Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2385 President 1 will definitely save your sister

Chapter 2385 The president will definitely save your sister
Chapter 2385 : The president will definitely save your sister
If they hadn't been greedy for the 100 million cooperation, their daughter wouldn't have become like this. It was only half a year later that they found out that their daughter had depression.

It was because Yuesheng treated her like a beast that night, which caused a great shadow in her heart.

At that time, they had just bought a house here, a house of more than 300 million yuan, and they had taken out a loan of more than 100 million yuan. In addition, their youngest son was in college, and all kinds of pressure were on their shoulders. As a last resort, they chose to earn money. He paid hundreds of thousands and swallowed his anger, but he didn't expect his daughter to get sick in exchange.

Her daughter is beautiful and sensible. She has a dream to be a jewelry designer, but in the end, she has become the person she is now.

Yue Lingxi handed her business card to Madam Chu and said, "Madam Chu, this is my business card. If you figure it out, call me anytime."

Yue Lingxi knows that this matter cannot be rushed. The injured families have their own considerations, and some are afraid of power, so they will choose to swallow their anger.

The Yue family's indulgence of Yue Sheng started in high school, with a group of pig friends and dog friends around him, and the parents of the Yue family didn't care too much, as long as the son was happy.

After Yuesheng knew that she was not her own sister, she made up her mind. She studied hard and saved money, so she went abroad to study smoothly and hid.

Madam Chu took a deep look at Yue Lingxi, and finally took the business card from Yue Lingxi's hand, and then closed the door with a "bang".

Yue Lingxi: "..." I could feel their hatred through the door panel.

It's just too late!

The siblings went downstairs and out of the community, Yue Lingxi was a little hungry.

"Xiaofeng, let's go eat something, take this matter slowly, and we will visit another one tomorrow." She also knows Yuesheng's character, Yuesheng will not let her go.

She also wanted to protect herself and marry Lu Zijun.

Thinking of Lu Zijun, she raised her eyes and glanced at the gray sky, she began to think of Lu Zijun again.

That outstanding and powerful Lu Zijun, his height was beyond her reach, but she still wanted to touch his domain and become the person he cared about most by his side.

This feeling unknowingly became stronger, and even the brows were stained with a touch of tenderness.

"Okay, sister, I was very angry when I came back, and I didn't eat anything. My sister is right, this matter can't be rushed, let's take our time, and Yue Sheng will be brought to justice. I won't let him hurt To my sister."

He also heard some gossip, and knew what Yuesheng wanted to do to his sister?
In an instant, he was full of hostility, wishing to tear Yue Sheng into pieces.

How could there be such scum in the world?Yue Lingfeng was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Yue Lingxi is very happy because she has family members who care about her.

In the past, she could only suffer in silence.

"Let's go, Xiaofeng, my sister will buy you something delicious." Yue Lingxi was in a good mood, and the haze in her heart dispelled a lot, and everything will get better together.

"Okay, sister!" The two stood on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

Suddenly, a black car rushed towards them. Yue Lingfeng was very sensitive to cars, and almost heard the sound of Jiji approaching, so he judged that the car was coming towards them, and the car didn't get on License plate, Yue Lingfeng's heart skipped a beat, body before heart.

"Sister!" Yue Lingfeng pulled Yue Lingxi across, and the two quickly fell backwards, fell to the ground, and the car brushed past their bodies.

The thrilling scene filled Yue Lingxi's big talking eyes with horror.

"Thrilling..." The black car stopped immediately again, making a screeching sound of brakes.

Two burly men got out of the car, looked at the Yueling Creek on the ground and smiled wickedly.

A bad premonition suddenly surged in Yue Lingxi's heart.

The two men didn't say much, they directly pulled up Yuelingxi and stuffed it into the car.

Yue Lingfeng used all his strength to get up and hugged his sister tightly.

"Bastard, let go of my sister, let go!" In the night, there was a heart-piercing roar.

However, the next moment, another man came down from the car, holding a steel pipe in his hand, and swung towards Yueling Peak.

"Ah... no, Xiaofeng." Yue Lingxi bumped into the man desperately.

The man was hit and fell crookedly to one side, but did not hit Yue Lingfeng.

The man was very angry, and when he got up, he slapped Yue Lingxi.


"Bitch, you're so strong!" The man cursed and walked towards Yueling Peak.

Yue Lingxi only felt that the surroundings were buzzing, but she couldn't hear anything.

Yue Lingfeng rushed up, wanting to fight the man desperately, in order to finish the matter quickly, another man also rushed up, and the two punched and kicked Yue Lingfeng.

Yue Lingfeng endured the severe pain, staring fixedly at his sister who lowered his head.

"Sister..." Yue Lingfeng looked at his sister worriedly
, two fists lost to four hands, and was quickly knocked to the ground.

Yue Lingxi regained her sanity, and before she had time to see the situation clearly, she was stuffed into the car. She turned her head and said loudly to Yue Lingfeng: "Xiaofeng, run and find Mr. Lu, he will come to rescue me ..."

The sound was completely drowned out, and Yue Lingfeng stared blankly at the car as it drove away.

"Sister...Sister, you bastards, let my sister go." Yue Lingfeng chased after him, but the black car gradually turned into a small black spot in his eyes, and finally disappeared completely.

Yue Lingfeng sat on the road exhausted, weeping and didn't know what to do.

There are fewer people in this area at night, and there are not many passing vehicles.

Yue Lingfeng, who fell into despair, suddenly remembered what his sister said, and was looking for his mobile phone to make a call...

"Sharp!" The piercing voice rang in Yue Lingfeng's ears again, a luxurious Maybach suddenly stopped, and a black shadow rolled on the ground, and the car disappeared in front of his eyes.

Yue Lingfeng: "..."

"Oh, my waist and knees are all broken." Song Yao was in so much pain that he was dying.

The president pushed him out of the car because of the inhumanity of the president's wife.

Yue Lingfeng felt that his face was familiar, as if he had seen the man in front of him before.

Song Yao limped up and looked at Yue Lingfeng who was looking at him in a panic, with wet tears still on his face.

"Lingfeng, are you okay?" Song Yao knew Yuelingfeng.

He was one or two years older than the other party, so he called the other party by name.

Yue Lingfeng's pupils trembled, and he said loudly, "I think... I think about it, are Mr. Lu's assistant."

Song Yao smiled and said, "Yes, we saw what happened on the other side of the road just now. Boss Lu has already chased after her. Don't worry about your sister. The president will definitely rescue your sister."

"Really... Really?" Yue Lingfeng couldn't believe what he heard.

Song Yao walked over to help him up.

"Come on, let's sit on the side of the road and rest for a while. I'll take care of the rest. Your sister is the future wife of the Lu Group. The president will not let her have an accident even if he tries his best."

(End of this chapter)

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