Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2392 I was tricked by my brother-in-law while watching a movie

Chapter 2392 I was tricked by my brother-in-law while watching a movie
Chapter 2392: Watching a movie, I was tricked by my brother-in-law
Yue Lingxi thought for a while and said, "We can go for a walk or climb a mountain. I don't like shopping very much. I only go out when I'm collecting wind. Shopping is very tiring. I can shop many things online."

"Or it's fine at home, as long as we're doing something interesting together, which is also a date."

Lu Zijun listened, there was nothing wrong with what she said, but what she said earlier, "Are we going to sit here for a day" made him doubt what she just said.

Now it can be regarded as a date, and he occasionally looks at the scenery like this.

Lu Zijun thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go to the movies, Xixi, I've never had a girl watch movies with me." He just changed the equipment in his home theater, and he hasn't tried it yet.

Yue Lingxi felt the same: "I have never had a boy accompany me to the movies."

These words undoubtedly pleased Lu Zijun, "It's an honor, I became your first man to watch movies with you." He got up, took her by the hand, and said, "Since we both like it, then Go to the movies."

When Han Yuxuan left in the morning, he said that watching a movie is the date that can enhance the relationship between the two of them. In the morning, he recommended two movies to him, and he happened to go watch them.

Yue Lingxi smiled, didn't speak, and went to the movies with him.

In fact, she could also tell that Lu Zijun didn't like going to crowded places. The last time he went to her house, he was very uncomfortable because he didn't know her.

The two went to the cinema behind the villa. The home theater was not too big. There were more than [-] massage chairs, which were noble and luxurious. In front of it was a set of spacious sofas, where they could lie down and watch.

Ha ha……

Yuelingxi has gained a lot of knowledge. How enjoyable is it to watch a movie and get a massage?

More importantly, the whole space makes people feel extremely comfortable, with an elegant and natural style.

Lu Zijun supported Yue Lingxi to sit down, and sat beside her himself: "Xixi, this is the noise-cancelling massage chair and sofa I researched, and it is being promoted now, you can experience it in advance."

Home movie theaters contain huge business opportunities. No matter which industry the display of new technology is a very important start, what he prepared this time is the latest technology, whether it is seats or audio equipment, all of which are his latest research. the results.

"Wow!" Yue Lingxi was really amazed by his talent.

"Lu Zijun, you are awesome! No, my future husband is awesome!" When he was excited, he said some words without thinking about them.

This is also the case when chatting with classmates abroad.

After saying the words of her future husband, Yue Lingxi blushed suddenly.

Lu Zijun looked at her with deep eyes, and his sexy red lips wanted to kiss her red lips that opened and closed.

He finally realized the damn attraction of the opposite sex.

Lu Zijun looked away with difficulty, and introduced: "This set of home theater equipment is the latest design on the market, Xixi, you are the first to experience it, full-screen voice control, just move your mouth, you can watch the movie you want, The colors and high definition are also unique."

After Lu Zijun finished speaking, he turned on the projection screen and said, "Play the summer between me and you."

The movie to be played immediately appeared on the projection screen.

3D surround sound cinema, the sound effect is very comfortable.

After a while, he heard a knock on the door, Lu Zijun stood up and went to open the door, Yue Lingxi turned around and saw Lu Zijun pushing a small dining cart in.

There are peeled fruits, popcorn with melon seeds, drinks and tea on it.

Yue Lingxi saw that if it was like this every day, she would definitely become the most depraved person.

This is so fucking enjoyable.

Lu Zijun put the popcorn in front of Yue Lingxi, and sat beside him to watch a movie together.

The movie had already started, and Lu Zijun introduced, "This was introduced by Yuxuan when he left in the morning, it should be..." Before the word "yes" was uttered, there was a blushing and heartbeating sound on the big screen.

And the male lead's inspiring and extravagant voice.

Lu Zijun's eyes froze for a moment.

Yue Lingxi's face was flushed. She didn't have time to watch movies, so she thought that the movie Lu Zijun chose would be good, but she knew that the beginning of the picture would make people's blood boil.

Lu Zijun suddenly thought of Han Yuxuan's deep expression when he left.

So, Han Yuxuan dug a hole and waited for him to jump down.

Therefore, Han Yuxuan, a flirtatious man, must not be underestimated. I really don't know how he chased Qiqi back then.

The preview images are getting more and more exciting, Yue Lingxi can't bear to look directly, this is a movie, how could Lu Zijun like it?
She blushed and looked at Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun touched her inquiring eyes, and he interpreted the meaning in Yue Lingxi's eyes.

"How do you like this?"

Lu Zijun was so clever that he wanted to beat Han Yuxuan up. Is there anyone who would ruin his brother-in-law's reputation like this?

Suddenly, Lu Zijun forced himself to calm down, his ears were very red, clearly imprinted in Yue Lingxi's eyes, she couldn't help laughing.

"'s the movie Han Yuxuan introduced." His voice was serious. He didn't know why such a large-scale movie could be played.

But there is a voice in my heart, I don't want to change the movie, I just want to watch it.

He has never seen these types of movies.

"Oh!" Yue Lingxi said lightly, and the picture on the big screen has switched. The young male protagonist is riding a bicycle with the female protagonist to play at the beach, his face is full of youthful breath.

Neither of the two spoke, they watched the movie quietly, Yue Lingxi was getting better and better, and the plot was getting distracted in the middle, Lu Zijun forced himself to watch the movie, but watching, his eyes could not help but drift to On Yue Lingxi's red lips, her eyes were hot and had a color that was not there in the past.

With the progress of the plot, a couple who fell in love in summer finally broke through the line of defense, and the scene of wanton indulgence on the plush carpet made the expressions of the two tense instantly.

How could a vigorous young man withstand such a temptation, Lu Zijun slammed Yue Lingxi down, and the dense kisses wrapped Yue Lingxi like vines that would grow, making her unable to escape and forced to bear it.

This time, both of them experienced hearty happiness, and were immersed in this happiness and couldn't extricate themselves.


When Yue Lingxi woke up again, she had already returned to the guest room next to Lu Zijun, sat up abruptly, blinked her beautiful eyes, her heart seemed to be pounding out of her heart.

She wished she could beat herself up, and when she was thrown into the clouds by Lu Zijun, she couldn't bear it and passed out.

"How did this happen?" Yue Lingxi rolled around on the bed wrapped in a quilt, wasn't she just watching a movie?How could such an uncontrollable thing happen?
Yue Lingxi dawdled for a while before looking for Lu Zijun.

She glanced at the clothes on her body, and it had turned into a pink and comfortable home skirt. Her body was sore, but very refreshing. Lu Zijun had washed her body. Thinking of this, Yue Lingxi was ashamed and angry again. Is it the so-called dating you like?
Then they still date all day long.

She was about to go downstairs when a girl's soft voice came: "Brother Xiaojun, your house is so beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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