Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2387 Don't Touch My Lu Zijun's Woman

Chapter 2387 Don't Touch My Lu Zijun's Woman
Chapter 2387: Don't touch my Lu Zijun's woman
Yue Lingxi still didn't speak, her eyes passed Yue Sheng.

Then look for a sharp weapon that can kill Yuesheng.

However, there is nothing here except wine bottles that can be used to hurt people.

A wave of despair rose in Yue Lingxi's heart involuntarily, is she going to be ruined by Yue Sheng like this?

Lu Zijun, can I really trust you?Can you find me no matter where I am?
At this moment, how much she wished that Lu Zijun would suddenly appear by her side.

She hasn't had time to make a good love, she hasn't had time to tell Lu Zijun that she likes him and wants to marry him.

There will always be a person in this world who, no matter standing in the wind, in the rain, or under the clear sky, can understand the tenderness in your heart just by looking at you.

Lu Zijun was such a person in her life.

If fate can come true, she hopes to meet Lu Zijun earlier.

"Xixi, let's have a drink first." Yue Sheng looked at the icy beauty, his heart itched unbearably, and his blood was surging. This woman, just looking at it like this, is so soul-stirringly beautiful.

Thinking that a wine glass can hit someone, Yue Lingxi walked straight into it.

Sure enough, there were two glasses of wine on the coffee table, Yue Lingxi looked at the glasses, his eyes flickered.

Yue Lingxi thought that the timing was the moment when Yue Sheng raised his head to drink.

She doesn't exercise often, and she knows in her heart how much she has.

She can only get the first chance, she can escape, but if she can't escape, she will either die together, or wait for Lu Zijun to come and save her with a glimmer of hope.

"Xixi, this is a ten-year-old red wine. It's very delicious. I remember that your favorite drink is red wine." Yue Sheng handed a glass of red wine to Yue Lingxi.

Yue Lingxi didn't refuse either, and took the red wine.

Yue Sheng raised his glass with a smile, looking at Yue Lingxi's pretty little face, the girl is young, her face is full of collagen, her skin glows with a touch of luster, she is as beautiful as jade, and feels very good to the touch.

He has met many women, none of them are as beautiful as Yue Lingxi.

"Yuesheng." Yue Lingxi called out.

"Xixi, I'm here." Yue Sheng answered her with a smile.

Yue Lingxi smiled perfectly, like a spring breeze, melting away the chill.

"Let's die together." Yue Sheng said with a smile, and smashed the wine glass at Yue Sheng with the fastest speed.

Yue Sheng shrank in pain, the distance was too close, he quickly turned his head, the wine glass still flew past his ear, and hit the opposite wall with a "bang".

But Yue Sheng was fine, and looked at Yue Lingxi with a smirk, "Xixi, your temper is still as fierce as before, brother likes it."

Yue Lingxi knew that she had failed, but the shattered glass gave her a glimmer of hope.

She lifted the wine bottle violently, and smashed Yue Sheng hard again.

"Bang..." Caught off guard, this time, Yue Sheng failed to dodge and was hit on the chest, the wine bottle fell to the ground, and the purple red wine drenched the carpet.

Yue was furious, "Bang..."

He also smashed the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"Yue Lingxi, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. I give you some face because of your beauty and our past. I want to have a romantic night with you. Otherwise, you would have already It screamed wildly right in front of my eyes."

Yue Lingxi quickly picked up the shards of glass on the ground, and looked at Yue Sheng with a smile: "Yue Sheng, I won't let you succeed even if I die."

The shard of glass in her hand was pressed against her neck.

Yue Sheng sneered, squinting his eyes, looking at her fiery temperament: "Xixi, you dare not, don't you want your brother and mother? If your mother sees your dead body, she will definitely be alive dead."

Pain flickered in Yue Lingxi's eyes, helpless and uncomfortable.

She clenched the glass shards in her hand tightly, her fingers were cut instantly, and the faint smell of blood overflowed, which made Yue Sheng even more crazily excited.

He has met countless women, each woman is different, but Yue Lingxi is the most special and beautiful!
He walked towards Yuelingxi step by step, his smile became more and more evil.

"Don't come here." The shards of glass in Yue Lingxi's hand had already drawn a bloodstain on his neck.

"Xixi, be obedient, don't ask for trouble, um_." The ending is hooked up, extremely evil, and extremely disgusting in Yue Lingxi's eyes.

"Don't come here, Yue Sheng, or I will really die in front of you." Under the tension, the glass shards in her hand pushed forward a little more, and blood flowed from her neck.

Yue Lingxi's eyes were red, her big watery eyes were full of fear, her red lips opened and closed due to nervousness, and she exhaled like blue. In Yue Sheng's eyes, she was simply too beautiful.

Yue Sheng saw the blood on her neck, which was as delicate as a rose, and he stopped abruptly.

The moment Yue Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief, Yue Sheng took a fierce step forward, tightly clenched Yue Lingxi's hand holding the shards of glass, and with a slight force, the shards in Yue Lingxi's hand fell to the ground.

"Ah..." Yue Lingxi cried out in despair.

"Tear it..." Yue Lingxi's clothes were directly torn apart by Yue Sheng.

At the same time, the door of the room opened suddenly.

Suddenly the lights in the room came on.

Yue Sheng looked at it and frowned slightly. Who would want to disturb him so badly?

Yue Sheng turned his head, and saw Lu Zijun with a gloomy and fierce face. Under the light, his whole body seemed to be covered with sharp ice picks.

Yue Sheng stood where he was, feeling his back hurting and chilling.

When Yue Lingxi saw Lu Zijun, hope flashed in his eyes, he... finally came, he really came, he didn't favor her, he could really find her.

Lu Zijun's deep, dark eyes fixed on Yue Lingxi's blood-soaked neck, and the white shirt was already blood-red.

The glaring bloodstains made his heart churn with thick anger and distress.

"Lu Zijun." Yue Lingxi looked at him excitedly.

This voice from Lu Zijun full of expectation broke Lu Zijun's heart.

How scared was she just now?
"Lu Zijun, how could you..." Yue Sheng's voice trembled, he couldn't believe that Lu Zijun would come.

Lu Zijun didn't look sideways, and the domineering figure walked straight over. His handsome face was unprecedentedly sharp, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he was wearing a Shura field, which made Yue Sheng tremble in place, and he was so scared that he wished he could die in place.

Lu Zijun stopped in front of Yue Sheng, stared sharply at Yue Sheng, and said coldly, "I remember I told you, don't touch my Lu Zijun's woman."

"No, no, Mr. Lu, I didn't want to touch Xixi, she is my sister, I really didn't want to touch her."

Yue Sheng was scared, he really didn't understand why Lu Zijun liked Yue Lingxi?
Lu Zijun twitched the corner of his lips coldly, and punched Yue Sheng with all his clenched fists.

"Ah... Puff..." Yue Sheng fell to the ground with a mouth full of blood, with many glass shards stuck in his back, and the bright red blood was fainted.

With one punch, Yue Sheng passed out, his face was covered with blood, which shows how terrifying Lu Zijun's punch was.

(End of this chapter)

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