Chapter 2380 follow your heart
Chapter 2380: Follow your heart
Lu Zijun gave Yue Lingxi privileges, only Song Yao knew that after get off work, Song Yao was waiting for Yue Lingxi at the elevator entrance.

After waiting for a while, I saw Yueling River coming up.

"Designer Yue, come in quickly, the president only has four or ten minutes, and there will be a dinner soon."

Yue Lingxi nodded, walked in with a smile.

In the office, the afterglow cast from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the orange light softened the whole office.

The handsome man sat with orange eyes, his indifferent look and tall figure became much gentler.

Yue Lingxi showed a faint smile, falling in love with such a man, she felt that her life had reached the pinnacle.

Lu Zijun had been working all day and was sitting on the sofa to rest. When he saw Yue Lingxi coming in, a faint smile finally appeared on his handsome face which had been serious all day.

"Sit!" Lu Zijun patted her side and told her to sit down.

Yue Lingxi sat beside him obediently, knowing that he had a heavy workload, so she didn't make trouble.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked with a smile, very sincere, with a bit of unconcealable affection.

She rejected Yiyi just to see him.

Lu Zijun quietly looked at her smiling face, sincere and without scheming.

He thought he really fell in love with this girl, he couldn't stop yearning for her in his heart, he always wanted to see her, but he was too busy with work so he could only bear it all the time, he finally waited until the end of get off work, he felt that life was like years.

At that time, he felt that his father was very selfish and always dominated his mother.

Now he finally understands his father's mood at that time, because he likes someone too much, and always wants to occupy her, occupy her everything, that kind of strong possessive desire will make his heart anxious and uncomfortable.

Lu Zijun felt a little bit sorry, he was the one who wronged his father in those years.

Lu Zijun smiled dazzlingly, and said with a smile, "Suddenly I feel sorry for my father."

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, looked at him and asked, "Why do you feel sorry all of a sudden?"

Lu Zijun leaned slightly closer to her.

There is a faint fragrance on her body, not the smell of perfume, but her unique smell. This faint fragrance often lingers in his mind at night, making him feel very irritable and unbearable.

He whispered in her ear: "My father back then, just like me now, always wanted to occupy the woman he loved by his side."

"Back then, I always felt that my father was robbing my mother from me. Now I finally understand that once I like someone, I really want to tie her by my side so that she will not leave my sight for a moment."

The warm breath sprayed around the helix, and Yue Lingxi's whole body became tense, staring blankly at the computer on his desk, and Shui Lingling's big eyes flickered for a moment.

She... seems to have been confessed again.

"Hehe..." Her reaction made Lu Zijun chuckle a few times in a good mood.

"Xixi." Lu Zijun hugged her smoothly.

Only then did Yue Lingxi slowly regain her senses.

Tilting their heads, the lips of the two passed by impartially, and the ambiguous breath permeated instantly.

It was also like two currents spreading through the two of them at the same time.

The two were startled at the same time, and then looked at each other with smiles on their eyebrows.

Lu Zijun leaned over and kissed her lips, the lips were as soft as jelly, and his body began to move around.

"Miss you!" he whispered.

Yue Lingxi had just sunk, and the voice of the magnetic demon was rippling in his ears.

She looked at him shyly, licked the corner of her lips, and said in a low voice, "Me too."

Her actions were undoubtedly the most fatal temptation to Lu Zijun.

"Can you?" He asked for her opinion with blurred eyes.

Yue Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, he could bear it at this time and respect her, her eyes lit up a bit.

"It doesn't work here, what if someone comes in later?" Yue Lingxi was not overwhelmed by love.

This is Lu Zijun's office.

"No." Lu Zijun picked her up and walked inside.

This office used to be his father's. Later, after he came, he redesigned and renovated the room, changing the style of the room. On the far left is still a bedroom where you can rest.

The off-white style, except for the bedroom, is almost completely transparent tempered glass, bright and spacious, stylish and domineering.

The light gray bed sheet and quilt looked like Lu Zijun's character, cold and indifferent.

And at the moment Lu Zijun put her on the soft quilt.

Yue Lingxi's body seemed to be in contact with a familiar aura, an overwhelming domineering aura that devoured every cell in her body inch by inch, and gently caressed her whole body like a gentle hand.

Yue Lingxi does not reject this feeling, but relies on it and wants to get closer.

Looking at her shy appearance, Lu Zijun's dark eyes became more and more affectionate.

...Finally, in his bewitching "Xixi", both of them reached the ultimate happiness.

Lu Zijun was like a satiated cat, lazily leaning against the head of the bed.

Seeing that Yue Lingxi was so tired that he was about to fall into a deep sleep, he glanced at the clock on the cabinet, it was already an hour later, if he hadn't something to do tonight, he might not be able to help but linger all night.

"Xixi, there's a dinner later, do you want to go? They're all my friends." He had a cheerful voice, full of joy and satisfaction after being satisfied.

His gaze was as gentle as water, and he looked at the squinting little woman who seemed to be sleeping soundly. He knew that she was not asleep, so she was probably shy.

Yue Lingxi raised her eyelids lazily, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly feathers.

Shaking his head aggrieved again, "No, next time, I will broadcast live tonight."

Yue Lingxi does not object to such behavior before marriage, she likes this man, so she is willing, she does things, and never regrets, because she is happy.

Growing up in Yue's family, she had very little happiness. Growing up in a patriarchal family, there were many things that she could not do as she liked.

So, when she knew she liked this man, she followed her heart.

At least this kind of happiness cannot be brought to her by anyone.

Everyone has rebellious moments, but now that she is free, she wants to live the life she wants as she pleases.

Moreover, Lu Zijun was willing to take her to meet his friends, which showed that he was at least somewhat sincere towards her.

Lu Zijun wasn't unhappy when he heard her rejection, on the contrary, he didn't want his bad friends to know that she was good.

He stared at her with burning eyes, her eyes were always so bright.

"Then you rest for a while. The clothes are prepared for you in the cloakroom. After you have rested, you will leave. I will have dinner delivered to you later. If you have nothing to do, you can wait for me to come back and take you back. I will be back in about an hour." .”

Yue Lingxi moved her sore body slightly, and asked him, "Why do you still have to come back? Do you still have to work overtime at night?"

"Well! Recently, there are several foreign projects to cooperate with, and there is also the matter of DF1. I will be very busy these days."

(End of this chapter)

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