Chapter 2382 Min Yu is very scheming
Chapter 2382: Min Yu is very scheming
Lu Zijun saw that it was Song Yao calling.

He got up and looked at a few people: "I'm sorry, I'll invite you to dinner another day. I'm going to discuss an important cooperation right now. Yuchen and Chi Mu, you two are also one of the partners. Come with me."

Ling Yuchen and Chi Mu nodded. They dare not be sloppy in the face of work. After so many years of hard work, it is not easy for anyone to get to this point.

They have come to the present step by step, and only they themselves understand the difficulties.

It was also because of Lu Zijun's help that they were able to live a comfortable and romantic life at this moment.

"Jing Yao, please take Xiaoyu home after dinner. This cooperation tonight is very important." Ling Yuchen told Huo Jingyao, but he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly sign a contract tonight.

Huo Jingyao nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, "Okay, okay, go quickly, I will send Miss Min back to the hotel later, don't worry."

Min Yu lowered her head and said nothing. It turned out that in their hearts, work was more important than her little junior sister.

But she can also understand that without these cooperation cases, there would be no huge Huo Group.

Lu's group has grown bigger by relying on these cooperations, she can't let brother Xiaojun think that she is ignorant.

She made a good expression, raised her eyes and smiled, and said, "Brother Xiaojun, Brother Chen, and Brother Chi Mu, you guys are busy with work, go quickly, I will go back to the hotel by myself later."

She always remembered that Lu Zijun liked well-behaved and sensible girls, and rich daughter-in-laws were good wives and mothers, so she must behave well.

Ling Yuchen said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, don't be too polite, Jing Yao will send you back to the hotel, you can eat slowly."

"Okay!" Min Yu smiled and nodded.

After the few people left, Min Yu's expression turned a little pale.

Huo Jingyao glanced at her and didn't say anything. In his opinion, Min Yupo had a scheming plan and kept as little contact as possible. He continued to eat his food. The food at Jiangshi Hotel was particularly delicious. When he was abroad, he saw When Nuonuo posted on Moments, or told him to eat here, he couldn't help but send him photos, and his mouth watered.

After returning to China, he was busy with research and equipment orders, so he never had a chance to eat.

Today he signed a big order, the profit was very good, and he also bought a birthday present for Nuonuo.

For the person he likes, no matter how hard he works, he feels it is worth it, because Nuonuo has grown up.

Min Yu watched Huo Jingyao eating happily, but she didn't seem to care about her emotions.

She is very depressed, she is really a man who doesn't understand style, no wonder she doesn't have a girlfriend yet.

She lowered her head and ate sullenly.

"Ding dong..." Huo Jingyao's cell phone rang, and he pushed the silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with an elegant and dignified movement. Seeing that the message was from Ou Yunnuo, a gentle smile overflowed his elegant and dignified face .

[Brother Yao, where are you, have you come home from work?Our family came to Jiangshi Hotel for dinner. ]
Huo Jingyao: [Coincidentally, Nuonuo, I'm eating at Jiangshi Hotel. ]
Ou Yunnuo: [Brother Yao, where are you? I'll come out to see you. My dad is here, so I can't come out for too long. ]
Huo Jingyao smiled, Nuonuo grew up, and knew that he was afraid of his parents.

Huo Jingyao: [Nonuo, I know where you are, I'll come and find you. ]
Ou Yunnuo: [Okay! ]
Ou Yunnuo sneaked a glance at his father who was feeding his younger sister, then at his mother who was chatting with his brother, pursed the corners of his lips, and said, "Dad, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

Ou Jingyao looked serious, raised his eyes, a hint of pampering appeared on his still handsome face, looked at his daughter and asked, "Nuo Nuo, where are you going?"

Ou Yunnuo knew that her father was too protective of the three women in the family, and she had to go home before nine o'clock in the evening.

She doesn't object to her father's restraint, after all, it's for her safety, and she's not a playful person either.

Dad loves their family very much, she smiled sweetly, "Dad, go to the bathroom."

Ou Jingyao nodded and continued to feed his little daughter.

Ning Feifei glanced at her daughter's plain little face, she didn't look like she was going to the bathroom at all, so all her innocent thoughts were written on her face?
"Nuo Nuo, I'm going home to do my homework later, come back soon."

"Got it, mom, I... just go to the bathroom." Ou Yunnuo ran out quickly.

Ou Yuncheng narrowed his eyes, feeling like his sister is in love.

He looked at his father and smiled at his younger sister. He had been taking care of his sick younger sister who didn't eat much tonight, so he didn't have the energy to pay attention to him at all.

He stooped and walked out slowly.

I didn't expect to hear a cold voice just after walking a few steps: "Ou Yuncheng, where are you going? Come back to me, sit down, and recite enterprise management."

Ou Yuncheng grinned and turned back, why is he so hard-pressed.

What kind of business management?
Xiao Jixiang is still living leisurely, and Xiao Lele is still traveling around with his father?What business management does he memorize?
But he still sat back obediently and chatted with Xiao Jixiang.

Huo Jingyao glanced at the phone, and Ou Yunnuo came out, then he looked at Min Yu and said, "Miss Min, I want to go out for a while, is it okay for you to be alone?"

When Min Yu heard this, she felt even more upset: "Aren't you going to take me back to the hotel?"

Huo Jingyao smiled and said, "Send it, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Huo Jingyao left the private room after speaking.

As soon as he went out, he saw Ou Yunnuo standing not far away. The girl was slim and tall, close to 1.6 meters [-]. She was very slender and tall. She was dressed in a pink dress, which made her very pure and lovely. He ran over with a smile, "Nuo Nuo."

"Brother Yao." Ou Yunnuo threw herself into Huo Jingyao's arms.

The affection in the eyes of the two is self-evident.

"Brother Yao, my birthday is the day after tomorrow." Ou Yunnuo blinked her big eyes and looked at him with a smile.

Huo Jingyao smiled and nodded: "I know, Nuonuo, I have prepared a birthday present for you, and I will contact you the day after tomorrow."

"Hey... Congratulations to our little Nuonuo, who has grown up." Huo Jingyao pulled her to sit on a stool beside him, seeing the girl's face full of collagen and those talking eyes, his heart softened. Hong Qingquan.

Some fate is very wonderful, and you can feel the feeling of heartbeat through the video.

The two chatted for a few minutes, Ou Yunnuo didn't dare to stay longer, Huo Jingyao also said that she was going to send Min Yu back to the hotel, Ou Yunnuo reminded him to be careful on the road, and hurried back.

Huo Jingyao watched the little girl run back happily, stood where she was and smiled softly.

Ning Feifei, who came out to look for her daughter, happened to see the scene where Huo Jingyao was holding her daughter's hand and sitting down. She was stunned, and was shocked. Her daughter was in a relationship. Looking at that man, she didn't look like she was at school age.

Ning Feifei watched Huo Jingyao leave before returning to the private room.

Back in the private room, she didn't dare to tell her husband about it, she still had to observe it, maybe it was Nuonuo's friend.

If Ou Jingyao knew that his daughter had just gone out to meet a man, he might have to watch over her 24 hours a day.

I was already very strict.

When Yue Lingxi returned home, she saw Yue Lingfeng sitting on the sofa in a depressed mood, as if he had encountered something unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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