Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2384 Let him get the punishment he deserves

Chapter 2384 Let him get the punishment he deserves

Chapter 2384: Let him get the punishment he deserves

Yue Sheng twitched the corners of his lips coldly, "I just said how could Young Master Lu like that woman in Yue Lingxi? But it's because she is beautiful, so she just helped out."

"Go, tie Yuelingxi to Lao Tzu."

Before she was played by Lu Zijun, he had to taste the sweetness first.

"Hey... Young Master Yue, we're going now, but the brothers don't have the money to take a taxi, Young Master Yue, if it's convenient for you..." The other party's flattering voice hesitated to speak.

Yuesheng's voice was full of disdain: "I will transfer 1 yuan to you first, and I will give you [-] yuan after the matter is completed."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Young Master Yue."

After hanging up the phone, Yue Sheng let go of the woman in his arms, greeted the indulgent men in the private room, and left the private room.

After leaving the bar, he asked the driver to bring the car over, and went directly to Jiahe Lakeside Community, which is not far away, and he happened to pick up Yuelingxi to the hotel.

On the other side, Song Yao has already found Yuesheng's whereabouts. Lu Zijun has kept a hand on anyone who is hostile. His top-notch hacking technology allows him to easily know the other party's secrets and whereabouts.

"President, I found out, Yuesheng is rushing to Jiahe Lakeside community."

Lu Zijun opened his eyes fiercely, his black eyes were deep and piercing, he got up decisively, his voice was hoarse: "Go, go to Jiahe Lakeside Community."

Song Yaoye didn't dare to delay, for such a coincidence, something would happen to Yue Lingxi in all likelihood.

This is the future wife of the president of the Lu Group, so she must be carefully protected.

Get off at Yuelingxi and Yuelingfeng at the gate of Jiahe Lakeside Community. This is also a high-end community, but compared to other wealthy areas, this place is so-so.

After she reported the floor of the community, the security guard let them in.

There is a girl living here, named Chu Yan, who has business dealings with the Yue family. Once because of cooperation, the two of them had dinner together, and Yue Sheng also went there. Seeing Chu Yan, she forced Chu Yan that night, and the Chu family went well. I got more than 100 million cooperation cases.

Chu Yan's matter was suppressed by her family just like that. She knew that Chu Yan was not reconciled, but she was powerless to refute. In front of money, her parents chose money.

When they arrived downstairs at Chu Yan's house, Yue Lingxi looked at Yue Lingfeng with some uncertainty and said, "Xiaofeng, Chu Yan may not help us, but we still have to try."

Yue Lingfeng nodded, "Sister, it depends on human effort, we will do our best."

He didn't want his sister to be ruined by Yue Sheng.

Yue Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, seeing the rock-like determination in her brother's eyes, her whole body was full of sunshine and a sense of justice.

She knew that her brother's personality was very impulsive, and once he was impulsive, he would easily lose his judgment.

She smiled and said, "Xiaofeng, my sister knows you are kind, but before doing something, you must not be impulsive. After you calm down, you can decide what to do."

If you don't suffer in life, you won't grow up.

She worked outside these years and endured a lot of hardships before she gradually grew up.

Yuesheng knew what his sister meant, and she said she was worried that he was too impulsive.

"Sister, don't worry, nothing will happen. I know what you mean. I always do things properly."

Only then did Yue Lingxi nod her head in reassurance.

Yue Lingxi took him into the elevator and went directly to the eighth floor.

Chu Yan's house was on the eighth floor, and her adoptive mother came over to apologize to the Chu family. Although she didn't come with her, she knew the address when she was at home.

Several years have passed since the incident, and I don't know if the other party is willing to stand up and make this incident public.

If Chu Yan doesn't want to speak out, she can only go to the person who was hurt by Yue Sheng recently.

The two quickly reached the eighth floor.

Yue Lingxi hesitated for a moment and raised her hand to knock on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and it was a thin girl who opened the door. Her hair was disheveled, her face was sallow, and her sunken eye sockets made her big and bright eyes protrude a lot. She looked a little scary, wearing a wine red T-shirt, pregnant There was also a gray bear in his arms, and he looked at them dully.

Yue Lingxi looked at Chu Yan in shock, "Miss Chu." She called out tentatively.

Chu Yan's dull eyes moved to her again, but she didn't know Yue Lingxi, so she just stared at Yue Lingxi blankly without speaking.

Yue Lingxi was shocked. A few years ago, Chu Yan was beautiful and charming. Her big eyes seemed to be able to talk. When she looked at people, she was full of youthful breath. She was very beautiful.

How did it become like this now?

"Who! Yanyan, didn't I tell you? Don't open the door to strangers casually."

A middle-aged woman's voice came, and then, a slightly fat middle-aged woman wearing a pink T-shirt, camel-colored shorts, and flip flops appeared in Yue Lingxi's eyes.

She knew this was Mrs. Chu, she had only seen it once, so she still had some impressions.

"Mrs. Chu, hello! I'm Yue Lingxi, excuse me."

When Mrs. Chu heard that it was a member of the Yue family, a strong hatred burst out in her eyes, and she angrily said: "What are you people from the Yue family doing here? Isn't my daughter being hurt badly enough by you?"

Yue Lingxi took a quick glance at the sluggish Chu Yan, and seemed to have guessed something?
"Mrs. Chu, can we talk? Don't worry, we won't hurt you, because Yuesheng has done a lot of evil, I want him to be punished by the law, Miss Chu is also a victim, and there are many others like Miss Chu who were tortured by Yuesheng. The girls who have been bullied, everyone dare not speak out, if we all work together to show evidence, bring Yuesheng to court and let him get the punishment he deserves, then everyone's life will be peaceful."

"Bah, it sounds nice. Your Yue family bullies others, and you can do whatever you want with a few stinky money. This is how my daughter was ruined by Yue Sheng. She has been depressed for several years, and she was ruined by your family." Yes, get out of here."

After Madam Chu finished speaking, she pulled her daughter behind her and quickly closed the door.

Yue Lingfeng took a step forward and stopped him.

Yue Lingxi took a step forward and said, "Ma'am, you didn't call the police then, don't you want to seek justice for your daughter now?"

"If you hadn't been greedy for the one million cooperation back then, Ms. Chu wouldn't have become what she is now."

"Seeing your daughter suffering for several years, don't you want her to get better? Don't you want to avenge your daughter? Do you want to swallow your anger and guard a sick daughter for the rest of your life?"

"Ms. Chu, life is very long, do you think you can hold on?"

"Yuesheng is still bullying women outside. He even wants to defile my sister who is not his own. Are you really going to let him go?"

"Ms. Chu, I will go to the other victimized girls one by one. As long as everyone stands up together, this matter will get everyone's attention."

There was a trace of hatred in Mrs. Chu's eyes, and there was also regret, but the matter has come to this, what can they do.

(End of this chapter)

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