Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2363 Yuelingxi, can you give me a chance

Chapter 2363 Yuelingxi, can you give me a chance
Chapter 2363: Yuelingxi, can you give me a chance
Hearing this deep and familiar voice, Yue Lingxi petrified on the spot.

Got caught!
God, give me a chance to live?
Only a little bit, she can escape from the sky.

Lu Zijun woke up early, but he didn't move when he saw the little woman in his arms who had been sleeping.

He also wanted to see what she would do when she woke up, but what he didn't expect was that this woman was an ostrich and wanted to run away again.

"Not coming back yet!" His voice was low, with hints of anger.

With her bent waist, Yue Lingxi gradually sat down and disappeared.

No, no, no, she didn't hear anything, so she can continue walking.

She walked forward autistically.

Lu Zijun: "..."

"Yue Lingxi, do you think you can run away?"

These words immediately stimulated Yue Lingxi.

She stood up abruptly, and turned around shyly to look at the man sitting on the bed. The quilt was covered up to her waist, revealing her upper body, which was muscular and sexy.

Her face was very pale, her hair was disheveled, her beautiful big eyes were rounded by anger, and the most conspicuous thing was her ravaged and magnificent red lips, which looked like roses.

Thinking of that soft touch, Lu Zijun's eyes became hot.

Yue Lingxi couldn't stand his fiery gaze, she turned her eyes away and whispered, "I just want to go to the bathroom."

Yue Lingxi ignored the pain in her body.

The morning sun was so bright that the whole room was bright and bright.

The man's fair skin was dyed a layer of bronze, and the sexy hormonal breath rushed over his face.

The picture of last night came to mind frame by frame.

Yue Lingxi: "..." It's so tempting.

However, the next moment, she was ashamed and wanted to kill herself on the spot, but she didn't have the courage!

Lu Zijun stared at her deeply, not believing what she said.

She was still wearing his sleepiness, she wasn't short, but his shirt was enough to cover her shame.

"Come back." Lu Zijun's tone was uncompromising.

Yue Lingxi regretted her impulsive courage, she should have rushed out just now.

"What...what are you doing?" Yue Lingxi stepped back vigilantly.

Lu Zijun smiled, and on his satisfied handsome face, it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

"Come here." Lu Zijun was domineering as always.

Yue Lingxi's stubborn temper also came up, "I won't come." I won't come, what can you do to me?
Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes, exuding a dangerous aura, "Aren't you going to talk about what happened last night?"

Yue Lingxi was instantly startled.

He didn't even dare to look directly at Lu Zijun: "What...what happened last night, last the way, why did you bring me to the hotel?" Yue Lingxi preemptively questioned him like a soul.

Lu Zijun smiled, and slowly leaned against the head of the bed.

This was the first time he had fully owned her while he was awake, and it was completely different from the feeling that night.

It shocked his heart and gave him unprecedented satisfaction.

This kind of satisfaction is a kind of spiritual and spiritual comfort, which he has never felt before, and it is more like diving into the depths of his heart, making him unable to stop.

Yueling Creek couldn't pass, so she stood still.

Suddenly, the light and shadow flickered, her eyes darkened, her feet lightened, and she fell into Lu Zijun's arms. His movements were too fast, and she didn't have any precautions.

"Ah..." Her mind went blank.

The next moment, the two of them were already lying under the quilt.

Yue Lingxi was flustered, and when she touched Lu Zijun's smiling black eyes, she was very angry.

"Asshole, Lu Zijun, did you do it on purpose? You were the one who was in the hotel last time, right?" If you want to say it, then say it clearly.

Lu Zijun didn't intend to hide it from her and increase unnecessary misunderstandings.

He, Lu Zijun, is so daring!

"I finally remembered, huh!" The magnetic voice was a bit playful.

"Hmph! You recognized me a long time ago, but you didn't say anything, you bastard." Yue Lingxi thumped his chest hard a few times.

Although the current era is very open, she is still very traditional in her bones. She still cares about the first time, but she has lost it, and she can't come back even crying, so she chooses to acquiesce.

Last night, she was so drunk that she recognized him.

No wonder she always felt that there was a familiar aura about him, she had a good memory!
Lu Zijun looked deeply at her suddenly sad little face, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I was wrong last time, I was drugged and went to the wrong room, and you were drunk, and things happened naturally. Last night I was in I met you on the way, afraid that you would be in danger, so I had to send you to the hotel, I don’t know how much you remember, but after I sent you back to the hotel, you were the one who wouldn’t let me go.” Lu Zijun looked at her, smiled jokingly, and put She was in his arms, and damn he loved the intimacy.

Yue Lingxi: "..." I'm sorry, she remembers everything, but she won't admit it.

"I don't remember." She denied it flatly, and at the same time lowered her eyes, not daring to look at his eyes that could penetrate people's hearts.

"Hehe..." A melodious laughter came from above his head, and Yue Lingxi became even more nervous, shrinking his head tightly into his arms like a tortoise.

Being drunk and being sober in his arms are two different things. After being drunk, she doesn't know anything and can do whatever she wants.

When she was awake, her five senses were particularly sensitive. For example, his breathing could affect her mood now.

"Yue Lingxi, if you don't remember, I will."

Yue Lingxi: "..." Damn you bastard!

What do you remember so clearly?
"Yue Lingxi, I will take responsibility for you."

These words startled Yue Lingxi, she also remembered what he said last night.

She looked up at him suddenly, her big eyes were shining, very cute.

Lu Zijun looked serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

"Are you really responsible?" She asked mechanically.

Lu Zijun nodded slightly, his gaze was firm, and his tone was calm: "Yes, I will not follow the old path of my father and my brother. My father was also set up in a hotel. My mother was pregnant with us three brothers and sisters. We were separated for six years. My brother It's the same fate, and I missed seven years of growth with my child." Speaking of this, Lu Zijun's heart was heavy, and he looked at Yue Lingxi with deeper eyes.

After a while, I said: "Me too, I was also designed that night. We didn't take protective measures twice. I was afraid that you would be pregnant. As for the relationship, we can cultivate it. I don't hate you. This is mine. What a feeling."

The man thought for a while, and added: "Yue Lingxi, can you give me a chance? I don't know how to love, but I will try my best to let myself know how to love you."

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, has she been confessed?

At least this bastard Lu Zijun is very honest and has a good character, unlike those dog men who refuse to admit it after eating it up.

Lu Zijun was much better than those men.

How to do?
She heard her heartbeat.

She also likes a responsible man like Lu Zijun very much.

But Yue Lingxi was very worried, she asked seriously: "Lu Zijun, if after working hard, you can't fall in love with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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