Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2360 Little brother, do you think I am beautiful?

Chapter 2360 Little brother, do you think I am beautiful?
Chapter 2360 : Brother, do you think I am beautiful?
Tang Yiyi clicked save carefully, put it away like a baby, read it twice, and only after confirming that it was saved, did she feel relieved.

Soon, a serving of Pipi shrimp and garlic crayfish was served. The garlic crayfish was fried with egg yolk, and the crayfish wrapped in egg yolk tasted very delicious.

The two ate a lot, and before they knew it, Yue Lingxi asked for another beer after finishing the beer.

Tang Yiyi stared at her with wide eyes, her face was burning badly, and Yue Lingxi was not a little drunk yet.

Moreover, she thought that the beer was not enjoyable, so she ordered a glass of Laobaigan.

Yue Lingxi was in a bad mood tonight, she wanted to get drunk and sleep well, and because Tang Yiyi was by her side, she drank boldly and reassuringly.

"Yiyi, stop drinking and be my bodyguard!"

After Yue Lingxi finished speaking, she took another sip of wine, and ate a piece of squid that squeezed the spicy taste in her mouth.

Tang Yiyi knew that she had been very unhappy because of family affairs.

So he didn't persuade her, no matter what happened to this person, it would be futile for others, the key is to think about it yourself.

She has also encountered some things herself, and what her parents said can't relieve the depression in her heart. She still needs to face it by herself before she can get out. So, at this moment, she understands the pain in Yue Lingxi's heart very well.

"Yiyi, do you know? My brother and mother are much better than my adoptive parents. My brother can protect me."

Yue Lingxi remembered what happened in the afternoon again.

It feels so good to be protected by Yue Lingfeng!
However, the next moment, a cold and perfect handsome face appeared in her mind again.

Damn, she's so good, she's her ideal type, but it's a pity that she can't afford it!

"Yiyi, do you know? And that bastard Yue Sheng, he has been harassing me ever since he knew that I'm not his real sister, and he still wants to marry me, what do you can there be such a hateful person in the world?"

When Tang Yiyi heard it, she was also very ghostly, "Damn it, Xixi, that Yuesheng is a playboy and has hurt many little girls. One day we will follow him and put a sack on his head when he is drunk. , the two of us wielded two sticks, and one beat him to the side, so you can relieve your anger."

"Hey..." Yue Lingxi smiled, lowered her head and raised her eyelids to look at her, smiling badly: "Yiyi, your idea is very good, beat him until he doesn't even know his parents, so I can relieve my anger .”

"Well, Xixi, but you should drink less." Tang Yiyi persuaded her, fearing that she would suffer from a hangover and would have to go to work tomorrow.

"It's okay, I'm not drunk!" Yue Lingxi smiled and waved at her.

Tang Yiyi has always known that she has a good drinker capacity, but she drank two cans of beer and a glass of Lao Baigan, so it's no wonder she wasn't drunk.

She may not be drunk when she is in a good mood, the problem is that she is not in a good mood now.

"Xixi..." But before she finished speaking, Yue Lingxi yelled again: "Boss, have another bottle of white wine."

Tang Yiyi: "Xixi, you can eat your favorite hot squid, as long as you have enough wine."

Yue Lingxi smiled coquettishly, her eyes were like silk, her red lips were slightly parted, her teeth were very white and neat, her charming beauty, even Tang Yiyi couldn't stand it.

"Yiyi, it's not enough. I'm not drunk yet. Another drink is just right!" Yue Lingxi picked up the chopsticks, pulled the onions away, and ate her favorite squid.

Finally, after drinking another bottle of Laobaigan, Yue Lingxi patted her stomach contentedly.

"Xixi, it's really refreshing!"

Tang Yiyi nodded, it was a good drink, and she called her wrong.

"You don't care about your body too much, well, I'll take you back to the hotel to rest."

Tang Yiyi helped her up and walked to the side of the road.

Yue Lingxi didn't make a fuss, and followed Tang Yiyi obediently.

After walking a certain distance, Tang Yiyi's cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was her mother calling.

"Xixi, stand there and wait for me, I'll answer the phone."

Yue Lingxi didn't speak, just stood quietly.

"Hey, Mom."

"Yiyi, your father was hit by a car on the way back and is now taken to the hospital by ambulance. Where are you? Come back quickly."

"Mom, is my father seriously injured?" Tang Yiyi was very anxious.

"I don't know yet. I'm going to the hospital right now. It's at the People's Hospital. You can go directly to the hospital. We'll meet there."

"Okay Mom, I'll be right over."

After Tang Yiyi hung up the phone, she looked at Yue Lingxi.

"Xixi, I'm in a hurry to leave now, the hotel is 500 meters ahead, can you walk back by yourself?"

Yue Lingxi nodded and said, "Yiyi, I'm still sober and not drunk, go see Uncle Tang."

She heard more or less the content of the phone call, but she still had the last sense.

Tang Yiyi was still worried about her, "No, I didn't see you returning to the hotel safely. I don't worry. I'll take you back first."

Yue Lingxi smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, Yiyi, I can do it by myself, you go back quickly."

After speaking, he walked forward alone, and his pace was very steady.

Seeing that she was still awake, Tang Yiyi stopped a taxi on the side of the road and went directly to the hospital.

Yue Lingxi is actually drunk. When there are people around, the reserve in her bones is still there. When there is no one, she becomes bold, walks crookedly, and glances everywhere.

The two young men passing by wanted to strike up a conversation, but she gave her a fierce look and walked away with a guilty conscience.

Lu Zijun was about to go back. While waiting for the red light, he suddenly saw Yue Lingxi walking crookedly on the sidewalk. He thought he had misread it, so he took another serious look. It was really Yue Lingxi. of.

Lu Zijun frowned, thinking about what happened in the hotel last time, he instantly felt uneasy.

He drove the car to the side of the road and stopped, got out of the car and followed Yuelingxi.

One foot deep at the foot of Yueling Creek and the other shallow. She didn't even notice the trees on the sidewalk, and they were crooked and about to bump into them.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lu Zijun quickly stopped her waist, which saved Yue Lingxi from the embarrassment of hitting a tree.

"Hmm!" Yue Lingxi felt a familiar touch on her waist.

Turning her head to look, a beautiful and perfect handsome face came into view, "Hehe..." She suddenly smiled, what a handsome little brother.

"Little brother, you look so good-looking!"

Lu Zijun: "..." Sure enough, he was so drunk that he didn't even recognize him.

Yue Lingxi turned her whole body around, restlessly brushing Lu Zijun's chiseled handsome face lightly with her fingers.

Lu Zijun was taken aback for a moment, and ripples appeared in his peaceful heart.

Yue Lingxi smiled: "Little brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

Lu Zijun replied coldly: "No!"

He wanted to see her reaction!
Yue Lingxi looked at him with a smirk, and asked after a while: "Little brother, do you think I'm pretty?" She smoothed her hair behind her ears with both hands, so that Lu Zijun could see more clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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