can leave a message below. I will reply to you one by one when I see it. See you tomorrow!"

Only then did Yue Lingxi see the rewards. Tonight's rewards were many times higher than usual. She was a little surprised. After thanking them one by one, she turned off the live broadcast.

Then she took out the drowsiness in the suitcase and went to take a shower. Because she was staying in a hotel, she secretly brought her own sheets and quilts. Now that the weather is hot, she doesn't need to cover her with a quilt.

After taking a bath, she lay on the bed, but couldn't sleep.

As soon as I close my eyes, it is the scene of crazy driving that night.

Yue Lingxi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she would have seen who it was if she had known.

The word "stop" sounded low and hoarse, and he was a young man with a strong body.

The more Yue Lingxi thought about it, the worse she was. She should have seen what that bastard looked like back then?
She's gutted now.

"Ah..." Yue Lingxi yelled a few times upset, feeling very bad, especially at night.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

She took it over and saw that it was Tang Yiyi.

"Hi! Yiyi."

"Xixi, are you asleep?"

"Just about to sleep!" Yue Lingxi's voice was weak.

Tang Yiyi: "Okay, it's just right that I didn't sleep, Yiyi, do you want to come out for a barbecue? Just have a drink, let's celebrate."

Yue Lingxi was a little puzzled: "What are you celebrating?"

Tang Yiyi: "Congratulations, I was admitted by the Lu Group. They seem to be short of assistants. As soon as I submitted my resume, I was asked to go for an interview. I went to the interview in the afternoon. I'm sorry to tell you, I received I was happy for a while after the phone call, and I'm calling you now."

Tang Yiyi was very happy.

When Yue Lingxi heard this, she also regained her spirits.

"Wow! Yiyi, congratulations." Yue Lingxi is also very happy, since Yiyi and her are in the same company in the future, she will not be afraid that no one will accompany her.

It's not easy for newcomers to go to the company. People in the company will ignore them unless necessary, unless like Xia Qin, everyone greets them morning and evening with a compliment.

(End of this chapter)

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