Chapter 2366 I am too poisoned
Chapter 2366: I am too poisoned
The phone rang several times before Tang Yiyi answered.

"Xixi, what's the matter? Do you have a hangover?" Tang Yiyi was very concerned about Yue Lingxi's body, after all, Yue Lingxi drank a lot last night.

She was worried all the time without sending her to a hotel room.

Yue Lingxi just smiled coldly, it's not just a hangover, she almost killed herself.

Tang Yiyi couldn't be blamed for this matter, something happened to Uncle Tang, and Yiyi was also very anxious.

"Yiyi, I'm fine. Is Uncle Tang feeling better?" She just remembered that Tang Yiyi left because she received a call from Uncle Tang about an accident.

Then I was busy making a phone call to ask.

"Xixi, my father is fine, but he fell on his leg and injured his ligament. He was called by a passer-by and sent to the hospital. My mother didn't understand that the situation was very urgent, so I was in a hurry. I spent the whole night. I’m really worried about you, so don’t worry if you arrive at the hotel safely.” Although there is a distance of 500 meters, it’s possible for a drunk person to go to the wrong place.

It's not like this hasn't happened before.

Yue Lingxi occasionally messes up when she's drunk.

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "I have returned to the hotel safely, you don't have to worry about me, take good care of Uncle Tang."

"Well, as long as you arrive at the hotel safely, I'll be relieved. You're about to get off work. Do you want to go out for dinner?"

Yue Lingxi: "I won't go out for the time being. Last night I was a bit uncomfortable with the hangover. I'll go back to the hotel to rest. I'll go to the new house tomorrow to have a look and buy some odds and ends."

Tang Yiyi: "Okay, my father can be discharged from the hospital today, and he can go back to work after going home for a while to recuperate. If you need my help, please remember to tell me."

Yue Lingxi is very grateful that she has such a good girlfriend, no matter what time it is, she will always remember her.

"Okay, Yiyi!"

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

Yue Lingxi was sore all over, she had enough sleep, she had nothing to do, and she didn't want to work, so she got up and went to the bathroom, put the water in, she lay in the large bathtub, let out a comfortable sigh, looked up at the Brilliant crystal chandelier.

Yue Lingxi had to sigh again, it's nice to be rich!
Yue Lingxi was thinking about things in his mind, the feeling of water sticking to the skin was too comfortable, and the feeling of soreness was relieved.

Gradually, she fell asleep again, and did not wake her up until the doorbell for delivering dinner rang.

Yue Lingxi opened her eyes abruptly, and looked around in confusion. She had just had a dream, dreaming that Lu Zijun was standing by the bathroom, calling her softly: "Xixi, wake up, wake up!"

As soon as she opened her eyes, she heard the doorbell ring.

The water was already cold, but now she is completely awake, she misses each other day by day, and sees each other in a dream, she really believes in one word, she has been poisoned too deeply, she was poisoned by Lu Zijun.

She got up, quickly put on her bathrobe, and went to open the door. At the door, there were two waiters waiting outside pushing two small dining carts.

Yue Lingxi looked at them a little sorry: "Sorry, I kept you waiting, come in."

"It's ok."

Two waiters smiled and pushed the dining cart in and put all the food on the table.

The waiter smiled and said, "Miss Yue, this is a lobster feast, I wish you a pleasant meal!"

Yue Lingxi saw that she couldn't eat these by herself.

"Thank you! But can you give me some take-out boxes? I can't eat so much by myself. I want to take it home to share with my family, as well as your special dishes here. Can you pack some more for me? The weight for three people. "

Waiter: "Okay, Miss Yue, wait a moment, we'll get ready."

"Thank you!" Yue Lingxi turned around, took her mobile phone and went to the room to make a call.

"Sister, have you returned to the hotel after get off work?" Yue Lingfeng asked happily.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, have you eaten yet?"

Yue Lingfeng: "Sister, no, my mother and I just moved some things over and tidied up, and now we are planning to eat something, sister, have you eaten yet?"

Yue Lingxi was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Xiaofeng, I haven't eaten yet, you wait for me first, we don't need to go out to eat, I will bring food back later, you and mother wait for me."

"Okay, sister!"

After Yue Lingxi hung up the phone, she went to the cloakroom to change into casual clothes.

The hotel's service attitude is very good, and the speed is also very fast. After more than ten minutes, the waiter stood in front of her with two large incubators.

Standing beside him was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Miss Yue, where are you going?"

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, and asked, "Are you going to send me there?"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded: "Yes, Miss Yue, Mr. Lu has ordered you to take good care of you."

Yue Lingxi: "..."

What should I do if I was hit by Lu Zijun's heart-warming actions again?
"Thank you! Let's go then." Yue Lingxi was not polite anymore, she really couldn't take a taxi with two big suitcases.

Three or ten minutes later, the car stopped downstairs at Yue Lingxi's house.

The driver got out of the car immediately and lifted the two incubators from the trunk.

Yue Lingxi looked at him and felt very emotional: "Thank you, you can go back first, I will go back by myself later."

The driver handed out his business card: "OK, Ms. Yue, here is my business card. Miss Yue will call me 10 minutes before leaving the house. I will come to this location to pick up Ms. Yue."

Yue Lingxi nodded: "Okay, thank you!"

After the driver left, Yue Lingxi called and asked Yue Lingfeng to come down to pick up the incubator.

"Wow! Sister, where did you pack so much delicious food?" Yue Lingfeng was hungry and had been working all day.

Yue Lingxi said with a smile: "The hotel's lobster feast and some special dishes, let's eat together."

Yue Lingfeng froze for a moment, "Sister, this is not cheap."

Yue Lingxi found an excuse for herself: "My work has passed and I got a small bonus, so I just want to treat you and my mother to a delicious meal."

"Okay, sis, I like eating big lobsters the most."

Yue Lingxi looked at his innocent smile and smiled: "That's just in time, let's go back quickly."

Yue Lingxi walked behind Yue Lingfeng, and her phone vibrated.

She looked down and saw that it was a message from Lu Zijun.

[Xixi, I'm done with the meeting. ]
Yue Lingxi held the phone tightly. To be honest, she was very bold when she was impulsive, but when she calmed down, she persuaded her by [-] million.

Does she really want to fall in love with Lu Zijun?

With her family background, would the Lu family agree?

I heard that the second youngest of the Lu family married the daughter of the richest man in Ningshi.

And she is nothing!

Yue Lingxi replied: [Thank you for your hard work, rest early! ]

Arriving at the home on the second floor, after Yuelingfeng and Yuewei's arrangement, I finally felt like home.

"Mom, you've worked hard." Yue Lingxi looked at her mother, she was very gentle, elegant, and had a beautiful smile.

When she was young, she was also a big beauty.

Ye Wei smiled affectionately, looked at the little home again, her eyes turned red, "Xixi, mom is not working hard! Mom is very happy, we finally have a home."

(End of this chapter)

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