Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2370 You change your identity

Chapter 2370 You change your identity
Chapter 2370: Change your identity
Yue Lingxi thought for a while, and sent another message to Lu Zijun. She typed with her head down. The white light illuminated her face, her face became fairer, her eyes were drooping, and her curled eyelashes were slowly flapping like butterfly wings. .

[Lu Zijun, don't let people in the company know about our relationship. If you let people in the company know about our relationship, I'll break up with you. ]
She also has her own way of dealing with domineering men.

When Lu Zijun saw the news, he frowned, unable to tell what it was like?
Why did this little girl threaten him?

[Okay, I respect your opinion, but it will always be known, when do you plan to let me announce it? ]

Yue Lingxi thought about it, their current situation is that they are passionately in love, it seems that youthful frivolity and rebelliousness will appear at the same time at this time, and will be given to both parties at the same time.

If a person waits for his own starlight, it is such a lucky thing in life. Even if it is separated by mountains, seas and Atlantic Oceans, he will never let go of his thoughts on each other. The happiness of getting together.

She also hopes that this love will last forever.

She replied: [If possible, I would like to announce it on our wedding day.If we can get to the point where we get married. ]
He knew that although Lu Zijun was indifferent and domineering, he respected her enough, so she dared to say that.

Lu Zijun: [Okay!miss you! ]
Yue Lingxi blushed instantly, and she trotted back to the office.

Seeing that the other party was not replying to the message, Lu Zijun entered into a long wait again.

After the sales manager finished his report, Lu Zijun was still staring at the phone tightly. His back felt cold. Could it be that something went wrong?

Song Yao asked the sales manager to sit down, and the manager felt relieved. You must know that Lu Zijun's tactics were more ruthless than his father's, and they both worked hard.

Song Yao was in a great mood looking at the CEO who was in a daze in love.

"President, the meeting is over." Song Yao reminded.

Lu Zijun nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "Let's end the meeting."

He will have to deal with the Fan family's cooperation in a while, and if he dares to design him, he will have to bear the consequences.

Everyone rushed out of the office one by one like an amnesty.

Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes slightly, there really was something wrong with Xia Qin.

"Song Yao, when you asked Yue Lingxi for leave, only you and Xia Qin knew about it?"

Song Yao: "President, and you know."

Lu Zijun pursed his lips, how could he talk nonsense.

"President, did something happen?"

"Xixi's gossip is spreading in the company."

"Ah, how come? Director Xia doesn't seem like such a gossip." Song Yao was stunned.

Lu Zijun: "Let's go."

Song Yao: "President, don't you need to solve it?"

Lu Zijun: "Let's go back and talk about it. Don't let the people in the company know about the matter between me and Yue Lingxi. She threatened me that if the people in the company find out, they will break up with me, so keep your mouth shut and don't talk about the matter again." screwed up."

Song Yao "hehe..." smiled, "President, you have finally found your nemesis, and you won't listen to anyone except Madam."

Lu Zijun glared at him, you don't need to say such words.

Song Yao realized his stupidity later, and he felt like he was about to cry because of his stupidity.

Why is he talking so fast?

Every blood-like lesson can't make him remember any longer.


On the third day, Yue Lingxi went to work, and as soon as he entered the company, he heard people in the company talking about the bankruptcy of the Fan family.

"Sister Xia, quickly read the financial news. The Fan family had a cooperative relationship with the Lu Group. Why did they suddenly go bankrupt? The Lu Group also cut off all cooperation with the Fan family."

Liu Sisi took the phone and handed it to Xia Qin.

Xia Qin said, "I've already seen it."

Liu Sisi was shocked: "Sister Xia, what do you think is going on? This good company went bankrupt as soon as it said it went bankrupt, and was even acquired by the Lu Group."

Xia Qin looked indifferent: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, this kind of thing happens every day."

Liu Sisi: "The shopping mall is unpredictable, it's really scary."

Yue Lingxi pursed her lips, and suddenly remembered what someone said to avenge them, how cruel!
Yue Lingxi returned to the office silently.

As soon as I turned on the computer, I received a message from Lu Zijun.

[Xixi, I finished my work ahead of time. I have an afternoon flight, go home to see my brothers, and then go to the hotel to find you. ]
When Yue Lingxi saw it, her face turned red involuntarily.

Quickly responded to the message: [I will not go back to the hotel tonight, I will go home, and I will move today. ]
Lu Zijun: [Alright, let's have dinner together. I'll prepare what you want. ]
Yue Lingxi: [Moving on the first day, I want to have dinner at home, so I invited friends to have fun together. ]
Lu Zijun looked at the news, so, if he goes back today, is he going to miss his girlfriend?
Lu Zijun: [Girlfriend moved, how could boyfriend not go, I came back just in time. ]
Yue Lingxi's eyes widened, Lu Zijun, I'm not ready to take you to meet the parents yet?
Immediately afterwards, Lu Zijun sent another message: [Can I go? ]

Yue Lingxi: I wanted to refuse, but I was afraid of hurting his manly self-esteem.

Yue Lingxi: [Okay, but my mother is worried, you should change your identity. ]
Lu Zijun: [What identity? ]

Yue Lingxi: [Think for yourself. ] This kind of problem is naturally for their men to think about it.

Lu Zijun: [Okay, see you tonight! ]
Yue Lingxi was taken aback, what did he think of it?

Yue Lingxi was looking forward to it, and worked hard all day, just wanting to go back early.

Today my brother and mother are cooking delicious food at home.

Mom doesn't have any friends, my younger brother has three friends who want to come, and Yiyi also wants to come, and now including Lu Zijun, there are only one table.

Yue Lingxi sent another message to her mother, asking her to cook two lighter dishes, Lu Zijun seemed to eat very lightly.

Yue Wei received the news from her daughter and asked Yue Lingfeng to go out to buy vegetables.

After get off work, Yue Lingxi packed up her things and prepared to go home.

Just after leaving the house, I ran into Xia Qin again.

"Designer Yue, take a look at this style. The pattern maker responded that the curvature of the ruffles is a bit big, and you can modify it a little bit."

Yue Lingxi took a look and said, "Director Xia, this model is suitable for people who are slightly fat. I also thought about this problem before. If the arc is too small, it will not be too big for a slightly fat customer. nice."

Xia Qin thought about it, and it was the same, "Okay, let's get off work today, I will communicate with there."

Yue Lingxi: "Thank you Director Xia."

She walked towards the elevator.

After leaving the company, she went directly to the station. There are buses running to their community, so it is very convenient for her not to ride a little turtle.

"Yue Lingxi." There was a flowing voice, and Yue Lingxi's whole body tensed up.

(End of this chapter)

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