Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2362 Do you want to escape again?

Chapter 2362 Do you want to escape again?

Chapter 2362: Do you want to escape again?

Lu Zijun looked at her with dark eyes, and gradually, the darkness at the bottom of his eyes turned into thick flames.

"Yue Lingxi, let go." Lu Zijun's voice was very low.

Her black eyes, which were like burning flames, were staring closely at her charming face.

"Don't let go, I just don't let go, what can you do to me?" Yue Lingxi smirked, and rubbed her lips on Lu Zijun's strong chest.

Lu Zijun's throat rolled again involuntarily, and the hands that hugged him tightly were soft and hot.

Yue Lingxi: "Little brother, hehe... I finally found you..."

Yue Lingxi started talking nonsense, but she never let go of Lu Zijun.

She only had one feeling, that she was very warm and safe in his arms, and she didn't want to leave. Not only that, her pair of soft fingers became more and more restless.

Lu Zijun's heart almost jumped out of the torture.

Lu Zijun lowered his head and looked at her with deep and deep eyes, "Yue Lingxi, you asked for this."

Lu Zijun had already turned on his cell phone to record everything that happened just now. This cell phone is a new model that has not been released yet. The 360-degree camera can follow the silhouette of people. He wants to show Yue Lingxi what kind of character she is when she is drunk. sex?
See if she dares to drink in the future?

"Little brother, are you so warm in your arms?" She said in a soft and cute voice, hugging Lu Zijun even tighter, clinging on like a sloth and not letting go.

Red lips awkwardly kissed Lu Zijun.

In the end, Lu Zijun got her wish.

In the dark room, Yuelingxi made a joyful sound... It was a real drunken dream.

In the darkness, the male voice was hoarse: "Yue Lingxi, who am I?"

Yue Lingxi smiled: "Handsome little brother."

Lu Zijun's face became darker and darker, and he didn't know what to do to punish her.

Lu Zijun leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Remember, my name is Lu Zijun."

Yue Lingxi: "Remember, Lu Zijun! Hehe...hehe..."

After a long, long time, the deep male voice let out a satisfied sigh...

"Tick tock..."

"Tick tock..."

"Tick tock..."

Yue Lingxi's mobile phone alarm clock rang three times, but she didn't hear it.

Another 10 minutes passed.

"Tick tock..."

"Tick-tock-tick..." The sound of the crisp and smart dripping alarm clock makes people feel better early in the morning.

Only then did Yue Lingxi lazily open her eyes.

Terrible, why is my whole body sore as if I ran 3000 meters.

She was out of state for a while, seeing the unfamiliar environment, she blinked her eyes in confusion, who am I and where am I?
She blinked her eyes again, and carefully looked at everything in the room. It was early in the summer, and the morning light filled the whole room, and it was warm orange.

Occasionally, the wind blows in, and the off-white curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows ripple like water waves.

Yue Lingxi blinked again, everything just now was in front of her eyes.

This... is not a dream!

Yue Lingxi moved, feeling that someone was holding her behind her, with a pair of strong arms embedded around her waist.

From above the head, there was a faint sound of breathing.

Yue Lingxi froze abruptly.

She didn't even know what Yue Lingxi did after being drunk, but after waking up, she remembered everything that happened yesterday, this is her.

Existence like a weirdo!

As long as she wakes up, no matter what happened last night, she can remember clearly, and everything that happened last night is vivid in her mind.

"Little brother, you are so handsome."

"Brother, am I beautiful?"

"Little brother, you are the man at nine o'clock that night, and you are responsible for me."

"Little brother, I finally found you."


Even in the most emotional moments.

The deep male voice asked her, "Yue Lingxi, who am I?"

Yue Lingxi: "Little brother."

The words are still ringing in my ears: "Remember, my name is Lu Zijun."

Yue Lingxi wanted to die on the spot.

If time can be turned back, if time can be traveled through time and space, she wants to go back to before seven o'clock last night.

She had never met Tang Yiyi, nor Lu Zijun.

It's too shameful, too shameful, and too slutty, how could she show such a slutty scene in front of him.

It was scary, she was really too scared of herself.

Forget it, she might as well bite her tongue and kill herself.

She no longer has the courage to live in this world.

How could it be, how could she do such a thing?
Forcibly threw Lu Zijun down, and shouted shamelessly: "Little brother, you are awesome!"


Yue Lingxi closes her eyes, I'm already dead!
I also want to stick a piece of paper on my forehead, If You Are the One!

Thinking of the person behind her, Yue Lingxi moved her gaze back inch by inch, and what caught her eyes was a perfect fair handsome face, 360 degrees without dead ends, sexy lips, straight and three-dimensional nose, eyes closed, curled up Long eyelashes, exaggerated point can sit on the swing.

Nima, who is this if it's not Lu Zijun?

Oh open!

She put the president to sleep?
No no no, it was the same bastard last time.

However, the last time was different from this time. This time, she obviously pulled Lu Zijun to do it.

People are the one who is forced.

With an idea, Yue Lingxi gently pulled the big hand around her waist away.

Then move out little by little.

Feeling that she was naked, Yue Lingxi thought of committing suicide again.

However, this trick does not seem to work.

She is still alive.

She wants to live, so she wants to escape.

Things had happened, she was waiting to lie around and be laughed at.

Only with a thick skin can you have your own place in the world.

Yue Lingxi kept reassuring herself in her heart.

She looked for her clothes everywhere, but where were the clothes?
Only Lu Zijun's white shirt was thrown not far away, with two diamond buttons rolling right beside the bed.

This not only made Yue Lingxi think of her barbaric strength last night, she went crazy, men are not as good as her.

Yes, she is the best, and today is a day full of energy.

It seemed that Lu Zijun's white shirt had become her last straw.

Just put these clothes on, find her clothes, and she can get out of here.

As long as she escapes successfully and refuses to admit it afterwards, what can Lu Zijun do to her?

Anyway, she is the one who suffers, and Lu Zijun who enjoys it, he should be satisfied and stay away from her.

Thinking about it this way, Yue Lingxi felt that this decision was very good.

After checking the distance of the shirt with her eyes, her feet slowly poked out, her toes hooked the shirt and slowly moved over. Success was imminent, and her smile was brighter than the scorching sun.

After successfully putting on the shirt, Yue Lingxi gave a perfect smile and stooped to find her own clothes.

Just after walking a few steps, the diamond buckle under her foot hit her foot, and she grinned her teeth in pain, but she didn't care too much.

She found her clothes and walked lightly towards the bathroom.

However, a deep voice came from behind: "Are you going to run away again?"

(End of this chapter)

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