Chapter 2364 The Future Husband
Chapter 2364: Future Husband
When Lu Zijun woke up, he had thought about this question.

He said: "I have thought about this question, and I also believe that as long as you work hard, you will get a response."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zijun paused for a moment, and laughed at himself in his heart, if he was the only one working hard, it would be very difficult in front of love!
The key still depends on whether Yue Lingxi likes him or not.

Yue Lingxi: "Are you so confident?"

Lu Zijun's confident smile was bright: "I have been very confident since I was a child." But at that moment just now, he seemed not so confident.

Because I don't know if Yue Lingxi will like him.

"Bad guy!" Yue Lingxi thumped him, "Am I still angry? You actually confessed to me."

Yue Lingxi became hypocritical.

But to her, Lu Zijun is really a very good man.

Lu Zijun suddenly turned over and locked her in his arms.

Yue Lingxi struggled instinctively, and looked at him nervously, "Lu Zijun, what do you want to do?"

Lu Zijun smiled badly: "What do you think?"

Yue Lingxi didn't dare to say it, but if she could tell, her name wasn't Yue Lingxi.

"You were not awake last night. Now, let's do it again. You can feel it. If you hate it or don't like it, you can tell me."

Lu Zijun's character was like this, it was obviously a very ambiguous matter, but it made people feel like a business negotiation.

Yue Lingxi was stunned, and stared blankly at Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun smiled and said, "Don't you dare?"

Yue Lingxi: "..." Provocation, naked provocation.

Yue Lingxi quickly realized that she had found a very good reason: "No, I still have to go to work and skip work with the president. If you don't say anything, I will be scolded by the entire design department."

Lu Zijun: "I have asked Song Yao to ask for leave for you, you don't have to go to the company today."

Yue Lingxi's eyes widened a little more, because even her last way was blocked.

Now that she has a sore back and a sore back, she doesn't have that kind of thought.

"But there is no such thing as you. You say this as easily as a common meal."

Lu Zijun raised his eyebrows, thinking of his lack of self-confidence just now, he wanted to prove her feelings for him almost instantly.

He didn't speak, but leaned over and kissed her lips. He wanted to prove it, and he wanted her to feel it herself.

Yue Lingxi: "..."

Just when he was about to attack, Lu Zijun stopped his movements again.

Lu Zijun moved his handsome face slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "You didn't reject me just now."

Yue Lingxi: "You...have you given me a chance to refuse?"

But why did he feel a sense of loss when he left her?
It feels weird.

Lu Zijun: "No, come again."

Yue Lingxi: "..." This really feels like a bargain!

This time, there was still no chance for Yue Lingxi to react.

Yue Lingxi was captured by him almost instantly.

When Yue Lingxi woke up again, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Yue Lingxi felt like her whole body was falling apart.

Yue Lingxi glanced around, but there was no one there.

She blinked her dry eyes, took another look, and made sure that there was really no one around.

The loss in my heart welled up again.

The temperature around him has already cooled down.

So, has he been gone for a long time?
Yue Lingxi got up slowly, and caught a glimpse of a note on the bedside table. She grabbed it and looked at it, and there were a few words written on it.

[Looking at the phone. ]
She picked up her phone again and clicked on it. There were unread messages on WeChat.

She glanced at the WeChat name: "Future Husband"

Yue Lingxi's mind was instantly confused, when did she have a future husband's friend.

After being stunned for a while, I finally realized that it might be Lu Zijun himself who added her WeChat.

She clicked on the message and saw that it was indeed him.

[I’m going on a business trip for five days, because you said you don’t hate me and are willing to be my girlfriend, so I added our WeChat on my own initiative, after waking up, press the red button next to the bed, and the hotel will send you food. ]
[Song Yao said that you bought a house and are about to move. There is a black card on the table, which is a housewarming gift. There is no place to live for the time being. You can live here. This is my special suite.There are clothes for you in the cloakroom. ]
[When I come back, I will take you to meet my parents! ]
Yue Lingxi was startled by the last sentence, they are still nothing, why are they going to see their parents?
But she also realized that Lu Zijun was really serious!

She picked up the black card on the table and took a look. She was startled, and felt that there was a hundred million on her hand.

As expected of the Lu family, it's really generous.

A housewarming gift, and a black card worth hundreds of millions, probably couldn't fit in her third bedroom.

Yue Lingxi curled her lips. On such an important day, he actually left.

Leaving her a card made her feel a little humiliated.

But thinking about it, this is something Lu Zijun would do.

She lay on the bed for a while, feeling her body was soft. Lu Zijun gave her back all her fantasies of the past twenty years.

Taking a look at this presidential suite, it is much more luxurious than the last time she went to live in it.

That night, she spent a huge amount of money to enjoy the high-level service of the presidential suite, but in the end, she lost herself.

After getting out of the bath, Yue Lingxi went to the cloakroom and saw that there was a cloakroom as big as a room. On the left were men's suits of different styles, and on the right were several high-end dresses and suits, as well as comfortable casual clothes.

Yue Lingxi had to sigh, how cool it is to be rich!
Picking out a set of pink casual clothes to put on, she went out and pressed the red button on the bedside.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, she slowly got up and opened the door, and the waiter came in with a small dining cart.

(End of this chapter)

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