Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2398 She didn't see the wrong person

Chapter 2398 She didn't see the wrong person
Chapter 2398: She didn't see the wrong person
Yue Lingxi looked at her coldly, and Min Yu met her calm gaze, then slowly lowered her head, "Did I frame you, you know very well in your heart, I won't be like other women, because I don't have money become ashamed."

"Without money, I will work hard to make money, and I will not do such wicked things. Love is about pleasing each other. It is not because you threaten me that I will leave the person I like."

Lu Zijun looked at her softly, the woman he liked was indeed different.

A murderous intent flashed in Min Yu's eyes, she would not let Yue Lingxi go, she would never let her go.

Lu Zijun looked at her and shook his head slightly: "There is no video here."

Yue Lingxi wasn't too surprised either. Just now, Min Yu said that she and Lu Zijun had the same hobbies, so they should be proficient in computer technology. They chose to frame her here because they knew there was no monitoring here.

When Min Yu heard this, she burst into tears. As long as there is no proof, what is she afraid of?
Now Yue Lingxi is charged with pushing her down the steps.

This crime, she can infinitely magnify.

Min Yu's heart began to swell again.

Now, she can justifiably live in Longcheng Villa. Ling Yuchen knows best what she wants.

When Ling Yuchen heard this, he sneered and said, "Xiao Qi, since there is no evidence, this matter can't be dismissed like this?"

Lu Zijun stared at him coldly, "Then what do you think, Min Yu doesn't have evidence that Xixi pushed her?"

"Why not? Isn't Min Yu's body injury the best evidence?" Ling Yuchen glanced at Yue Lingxi with a sneer, this woman had impure thoughts, he would not let this woman marry Xiao Qi.

In his heart, Xiaoyu was still the best match for Lu Zijun.

Yue Lingxi was angry, and she looked at Ling Yuchen with a funny face: "Mr. Ling, bullying is not like you bully, if I am the one lying on the ground dripping with blood at this moment."

Ling Yuchen sneered: "But you are standing there intact now."

Chi Mu glanced at Ling Yuchen, "Yuchen, it's almost over. If you don't have evidence for this matter, you can't say that."

Ling Yuchen looked at his friend with complicated emotions, "I really can't figure it out, don't you guys know Xiaoyu well? Why don't you believe her words?"

Lu Zijun frowned, did Ling Yuchen really want to make trouble with him today?
Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Min Yu slowly stopped crying. It would be bad for her if the quarrel continued, "Brother Chen, my feet hurt so much."

Her foot really hurts, because she fell down hard, it really hurts.

"Xiaoyu, it's okay, the doctor will be here soon." Ling Yuchen comforted her.

At this time, Lu Ziqi also asked the servant to bring a stretcher, and Ling Yuchen put Min Yu on the stretcher and carried her back to the villa for treatment.

Lu Zijun held Yue Lingxi's hand.

Yue Lingxi was a little depressed, she didn't expect Min Yu to risk her life just to blame her.

Lu Zijun suddenly approached her, his gentle breath sprayed in her ears, and a magnetic voice sounded slowly: "Xixi, don't worry, I'm here for everything."

Yue Lingxi smiled, but did not speak.

After the diagnosis at the family hospital, Min Yu was fine. The skin on her forehead was scratched, and the ligament was pulled on her foot. She couldn't walk, so she had to rest well.

There are no other major problems.

Yue Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Yuchen looked at Lu Zijun and said, "Xiaoqi, Xiaoyu is Master's most beloved little apprentice. Now that she is injured and her legs and feet are inconvenient, you can stay here. You have many servants, and it is always inconvenient to go to a hotel." .”

What Ling Yuchen said was exactly what Min Yu wanted, and she knew that Ling Yuchen knew her best.

Lu Zijun pursed the corners of his lips, he didn't want strangers to set foot in the territory of the Lu family.

"Okay!" Lu Zijun didn't agree, but Lu Ziqi did.

"Qiqi." Lu Zijun looked at his sister very puzzled.

Lu Ziqi smiled: "Brother, Ms. Min is your little junior sister. She is inconvenient in her legs and feet. It is indeed not suitable to go back to the hotel. Why don't you let her stay here."

She really wants to see, what kind of tricks is this woman trying to play?
"Sister Yue, let's add a WeChat account." Lu Ziqi walked over with her mobile phone.

Yue Lingxi smiled and nodded, thanking her for believing in her today.

After the two added WeChat, Lu Ziqi was very happy, "Brother, treat Sister Yue well, you must pamper Sister Yue well, and don't let her be bullied."

Lu Zijun couldn't help laughing, his voice loving, "You silly girl, you can really talk, brother will."

Min Yu pursed her lips, this Lu Ziqi was also the one who prevented her from marrying into the Lu family.

"Xixi, I'll take you home." After Lu Zijun finished speaking, he turned around and ordered the servants to take out the prepared cakes and gifts and send them to the car.

Then he left with Yue Lingxi.

Lu Ziqi arranged for Min Yu to live in the guest room on the first floor. After all, she has inconvenient legs and feet, so living on the first floor is just right.

But Min Yu didn't want to live on the first floor, Lu Zijun lived on the second floor, as long as she lived next to her, she would have a chance.

"Qiqi, the scenery on the second floor is good, and there is also an elevator. From the second floor, you can see the beautiful scenery outside. I feel comfortable, and my feet will heal quickly."

As soon as Lu Ziqi heard her words, she knew that she had ulterior motives. She smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Min, the second floor is the room of the three of us, and there is no guest room."

Min Yu couldn't believe it, how could there be no guest room in such a big house?

But she can't do anything about it, because she hasn't married yet, so she said with a smile, "Qiqi, then I'll live on the first floor."

"Yeah!" Lu Ziqi glanced at Aunt Wang, "Aunt Wang, from now on, you will be responsible for Miss Min's diet until her feet recover."

Aunt Wang nodded with a smile: "Okay, miss!"

Seeing that everything was arranged, Ling Yuchen and Min Yu said a few words, and left Lu's house with Chi Mu.

Apart from the gate of the Lu family, Chi Mu looked at Ling Yuchen, "Yuchen, what happened to you just now?"

Ling Yuchen smiled indifferently, and said, "It's nothing, I just want to help Min Yu, she really likes Xiao Qi these years."

"Xiaoqi is a fool again, she may not understand love at all, and Yuelingxi is very beautiful, I am afraid that she will be confused by Yuelingxi's appearance for a while."

When Chi Mu heard it, he smiled and said, "Is it possible? Xiao Qi has always been rational, no matter what time it is, he is more rational than us, how could he be confused by a woman?"

Chi Mu also felt that what happened today was very strange, but there was no evidence, so he couldn't say anything.

In the car, Yue Lingxi sat quietly.

After Lu Zijun drove the car for a certain distance, he turned his head and took a look at Yuelingxi.

"Xixi, you did the right thing just now."

For his praise, Yue Lingxi didn't know whether to be happy or to be thankful, she should be thankful, she didn't misunderstand the person.

She raised her eyes and looked at him with a sweet smile: "Lu Zijun, thank you for trusting me!"

(End of this chapter)

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