Chapter 2388 He Saved Her
Chapter 2388: He Saved Her
Lu Zijun looked at Yue Lingxi this time, and seeing her trembling figure, Lu Zijun finally calmed down and became angry again. He was puzzled, and kicked Yue Sheng fiercely, and Yue Sheng was kicked by this kick again. Woke up completely in pain.

"Ah... woo woo woo..." Yue Sheng cried out in pain, never in such pain.

"Shut up, if you don't shut up again, I will abolish your second child, so that you will not be able to carry on the family for the rest of your life."

Yue Sheng immediately stopped crying, this Lu Zijun was simply too scary, it was too scary to knock him unconscious with one punch.

As the young master of the Yue family, he has been pampered since he was a child, and he has never suffered such a hardship.

Lu Zijun squatted in front of Yue Lingxi, his gaze softened, and his voice was as gentle as a spring breeze: "Xixi, are you alright?"

Yue Lingxi shook her head lightly, until now, she was still in a daze, a little unreal, she was saved, and the person who saved her was her favorite Lu Zijun.

The prince charming in this half-Asian woman's heart, her boyfriend of Yue Lingxi, really came and saved her at the most critical moment.

"Wooooow..." Yue Lingxi threw herself into Lu Zijun's arms, "Lu Zijun, why did you come out? I thought I would never see you again? Do you know how scared I am?"

Lu Zijun hugged her tightly, and when he heard her cry, his dark eyes became terrified again, regretting that he didn't beat Yue Sheng to death just now.

"Xixi, I'm sorry, I'm late, don't worry, there will be no next time."

When he dealt with those two people outside just now, he was delayed for a while. Those two people had knives in their hands and were well-trained, and they did delay him for nearly 2 minutes.

If he came in 2 minutes later, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Woooooo..." Yue Lingxi began to cry recklessly. She seldom cried since she was a child. This time, she was really frightened.

Yue Sheng has always harbored ill intentions towards her, she has known it for a long time, and has been avoiding Yue Sheng all the time, if she can't escape the clutches in the end, she will really drag Yue Sheng to hell with her.

She died, but she really couldn't bear Lu Zijun.

"Xixi, don't cry, shall we go to the hospital now? You are injured." Lu Zijun coaxed her softly.

Except for his own sister and younger brother, he has never coaxed anyone before. This is the first time he has coaxed someone, and it is the woman he likes. It turns out that this kind of thing can also be learned without a teacher, and he can also give his tenderness to her. she.

This feeling is very strange to him, but he likes it very much!

"En!" Yue Ling looked at her and nodded.

Lu Zijun let him go, his white shirt was already stained with some blood, and the faint smell of blood filled his nose, making him blame himself even more for not protecting her well.

He carefully examined the wound on her neck, which was still bleeding, tore off his shirt and held her wound.

Yue Lingxi's white shirt was torn by Yue Sheng. She took off her thin coat and wore it backwards, covering the beautiful spring.

"Xixi, hold down here." Lu Zijun raised her hand and pressed the wound.

Then he picked up her princess and spoke coldly to the door.

"You can come in."

As soon as the voice fell, two tall and burly bodyguards walked in.

"President." These are well-trained bodyguards from the Tsing Yi club established by Lu Haocheng.

Lu Zijun coldly fell on the weeping Yuesheng: "Take him out, hand him over to the police, and then collect evidence, find all the evidence of his misbehavior over the years, I want him to spend his whole life in prison safely. Pass."

When Yue Sheng heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, his whole expression became distorted by fear, and he crawled in front of Lu Zijun like a dog, ignoring the pain in his whole body.

Prayed: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me go, I will never dare again...please let me go."

"Xixi, please forgive Big Brother, Big Brother didn't do it on purpose..."

Yuesheng never dreamed that he would make such a fuss.

He just likes to play with different women. Yue Lingxi is so beautiful, he doesn't want to let it go, but he didn't expect to put himself in it.

Lu Zijun kicked him away, his eyes darkened: "Yuesheng, I've already given you a chance, it's you who didn't cherish the chance."

After finishing speaking, he went out with Yue Lingxi in his arms, walked a few steps, and said, "I will follow up on this matter myself."

The bodyguard replied respectfully: "Yes, President."

Yue Sheng was filled with righteous indignation, but he had no choice but to faint from fright in an instant.

Lu Zijun found Yue Lingxi and returned to the car, put her in the driver's seat, and sent Yue Lingxi to the nearest hospital for treatment of the wound.

But as soon as he put Yue Lingxi down, Yue Lingxi held on to his clothes tightly.

Lu Zijun looked at her, and she looked at him aggrieved and uneasy.

He rubbed her head with a smile, and comforted her softly: "Xixi, I'm fine now, don't be afraid, I'll take you to the hospital first, okay?"

His voice was very gentle, like a clear spring in a mountain stream, lingering in her heart, gradually calming down her restless heart.

"Xixi, I'll take you to the hospital now, you sit at ease."

"Okay!" Yue Lingxi pursed her lips, and her mood calmed down a lot again.

Lu Zijun quickly returned to the cab, and sent Yue Lingxi to the nearest hospital for wound treatment.

The injury on Yue Lingxi's neck was not serious. After two stitches, the doctor prescribed some medicine, and Lu Zijun took Yue Lingxi back to Longcheng Villa.

After the car stopped, Yue Lingxi looked at the castle-like villa in front of her in shock, she was startled, she looked at Lu Zijun.

"Lu Zijun, where is this?"

Lu Zijun: "My house, it's too late, go back and rest first, I've already called your brother and told him to go back first, don't worry about you."

"Oh!" Yue Lingxi was a little nervous, why did Lu Zijun bring her back without warning.

She's... not ready yet.

"Will I disturb your family if I go in like this?"

She was very nervous, and Lu Zijun could tell, he said, "It's okay, don't worry, today is Friday, Qiqi and Han Yuxuan took my three younger brothers back to their villa, and there are only two of us at home tonight."

Hearing this, Yue Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Zijun drove Yue Lingxi directly to the villa.

Then get out of the car, open the door on the passenger seat, and unbuckle the seat belt.

Slowly helped Yue Lingxi out.

Entering the living room, it is a luxury and style that Yue Lingxi has never seen.

The living room is very large, and at a glance, the whole space is very bright and warm.

Even if I have been to a luxurious party abroad, I have never seen such a luxurious house.

Lu Zijun helped her sit down on the sofa, and said, "Xixi, look at me."

Yue Lingxi blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at him quietly, still a little nervous, clenched her hands into fists on her knees, waiting for Lu Zijun to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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