Chapter 2391 Let's Date Today
Chapter 2391: Let's date today
When Lu Zijun heard her say yes, his nervous heart dropped instantly.

He lowered his eyes and looked under the girl's curly eyelashes, a pair of bright eyes were smiling, and her bright red lips were like delicate roses. Her lip color was very attractive.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Xixi, what you said, don't make me wait too long."

Yue Lingxi smiled and said "yes" in a low voice.

There was a faint pink halo on his shy face, his big eyes bumped wildly because of his shyness and nervousness, and crashed into Lu Zijun's heart. Before she could answer, he quickly lowered his head and grabbed her red lips.

Yue Lingxi's eyes widened suddenly, and after she realized it, she brightened her eyes and smiled, feeling his love with her heart.


The next morning, when Yue Lingxi woke up, it was already bright, and her biological clock was used to getting up at seven.

Did not expect to go this morning did not wake up.

She was a little confused, looking at the beautiful floor-to-ceiling window, the beige gauze curtain was shaking gently, the morning breeze caressed, and the coolness was very refreshing.

Where is she?
What a beautiful balcony, it must be beautiful to sit there and watch the scenery.

Yue Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, it was a good dream.

Yue Lingxi moved, her eyes widened suddenly, by the way, it wasn't a dream, she was at Lu Zijun's house.

Turning around, she immediately remembered everything.

Sitting up abruptly, looking at the layout of the huge room, I didn't feel anything last night, but looking at this house this morning, it's so magnificent that it makes people feel ashamed.

She got out of bed and washed slowly, thinking that today is the weekend, she didn't need to be too anxious.

Stretching lazily, his movements stopped suddenly, and he stared blankly at the direction of the door, and the memories in his mind flooded up like a tide.

Last night, Lu Zijun was stunned at the critical moment when his gun almost went off.

This man's self-sustainability is astonishingly terrifying.

She could feel the breath that was about to explode in his body, and finally sent her back to the room.

And under his bewitching, she has softened into a puddle of water.

Yue Lingxi's eyes flickered, and a suspicious blush appeared on her fair face. Some people are so charming, just thinking about it can make people blush and heartbeat.

She pursed the corners of her lips, turned around quickly and walked to the bathroom, she couldn't think anymore, thinking that she was going to burn herself.

But the damn aura on Lu Zijun's body was too deceptive.

She didn't believe in the words "unstoppable" before, but after testing too many possibilities on Lu Zijun, she deeply understood the meaning of these words.

She actually had the urge to be by Lu Zijun's side all the time.

Yue Lingxi, no no no, you should be ashamed and stop thinking about it.

After washing up, I grabbed my phone and took a look. It was past ten o'clock.

Yue Lingxi found a very well-cut white dress and put it on.

Looking at the tailoring and unique style, this dress is definitely designed by the chairman's wife, that Lan Xin who has created the brilliant performance of Lu Group's fashion queen, she actually wants to know her very much.

Smiling peacefully, she glanced out the window, only to realize that she hadn't slept in like this for a long time, this sleep was very comfortable, and she was refreshed at the moment.

In the past weekends, she was looking for inspiration and doing various preparations to find a job.

"Dong dong..."

Yue Lingxi instantly became nervous, pursed her lips, and quickly opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Lu Zijun stood outside the door. The man was dressed in light gray casual clothes, his long legs were wrapped under light gray trousers, without the black handsomeness, he looked even more sunny and handsome at this moment.

"Morning!" Lu Zijun looked at her and said lazily.

Yue Lingxi blushed a little, and said with a smile: "It's getting late, I never thought I could sleep in."

Last night, she woke up naturally after sleeping all night. Maybe it was because Lu Zijun was next door. She felt an unprecedented sense of security. Once she relaxed, her sleep quality also improved.

Lu Zijun: "Today is the weekend, you can sleep more."

Yue Lingxi: "I'm also very busy on weekends." I usually make up live broadcasts or do part-time jobs to make money.

Lu Zijun led her downstairs and said as he walked, "I can't be busy this weekend, let's go on a date."

Yue Lingxi looked down at the hand held by the man, his hand was very warm, the slight heat was just right, the feeling of holding her hand was warm and comfortable, which made her feel a sense of happiness involuntarily.

At the top of the stairs, Yue Lingxi struggled a bit.

Lu Zijun looked sideways and looked at her puzzled.

Yue Lingxi said shyly, "At home, are your sister and brother-in-law still there?"

When Lu Zijun heard this, he turned out to be shy.

"It's okay, they're going back. Muyan and Muchen are going to go swimming today. Han Yuxuan is used to going out with Qiqi on weekends, so now there are only the two of us at home, and the servants are in the backyard."

Yue Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh! Good!" He said to go on a date, don't know where to go?
Lu Zijun: "Let's go down and have breakfast."

"Oh!" Yue Lingxi nodded kissingly.


The weather in June was very hot. After lunch, Yue Lingxi didn't want to move anymore. Thinking about the live broadcast she owed, she felt very guilty.

And the date Lu Zijun mentioned was to take her to the garden to see the scenery.

She looked sideways and looked at the man beside him. He was sitting on a chair with a lazy posture, exuding a rare dandyism, and his hands on the table were whiter than jade.

His eyes are always so deep, people say peach blossom eyes are born with electricity, but these eyes, just a look, can make people sink, in the light breeze, his brilliance shimmers, soul-stirring.

Sensing her gaze, Lu Zijun looked sideways slightly, and asked with a smile: "Xixi, do I look good?"

Yue Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, he was rarely so dishonest, he was totally different from his usual work.

Yue Lingxi replied honestly, "It's pretty, but you said you're dating, are you planning to sit here for a day?" He seemed a little lacking in romance.

Lu Zijun paused slightly with his hand on the table, he actually doesn't know much about romance.

He works at home during weekend breaks, and it is rare for him to be as free as this weekend.

Lu Zijun thought about the various romantic things he searched on Du Niang, nothing more than watching movies, shopping with his girlfriend and so on.

And what Han Yuxuan said when he left in the morning, a man should understand romance.

In terms of understanding romance, Han Yuxuan is a person who understands romance very well, and the husband and wife live happily ever after.

He looked at Yue Lingxi, and said in a low voice, "We'll go to the movies later, do you have anything you want to see?"

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "It's not necessary to go to the movies, not all dates are static, our dates can do what we like."

Lu Zijun asked curiously, "What is it?"

He doesn't like going to crowded places, and there is a movie theater at home, but I don't know if Yue Lingxi likes it?
(End of this chapter)

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