Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2367 1 When you fall in love, you become stupid

Chapter 2367 Becomes stupid when you fall in love
Chapter 2367: When you fall in love, you become stupid
Yue Lingxi smiled: "Mom, when I make money in the future, I will buy you a bigger house to live in."

Yue Wei smiled lightly and shook her head: "Fool, what a fool!"

Yue Lingxi does not speak, even if her mother says she is a fool, she still feels very warm.

Ye Wei took her daughter to the kitchen.

While walking, she said: "Xixi, my mother has never been very demanding about housing, and she is already satisfied like this. A person's life is only a few decades, and you shouldn't spend all your time and savings on the house. You You should have a little more freedom of your own, as long as you are happy, you can eat two meals in the morning and evening, and you can dress warmly, this is the best pursuit."

Her generation had a hard life, and she also saw the young people around her who had carried mortgages for 30 years, their spines bent abruptly by the mortgages, and during the few days when the mortgages were repaid, other than quarrels, they were anxious. She has seen it all, and she doesn't want her daughter to follow the path of those people.

Only by being content with a life full of food and clothing can we live happily.

Yue Lingxi knows that the thinking of the two generations is different after all.

"Mom, I see. Don't worry, I won't let myself live too hard."

"Sister, mom, hurry up and eat, it's so rich, I've never eaten these dishes before, it smells delicious." Yue Lingfeng was so happy, smiling like a child, standing on the spot holding A lobster danced and looked at them.

"Hehe..." Yue Lingxi smiled happily.

The family sat down to eat and chat.

On the other side, Lu Zijun went back to the hotel to rest after the meeting.

Song Yao ordered a large table of dishes, and he was eating with great relish.

But Lu Zijun didn't eat a single bite, and kept staring at his phone. When he was sitting still, he looked like a statue.

Song Yao looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and finally understood that the president was really in love.

The president's current mood should be that kind of oasis in the desert that is about to dry up, waiting for a nectar to nourish, but there is no nectar to come.

He remembered that the president had just sent a message to Yue Lingxi, but he didn't know if he had replied to the president.

Seeing that a fish was about to be eaten by him, Song Yao couldn't help but said, "President, let's eat first."

He was also quite tired after rushing a few meetings today.

Lu Zijun looked at him suddenly: "Song Yao, should I say something more?"

Song Yao: "...what?"

Lu Zijun: "I sent a message to Xixi, and she also replied to me."

Song Yao asked without thinking, "President, what did you reply?"

Lu Zijun answered him without hesitation: "Thank you for your hard work, go to bed early! I don't think this is like chatting between couples."

Song Yao: "..." President, this is a very common word of concern, why do you think about it so complicated?
Sure enough, people who fall in love are so naive.

"President, there is no ambiguity in these words. Don't think too much about it. Let's eat first. You won't have lunch."

Lu Zijun glanced at his phone for the last time, his dark eyes were filled with anticipation.

Song Yao couldn't see the always proud and dignified president showing such a disappointed expression.

In Song Yao's heart, he has always admired Lu Zijun.

"President, after dinner, you are chatting with Designer Yue. If men take the initiative, women will feel more secure."

When Lu Zijun heard this, the sense of security was not only needed by girls, but also by men.

He felt very insecure just now.

After listening to Song Yao's words, Lu Zijun ate dinner first.

After dinner, Lu Zijun stared at his phone again.

He felt that his feeling was miraculous. He really wanted to hear the other party's voice, and he wanted to hear the other party's sweet words.

Is this what it's like to be in love?

Worry about gains and losses, always want to see each other!

Lu Zijun looked at the phone and sighed slightly, just now the hotel manager called, Yue Lingxi packed dinner and went home to have dinner with his family.

He didn't bother the other party, they were both adults, they all needed their own private space, and he needed it too, so he put himself in the same place, so he forcibly resisted the urge to make a phone call.

It's 10:30 in the evening. Lu Zijun fought several times last night and went through a busy day. He was really sleepy. After bathing, he put on white silk sleepiness. His strong and perfect body is very attractive. He lay on the bed, informed his parents that he was safe, and called his three younger brothers. He was relieved to know that his sister and brother-in-law took good care of them.

After putting down the phone, I felt empty in my heart, as if there was something unfinished.

Lu Zijun took his phone again, and involuntarily clicked on the dialog between him and Yue Lingxi, but Yue Lingxi still didn't send him a message.

He suddenly remembered Song Yao's words, a man must take the initiative to make a girl feel safe, and Yue Lingxi needs his comfort more than him.

Thinking this way, Lu Zijun immediately sent a message to Yue Lingxi.

[Have you returned to the hotel safely? ]

Although he didn't know if Yue Lingxi would go back to the hotel to rest, he still wanted to ask.

Yue Lingxi had already returned to the hotel at this time, she was bored, when she saw Lu Zijun's news, for some reason, her empty heart suddenly became full.

[Just arrived at the hotel, thank you for the dinner, I couldn’t eat it, so I packed it up and ate it with my family, they were very happy. ]
When Lu Zijun saw that Yue Lingxi quickly responded to the message, the corners of his tightly pursed lips instantly rose uncontrollably.

[When I come back, take them out to eat together, I also want to see your family. ] Lu Zijun thought, saying this way, there should be no problem, he is really serious, and he is facing this relationship very seriously.

He didn't want to just play with beautiful women like Ling Yuchen did.

When he was dating a new girl, he hadn't had a clean relationship with the previous girl, and he had seen it when they met each other occasionally, and a scene where the mistress was torn apart.

However, after he sent this message, Yue Lingxi never responded to his message.

Lu Zijun inevitably became nervous, did Yue Lingxi get angry?

A powerful man can do everything he can in the mall, but he still becomes cautious in front of love.

When Yue Lingxi saw this news, she knew that a man like Lu Zijun was serious about this relationship.

She remained silent because she knew that her heart was moved. She was her first man, and he was also the type she liked with ability and responsibility. Apart from these, her own qualifications were more attractive to her. Her outstanding appearance and appearance overwhelmed her. Her height and all aspects meet her mate selection criteria.

However, when thinking of her life experience, Yue Lingxi hesitated.

She hesitated for a while, and typed quickly with both hands. She had to ask this matter clearly, and she couldn't let herself get lost. If the other party cared about these things, she would cut off the idea early, so that they could get together and leave.

Lu Zijun was too good, so good that she would feel ashamed in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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