Chapter 2369 Gossip
Chapter 2369: Gossip
Lu Zijun looked at the call from Ling Yuchen, and answered it slowly.

"Hi!" His face was very red, and his voice was hoarse.

"Xiao Qi, I heard that you are on a business trip, are you still busy? Why are you answering the phone so slowly?"

Ling Yuchen asked with a smile.

"Hmm! What's the matter?" Lu Zijun's character was still concise.

Ling Yuchen: "What's the matter with your voice? It's very hoarse. What did you do?"

Ling Yuchen, who is often nostalgic for flowers, is very sensitive.

Lu Zijun was taken aback, and really wanted to ask if he had clairvoyance?
"It's okay, I'm too tired today, just ready to rest."

Ling Yuchen said with a smile: "You, besides work, you only know how to work. Apart from money, you also need to have some other entertainment time. By the way, my junior sister said that she will come to Jiangshi to play in a while, Jiangshi It's your world, you can find her a place to live."

Lu Zijun frowned and asked, "When will you be here?"

Ling Yuchen: "I didn't say the exact time. I might come during this time, or I might come tomorrow. You also know that girl's character, she is very capricious!"

Lu Zijun: "I see, we'll talk about it when she comes."

"Yeah, I checked the IP address you sent me last time. It's not a real-name system. I can't find out why the other party attacked your company's internal system. I've been staring at the other party for the past two days. They are indeed here for your Lu Group, if you have time, you should pay attention to it yourself."

When talking about business, Ling Yuchen's tone also became serious, which reminded people of his sharp and chilling eyes, as sharp as a knife.

Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes, could it really be X. L Group?
"I see, don't worry." Lu Zijun walked to the sofa, and after sitting down, he took a sip of the already cold water.

Ling Yuchen teased him with a smile: "Xiaoqi, you are on a business trip alone, did you ask a young lady to accompany you?"

Lu Zijun hated him for saying such flirtatious words, he would always feel shy and angry when he was serious.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not like you." His tone was a bit chilly.

"Hehe..." Ling Yuchen smiled, "I just know you have such a personality, and I've been worried that you won't be able to marry a wife."

Suddenly, Yue Lingxi's clear and pure face hovered in Lu Zijun's sea.

He smiled confidently: "You don't have to worry about this, you worry about yourself. Hang up."

Lu Zijun hung up the phone quickly, without giving the other party a chance to speak.

He leaned his head back on the sofa, he seemed to miss Yuelingxi a little bit.

It turns out that people who are in love are really easy to worry about gains and losses, especially after watching the video just now, he feels ashamed and embarrassed, but at the same time he misses Yue Lingxi very much and wants to meet her again, and various thoughts emerge in his heart.


Yue Lingxi got up to go to work the next day, feeling particularly good.

Waking up early in the morning, she received a message from Lu Zijun.

[Xixi, I miss you! ]
In just a few words, Yue Lingxi has never felt such a beautiful morning.

It's hard to imagine what it's like for such an indifferent and noble person to say such tender words.

After confirming the relationship with Lu Zijun, knowing that he was the man that night, she was not too angry. Although it was an unspeakable shame, the gratification between the two was enough to make up for the pain.

Yue Lingxi came to the company, because she asked for leave yesterday, Lu Zijun said that Song Yao had asked for leave for her, but she still wanted to go to Xia Qin to explain the reason.

"Dong dong..."

"Come in."

Yue Lingxi opened the door and went in, and saw that Xia Qin was preparing materials for the meeting. After Lin Shan left, Xia Qin didn't find an assistant either.

The HR department recruited a few assistants, but they are still training, and it will take a few days before they can come to work.

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "Director Xia, I'm sorry, I had something to do yesterday, so I can come to work tomorrow."

"It's okay." Xia Qin smiled lightly, and said, "But you still have to pay attention to the impact, because you just came to work in the company and took two leave of absence within a few days, and the people in the design department have a lot of opinions on you. If you have something to do, try to finish it during the weekend break."

Yue Lingxi nodded clearly, "Director Xia, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Xia Qin: "Let's get ready for the meeting. The autumn clothing show will start soon. The models on the eleventh floor are all preparing. Our clothing should be matched with theirs as soon as possible."

Yue Lingxi smiled and nodded: "Okay, Director Xia."

Xia Qin said: "We're going to the [-]th floor to hold a merger meeting today, as well as the sales department. Director Han, the model director, has been working in the company for more than ten years and is very experienced in this area. Let's go and listen to them first. Opinion."

"Okay." Yue Lingxi quickly returned to the office, sorted out the materials, and followed the people from the design department to the meeting.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and Han Jingjing was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the newcomer Xia Qin, and her work efficiency was too low.

As a result, the fashion weekly magazines on their side almost couldn't come out.

On the way there, Yue Lingxi found out that Director Han and Lu Zijun's mother were best friends, and the husband and wife had been working dutifully in the company for many years.

The working attitude is very strict.

After coming out of the conference room, Xia Qin's complexion was very bad. When she applied for this position, she was very stressed.

Sure enough, the pressure from various departments made her a little unbearable.

But she can't give up, she has other things to do.

Yue Lingxi has been busy all afternoon, Xia Qin is in a bad mood, and the assigned work has become more difficult.

Yue Lingxi went to the factory. She was mainly in charge of her own work, but she wasn't that tired.

Back to the company after four in the afternoon, ready to pack up and go back to the hotel after get off work.

"Look, that's Designer Yue. She took two leave of absence when she first joined the company. Why do you think her face is so big?"

"Who knows? Anyway, the leave was approved. I heard that Assistant Song personally called to explain the leave yesterday."

"Hey! Isn't this nepotism?"

As soon as Yue Lingxi got out of the elevator, she heard several designers gathering together and talking about it.

Yue Lingxi walked over, and several designers went back to their jobs with ugly faces.

Yue Lingxi looked very bad, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to Lu Zijun.

[Assistant Song helped me ask for leave yesterday, why does the whole company know about it? ]

Lu Zijun, who was in a meeting, saw the phone vibrate, glanced at it, frowned slightly, and replied: [What's wrong?Someone is giving you a hard time? ]

Yue Lingxi: [Not really, I just heard some gossip. ]
Lu Zijun: "Song Yao just told Xia Qin, the others don't know about it."

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, so, did Xia Qin say this?

That's right, it's not something that can't be said. Xia Qin won't feel anything when she says it?
(End of this chapter)

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