Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2371 You dare to touch my Lu Zijun's woman

Chapter 2371 You dare to touch my Lu Zijun's woman

Chapter 2371 : You dare to touch my Lu Zijun's woman

Yue Lingxi looked back and saw Yue Sheng with two brothers that he usually brought with him, looking at her with a wicked smile.

The eyes of the three were all malicious.

Yue Lingxi was panicked at the bottom of her heart, but she was very calm on the surface.

She didn't expect him to come here so soon, she thought that Lu Zijun's warning last time would somewhat make her more afraid.

She glanced at the bus, but it hadn't come yet.

"What are you doing here?" Yue Lingxi looked at him defensively.

She can barely deal with Yuesheng alone, but Yuesheng also has two younger brothers. These two people usually fool around with Yuesheng. They are typical scumbags who only play with girls' feelings.

Yue Sheng smiled and walked slowly into Yue Lingxi.

Yuelingxi is still calm on the surface, because there are still a few young girls and boys waiting for the bus.

Yue Sheng should not dare to act recklessly.

"Xixi, don't you know what I'm here for? We're in love with each other. You're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend. I'll pick you up from get off work. My car is over there. Let's go. Send you back." Yue Sheng stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his lips in a rascally manner, his eyes did not shy away from possessing Yue Lingxi at all, such an action was naked obscenity to Yue Lingxi.

"Yuesheng, get out!" Yue Lingxi looked at him disgusted.

This family has no humanity at all.

In other words, they are also brothers and sisters who grew up together. When they were young, Yuesheng was okay with her because she was beautiful.

At least it is the brother's care for his sister.

The current Yue Sheng is simply a beast.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Lu Zijun is very domineering, and it is pleasing to the eye when he looks at it, but this doggy man feels like vomiting when he looks at it.

"Yo! Xixi, how can you talk to your boyfriend like that?" Yue Sheng walked towards her with a smile.

Seeing Yue Sheng's appearance, there were two little girls beside him who wanted to fight the injustice, but when they heard that it was a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship, they immediately stepped aside.

The young lovers were having a fight, and no one else could help them.

Yue Lingxi stepped back step by step, seeing that the bus hadn't come yet, she was very anxious, as soon as she got on the bus, Yue Sheng didn't dare to say anything.

"Xixi, what are you doing? I came to pick you up, not to beat you, why are you so scared?" Yue Sheng said, walking towards Yueling Creek in a few steps, and pulling across the Yueling Creek His hand walked in the direction where he parked.

"Let go of me, let go, Yue Sheng, don't go too far." Yue Lingxi struggled hard.

But her strength as a girl, how can she match Yuesheng's strength.

"Help." Yue Lingxi shouted.

The people next to him wanted to meddle in their own business, but Yuesheng's two brothers frightened them away by glaring at them fiercely.

"Yuesheng, let me go, if you don't let go, I will call the police." Yue Lingxi sat down on the ground.

I want to delay as long as possible, this place is not too far from her company, I hope her cries for help can attract the attention of the security guards at the gate.

Seeing Yuelingxi react so strongly, Yuesheng was very angry.

"Xixi, you'd better give me peace of mind and follow me back obediently, otherwise your brother's place of work may let him pack up and leave tomorrow."

The thick threat made Yue Lingxi stop struggling instantly.

Seeing that Yue Lingxi stopped struggling, Yue Sheng smiled very satisfied.

Yue Lingfeng works in a car repair shop, as long as he greets the boss, some of Yue Lingfeng will pack up and leave immediately.

And what Yue Lingfeng cares most about now is this job.

Without a job, he can only beg for food.

"Yuesheng, don't go too far." Yue Lingxi knew that powerful people like to play this game.

Whatever others care about, he can put under his feet.

That was the place where her younger brother worked for two years, and went to that place for an internship before graduation. Now that his salary has finally been raised, Xiaofeng will definitely be very sad if Yuesheng hinders him.

Yue Sheng smiled cynically, Yue Lingxi hated that fearless look.

"Xixi, as long as you marry me, I will immediately buy a big house for your mother and brother. Isn't your brother still married? In this society, there is no savings, no house, and wanting to marry a wife is very difficult. , marrying me will be very beneficial to you."

Yue Sheng thinks that he has offered the most attractive conditions, and Yue Lingxi will agree.

Although Yue Lingxi's previous life was not considered rich and powerful, it was definitely a middle-to-upper class life. She suddenly ran out of money, and she must not be used to the current life.

Yue Lingxi was very helpless and helpless. Facing this kind of thing, she was really helpless.

A shameless bastard like Yuesheng can turn white into black, and the poor are justified and unreasonable.

Yue Lingxi didn't speak, but stared at him with hatred.

"Xixi, don't stare at me, get up and come home with me." Yue Sheng stretched out his hand to pull Yue Lingxi.

Just as Yue Lingxi was about to resist, a black shadow enveloped her, and a powerful arm suddenly fell from her waist, lifting her up from the ground.

There was a ball of fire in the sky, covering the whole city with a layer of warmth, and the man was like a god descending from the sky, tightly protecting her in his arms.

Lu Zijun looked at Yue Sheng coldly.

Yue Sheng didn't expect that Lu Zijun, whom he had heard about on a business trip, would suddenly appear in front of him.

Lu Zijun quickly kicked him in the abdomen.

Yue Sheng's physique is good, but he is not as good as Lu Zijun who has been trained professionally.

Lu Zijun is a typical figure that looks thin when he is dressed, and has a fleshy body when he takes off his clothes. His strong body is also invincible in a fight.

With this kick, he kicked Yue Sheng's stomach with all the strength turned into anger.

Yue Sheng fell to the ground and gasped in pain.

Seeing this, the other two men wanted to go up and beat Lu Zijun.

It was blocked by Yue Sheng.

They can't afford to mess with the Lu family in Jiangshi.

"It seems that you didn't take what I said last time to heart, you dare to touch my Lu Zijun's woman." Lu Zijun paused every word with great penetrating power.

Yue Sheng's pupils trembled, and he looked at Yue Lingxi in disbelief.

She is Lu Zijun's woman?

how come?
How could the Lu family value Yue Lingxi's background.

"Mr. Lu, Yue Lingxi is just a bastard without a father. I don't believe that you have a crush on her. You are just playing with her." Yue Sheng is not reconciled, the woman he likes must be his .

Yue Lingxi was taken aback. It turned out that without a father, he would be called a bastard by others.

Lu Zijun's face turned gloomy and ugly, he hugged Yue Lingxi in his arms even tighter, and looked at Yue Sheng every word: "No matter who she is, she is the woman I, Lu Zijun, like."

Yue Lingxi looked at him fiercely, blinked her eyes, because of his words, there seemed to be stars shining in her eyes.

The noisy world around her seemed to be blurred, and he was the only one in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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