Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2399 Want to quickly marry her to the Zhang family

Chapter 2399 I want to marry her home quickly
Chapter 2399: I want to marry her home quickly
"Thank me for what? You're my girlfriend, I didn't protect you well." Lu Zijun was actually blaming himself. There was indeed no monitoring over there, which was why Min Yu took advantage of the loophole and made Xixi feel wronged.

"Stay away from Min Yu in the future." Lu Zijun told her.

Yue Lingxi was a little worried: "She lives in your house, you..."

"Don't worry, no matter how much she wants to climb into my bed, she doesn't have the ability. With Qiqi watching, those girls are very smart, and they won't leave people behind for no reason."

After Lu Zijun finished speaking, he smiled darkly, "So, Xixi, what were you worried about just now?"

Yue Lingxi's eyes flickered, and she quickly lowered her head, "I...what can I think about, just... just worrying about you."

"Hehe..." Lu Zijun smiled and drove seriously.

"What are you laughing at?" Yue Lingxi blushed and asked.

"Nothing?" Lu Zijun was happy, because Yue Lingxi was willing to talk to him about these things and cared about him.

"You still don't say it." Yue Lingxi waited for Meimou to stare at him, and a pair of white hands tightly grasped the strap of the bag in her hand.

The light on the side of the road shone on his face through the glass, and the wind lifted his bangs that were not too long on his forehead, giving him a naughty feeling, but in those usually quiet and indifferent black eyes, there was a twinkle. With a star-like smile, the whole person is also very dazzling.

Yue Lingxi's heart jumped up, and every time, as long as he looked at him so intently, he would be so fascinated that he couldn't tell the north, south, east, and west.

She quickly moved her eyes away, blushing and lowering her head.

"Okay, okay, let me say." Lu Zijun slightly restrained his smile.

"Xixi, don't worry, I've never looked at Min Yu directly. In my impression, she's not bad, but after what happened today, I feel like I've misjudged her."

Yue Lingxi whispered: "Isn't it just a mistake? In order to frame me, she even wanted her life."

Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he knew what his sister meant, he was very happy to have such a person living at home.

"Xixi, I'll go back to live in the apartment near the company these few days. After I come back to work, my mother helped me prepare an apartment there. It's very big. I will go there to rest occasionally. I live here, and we have a date. It's very close, I'll take you there right now, it's just not far from here, we can go to the apartment if we get off work and meet up later." He glanced at the time on the dashboard.

Yue Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Why don't you go back to live with your family?"

Lu Zijun: "I don't like strangers appearing in my house very much."

Yue Lingxi laughed again when she heard this, Lu Zijun regarded Min Yu as a stranger.

I don't know why, but my heart jumped up again.

"Then what if your mother asks? How would you answer?" Yue Lingxi looked at him eagerly, actually wanting to know more about him.

Besides, he often mentioned his mother, as if he listened to her very much.

The corners of Lu Zijun's lips curled into a beautiful curve: "My mother doesn't care much about my private life, as long as I don't mess around, she usually won't talk too much."

"Even if she wants me to tell, I will tell my mother that I have a girlfriend, and my mother will naturally understand what it means."

When Yue Ling heard this, no matter how she heard it, she felt that there were other meanings in it.

Twenty minutes later, the two came downstairs to Lu Zijun's apartment.

This is a large-sized apartment with one floor and one household.

A total of 290 square meters, Lu Zijun can usually come here to rest when he is tired. The environment here is very good and life is very convenient.

After entering the door, the three-dimensional effect of the pure white decoration shocks the vision.

It is a simple and stylish decoration style.

Yue Lingxi was stunned, how rich he is, there are houses everywhere, and each house is beautifully decorated.

"Xixi, do you like this place?" Lu Zijun stretched out his long arms to hug her.

Yue Lingxi raised her eyes and smiled, "I like you, but I like you more. For me, the house doesn't matter how big or small it is, as long as I live with the person I like and live happily."

Lu Zijun also thought the same way, "There is a big room on the second floor, the kitchen is open, less than 10 minutes away from the company, if you get sleepy in the future, come here to rest, we can also cook lunch together. "

After Lu Zijun finished speaking, the phone in his hand rang. Lu Zijun made a silent movement towards Yue Lingxi, and answered the phone.


"Xiaojun, what time do you go to the banquet tomorrow? Can you help Mommy pick up Xiaojixiang and the others at the airport?"

"Okay, Mommy, I've made arrangements, there will be someone to pick them up."

Le Jinyan: "Okay, thank you baby, Mommy will take Xiao Ruyi to the hospital tomorrow, she has been coughing all the time."

Lu Zijun looked worried: "President Yan?"

"Xiao Jun, it's not too serious. It's just that he coughs badly at night. He's fine during the day, but he's always uncomfortable when he's sick. After you pick up Xiao Jixiang, take them there first."

"Okay, Mommy." Lu Zijun hung up the phone, took Yue Lingxi's hand and went to the sofa.

The leather white sofa is very comfortable.

Yue Lingxi looked at him amusedly: "Are you going to date me here in the future?"

Lu Zijun smiled darkly, his eyes gleamed with evil spirits: "Is it not possible? Hmm..." The last word was full of evil spirits, which made people blush and heartbeat.

Yue Lingxi: "Yes, but I like your forest garden more, it's very beautiful."

"I really like the kind of house with a small courtyard. You can grow some vegetables and flowers. You can take care of these things when you are resting, and you can work hard when you are at work."

"Hehe..." Lu Zijun smiled, "My grandpa and grandma have a large vegetable field in the backyard, and you can farm with them."

"Wow! Are grandparents still growing vegetables?" Yue Lingxi was surprised. A family like theirs can be served comfortably without doing anything.

Lu Zijun: "I have been farming all the time. Our family's tomatoes and side dishes are basically grown by their elders. When they are old, their only hobbies are listening to songs, playing chess, and occasionally planting vegetables. What they cook is what they like. matter."

There was a smile and happiness in Lu Zijun's eyes.

He lowered his head, just in time to see Yue Lingxi looking at him with a smile, those talking eyes are charming, the long eyelashes are black and thick, and the jelly-like sexy red lips are even more attractive.

He couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed her lips. This time, Yue Lingxi didn't refuse or dodge, but gradually learned to respond to him as he deepened and lingered.

She doesn't know what will happen in the future, she just wants to love him well and enjoy the feeling of being in love when she is with him.

This time, the gun went off again. After confirming the relationship, after what happened today, the relationship between the two heated up extremely quickly.

They are not reserved, and let go to enjoy the joy and pleasure brought by each other.


When Yue Lingxi returned home, it was already past ten o'clock. She was so tired that she was drowsy.

But when Lu Zijun stopped the car, she still woke up, her little face was blushing, more charming than the moonlight.

Lu Zijun really wanted to marry her back as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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