Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2361 I will be responsible for you

Chapter 2361 I will be responsible for you

Chapter 2361: I will be responsible for you

Lu Zijun looked at the delicate and cold white face in front of him, with a cold white transparent layer like suet jade, blurred and charming eyes, black and white distinct, silly, straight and small nose, red and sexy lips, like It is as delicate and charming as a rose, with an irresistible fragrance that makes people want to kiss it.

"Beautiful!" Lu Zijun uttered a word softly as if being bewitched.

She is beautiful, gorgeous, charming, cute, all beautiful!

He had no doubts about that.

The first time he saw her, he knew she was beautiful!

"Hehe..." Yue Lingxi smiled winkingly, her misty eyes fixed on Lu Zijun's handsome face straightforwardly and firmly.

"Little brother, I know you, you are a jerk, you bullied me that night, I remember your breath, yes, it is the smell of you, it smells so pleasant."

Yue Lingxi was drunk, she was really drunk, but even if she was drunk, she still remembered clearly that night that man's aura overlapped with the man in front of her, and everything seemed to be the same.

Lu Zijun's heart tightened, she thought he didn't remember anything, when she was sober she looked at her as if nothing had happened, but when she was drunk she remembered everything.

Lu Zijun's dark eyes were full of strong emotions, which threatened to be too strong.

Ziyao wants to introduce her to Chu Feiyang?
He squinted his eyes, his expression enigmatic.

Chu Feiyang, who was also shot while lying down: "..." What are you talking about?I do not know anything.

"Little brother, you were awesome that night!" Yue Lingxi said, pouted very unhappy.

"But you are a bastard. It's the first time for him. You don't know how to feel sorry for him. Scoundrel, bastard, don't let me see you again. If I see you again, I will destroy you."

Yue Lingxi struggled hard to get out of Lu Zijun's embrace.

Lu Zijun's eyes became darker and darker. It was the first time, wasn't it also his first time?

Abolish him?
Where did this little girl get her confidence and courage from?

Yue Lingxi staggered forward a few steps, then stopped suddenly and squinted her eyes for a while, as if she had forgotten something, she turned her head abruptly, and saw Lu Zijun standing behind her.

She smiled silly again: "Hey, little brother, why did I forget you? Come and go home with me, you have taken my first time, and you must be responsible to me."

Lu Zijun: "..." How much did you drink?
Lu Zijun walked over and asked, "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

When Yue Lingxi heard this, she pouted her red lips with a sad face, "I don't have a home, I don't have a home..." The voice became softer and softer, her sobs were sobbing and painful.

Lu Zijun was a little helpless, and pulled her: "Follow me."

Yue Lingxi followed him into the car and burped several times.

Lu Zijun was a little disgusted, he didn't know how to drink, and he hated alcohol.

In the car, Yue Lingxi was still restless.

"Little brother, what's your name?"

"Lu Zijun." Lu Zijun replied coldly.

Yue Lingxi squinted her eyes and tilted her head and thought for a while: "This name is a little familiar, it seems to be the big president of our company, cold, like a thousand-year-old iceberg."

Lu Zijun's hand that was holding the steering wheel tightened.

He is like a millennium iceberg?
Ha ha……

This woman, how dare she...?
He just has [-] million points of anger, only [-] million points!
"Lu Zijun, do you have a girlfriend?" Yue Lingxi hugged her seat belt, she had already drunk, she didn't even know what she said by instinctive reaction.

Lu Zijun: "No!"

Yue Lingxi smirked: "Lu Zijun, I don't have a boyfriend either. Lu Zijun, are you going to be my boyfriend? Anyway, you have to be responsible to me, you must be responsible!"

As Yue Lingxi said, she let go of her seat belt, and pinched Lu Zijun's handsome face with both hands.

Lu Zijun frowned, and drove seriously, letting her hands run wild on his face.

"It feels so good! It's exactly the same as that night." Yue Lingxi commented on his own.

Lu Zijun: "..." So, after she was drunk, she knew everything about that night clearly.

Play stupid when you wake up.

Lu Zijun moved her hand away, and ordered in a deep voice: "Yue Lingxi, sit down, I will take care of you."

Yes, when he thought of her meeting with Chu Feiyang, he was 1 upset.

Yue Lingxi tilted her head and looked at him, said with a smile: "You said it, don't go back on your word."

"En!" Lu Zijun nodded calmly.

Lu Zijun didn't know whether he liked the woman in front of him or not, but when he thought that she was going to fall in love with other men, he felt very upset, because she gave him the first time, which made him have an inexplicable feeling for her.

Lu Zijun brought Yue Lingxi to the hotel where he usually stayed, and took the elevator directly to the presidential suite on the top floor.

Lu Zijun helped her in, put her on the big bed, and said, "Yue Lingxi, you'll rest here tonight, and you'll get up and go to work by yourself tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Yue Lingxi asked, "Little brother, do you want to go?"

Lu Zijun: "..." This meant he was forgotten again.

Lu Zijun: "Yes!"

Yue Lingxi stood up quickly: "Little brother, don't go, stay with me, I'm so lonely."

For her bold and clingy invitation, Lu Zijun suffocated for a moment.

Does this woman know what she is doing?

Yue Lingxi hugged Lu Zijun like an octopus.

The faint fragrance suddenly lingered all over his body, and Lu Zijun was instantly distracted.

The vague memory and ecstasy of that night had unconsciously covered his whole body, tightly surrounding him like tangled vines.

Lu Zijun stood quietly and didn't dare to move, but Yue Lingxi kept rubbing upwards. After rubbing for a while, he found that only he was moving, and Lu Zijun was stuck like a piece of wood.

Yue Lingxi tiptoed, kissed his chin, and muttered: "What are you doing so tall, so that people can't even kiss him?"

Yue Lingxi has a habit. After drinking, as long as the person who drinks with her is always by her side, she will drink very well quietly. Once that person leaves her sight, she will become crazy , the current thing happened, and she didn't know what she was doing.

It will also gradually wake up something deep in her memory.

Hearing this, Lu Zijun couldn't help but smiled, lowered his head, and looked at her white and tender face full of dissatisfaction, and a pair of clear pupils clearly reflected his appearance.

The two of them were so close that he could kiss her lips with a slight bow, red and soft.

Lu Zijun's throat rolled, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved, but he couldn't take advantage of others.

Otherwise, between him and Yue Lingxi, there is no need to be friends.

"Little brother, I really like your madness that night, hehe..." Yue Lingxi was not reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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