Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2381 Brother Xiaojun must like me

Chapter 2381 Brother Xiaojun must like me
Chapter 2381 : Brother Xiaojun must like me
Yue Lingxi felt sorry for him, "Are you so busy?"

Lu Zijun: "Yeah! My dad wanted to retire when he was with me. I insisted on it until now. He just wants to accompany my mother to travel around the world. My grandpa and grandma also went on a trip. I don't feel at ease at such an old age." .”

"But the second elder didn't take the matter of being old to heart at all. This time I went on a trip and might not come back until winter."

Yue Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, "The house must be very warm."

Tang Yiyi said that the Lu family is different from other wealthy families. The people in the Lu family are warm and easy to get along with.

"En!" Lu Zijun's brows and eyes were rippling with happiness.

Yue Lingxi looked at him, with a smile in her shining eyes: "Go quickly, I will go back by myself in a while, and I don't need to prepare dinner for me, I will go home and eat." She has to broadcast live tonight , if there is no live broadcast, she can take a break here.

But this is always Lu Zijun's office, it's not suitable for her to rest here.

She would fall into the shoes of others. If she really married him, she could stay here in a fair manner.

It was only then that Lu Zijun reluctantly got up, and the feeling of not wanting to leave her became stronger and stronger.

Lu Zijun moved his body, then sat back abruptly, hugging Yue Lingxi into his arms.

Yue Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, looking at him nervously and shyly.

The affection overflowing from his black eyes, the strong affection is like tumbling magma, with endless tenderness and domineering, but it makes her feel clean and pure, and it is also conveying some kind of signal to her, in his eyes there is only she.

Yue Lingxi loved Lu Zijun like this to death.

"What... why?" Yue Lingxi asked cautiously, more precaution than warmth, she didn't want to do it again, once again, she really didn't have to go home.

Lu Zijun chuckled softly: "Why not, I want my parents to come back sooner, I want to go to your house to propose marriage sooner, and I want to marry you back sooner."

Yue Lingxi saw her image clearly reflected in his black eyes, serious and determined.

She was also screaming in her heart, she wanted to marry this man.

She smiled: "Okay, I'm waiting for you to marry me."

If she likes it, she likes it, and she doesn't want to be hypocritical.

Wrong may be a lifetime.

"Little girl, you are such a tormenting little fairy." Lu Zijun looked at her green and innocent smile with burning eyes.


By the time Lu Zijun sent Yue Lingxi back and arrived at Jiangshi Grand Hotel, it was nearly two hours past the agreed time.

Several people in the room stared wide-eyed and their expressions were not particularly good.

Especially Chi Mu, who worked all night last night, and was dragged here today after not sleeping for a few hours, and his temper got a little worse when he waited anxiously.

"When will Xiaoqi come? If I don't come, I'm going to go back to sleep." Chi Mu and Min Yu didn't know each other, but they had heard of each other's name.

Min Yu glanced at him, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Ling Yuchen was about to say, "Call me and ask", when she saw Lu Zijun push the door in.

"Sorry, I'm late." He walked in without changing his expression. His tall figure and domineering aura eroded the five senses of several people.

Huo Jingyao was relatively calm, if Lu Zijun appeared at this time, there must be something very important.

When Min Yu saw Lu Zijun, his gloomy eyes suddenly brightened.

"Brother Xiao Jun, you are finally here." She stood up and walked towards Lu Zijun.

No one knew how uncomfortable she was just now. If brother Xiaojun hadn't come, she would have felt very boring for this dinner.

Lu Zijun's voice was indifferent: "Sit down, let's eat first."

Then he walked to Jing Yao and sat down.

Min Yu's eyes darkened, and she also returned to her seat and sat down.

Ling Yuchen squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Zijun, always feeling that Xiaoqi's satisfied expression seemed familiar.

"Xiaoqi, do you have someone you like?"

As soon as Ling Yuchen's words came out of his mouth, Min Yu's nerves tensed instantly, and he looked at Lu Zijun with hurt eyes.

Lu Zijun looked at him curiously, was he so obvious?So much so that he saw it the first time he sat down.

He said, "Why do you ask that?"

Ling Yuchen said with a smile: "I always feel that your expression is a bit familiar."

Min Yu's eyes were completely on Lu Zijun's handsome face, she couldn't turn her gaze away at all, Lu Zijun robbed all her eyeballs.

He seems really different today, his whole body is filled with a touch of joy, dazzling and noble, even the corner of his mouth has a slight curvature, is it because of seeing her?
Brother Xiaojun has always been shy and doesn't know how to talk to girls.

He must have liked her and was too embarrassed to say so.

"Brother Xiaojun, we've been waiting for you for two hours, and now I'm very hungry, let's order food first." Min Yu's voice was gentle, and she didn't show any complaints after waiting for two hours.

Huo Jingyao frowned slightly looking at Min Yu and Ruo Ruo just now.

Chi Mu: "Xiaojun, I've been hungry for a day and a night, understand my brother's mood, hurry up and eat something delicious, and comfort my brother's stomach."

Lu Zijun smiled and said, "You guys can eat first if you're hungry, you don't have to wait for me to come over."

Lu Zijun turned around and rang the bell, and the dishes were quickly served.

They are all traditional dishes of Jiangshi Grand Hotel, which can be regarded as a full banquet of Manchu and Han, including all chicken, duck, fish and seafood.

Ling Yuchen looked at it and said with a smile: "Xiaojun, do you order so many traditional dishes because of Xiaoyu's visit? Everything is special. I might gain two catties tonight."

Lu Zijun nodded lightly: "Minyu came to Jiangshi for the first time, and I like to eat more."

Min Yu nodded happily. Brother Xiaojun really liked her, and he prepared so carefully.

In fact, what I don't know is that for Lu Zijun, there is no special preparation for these one-sentence matters.

Apart from his family and a few close friends, Lu Zijun hardly pays attention to other people.

"Brother Xiao Jun, you eat this fish, it's delicious." Min Yu held a piece of fish with chopsticks, and it happened to be placed in Lu Zijun's bowl when Huo Jingyao cut it off.

Others didn't know, but he knew that Lu Zijun never ate other people's food.

To avoid embarrassment, he could only sacrifice himself to eat.

Compared with his other two friends, he and Lu Zijun lived in the same dormitory when they were in elementary school, so they knew his temper well.

Min Yu looked at him with some displeasure, how could Huo Jingyao pretend to be affectionate, and she doesn't like him, why would he eat the food she picked up?
Huo Jingyao smiled and said, "Miss Min, come on your own, put whatever you like, Xiaojun you like may not necessarily like it."

Min Yu was taken aback, and glanced at Lu Zijun who was expressionless. He ate very lightly, but the piece of fish she caught seemed to be very spicy, with chopped peppers on it, hot and sour, delicious.

But she was smart and understood instantly.

Lu Zijun doesn't like others serving him food.

"Okay, thank you!" Min Yu smiled gratefully at Huo Jingyao.

But at this moment, Lu Zijun's cell phone rang suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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